Friday, November 30, 2012
1112.1088 (Shunsuke C. Furuya et al.)
Boundary Resonances in S = 1/2 Antiferromagnetic Chains under a
Staggered Field [PDF]
Shunsuke C. Furuya, Masaki Oshikawa
1211.6769 (J. Botimer et al.)
Robust Surface Hall Effect and Nonlocal Transport in SmB6: Indication
for an Ideal Topological Insulator [PDF]
J. Botimer, D. J. Kim, S. Thomas, T. Grant, Z. Fisk, Jing Xia
1211.6837 (B. Sbierski et al.)
Rabi-Kondo correlated state in a laser-driven quantum dot [PDF]
B. Sbierski, M. Hanl, A. Weichselbaum, H. E. Tuereci, M. Goldstein, L. I. Glazman, J. von Delft, A. Imamoglu1211.6850 (A. L. Rakhmanov et al.)
Phase separation of antiferromagnetic ground states in systems with
imperfect nesting [PDF]
A. L. Rakhmanov, A. V. Rozhkov, A. O. Sboychakov, Franco Nori
1211.6874 (Stefan Barthel et al.)
Effective Heisenberg exchange integrals of diluted magnetic
semiconductors determined within realistic multi-band tight-binding models [PDF]
Stefan Barthel, Gerd Czycholl, Georges Bouzerar
1211.6941 (Christopher N. Varney et al.)
Quantum phases of hard-core bosons in a frustrated honeycomb lattice [PDF]
Christopher N. Varney, Kai Sun, Victor Galitski, Marcos Rigol1211.7017 (S. Kaiser et al.)
Deconstructing the Hubbard Hamiltonian by Ultrafast Quantum Modulation
Spectroscopy in Solid-state Mott Insulators [PDF]
S. Kaiser, S. R. Clark, D. Nicoletti, G. Cotugno, R. I. Tobey, N. Dean, S. Lupi, H. Okamoto, T. Hasegawa, D. Jaksch, A. Cavalleri
1211.7032 (V. S. Babichenko et al.)
Many-body Correlation Effects in the Spatially Separated Electron and
Hole Layers in the Coupled Quantum Wells [PDF]
V. S. Babichenko, I. Ya. Polishchuk
Thursday, November 29, 2012
1110.5917 (Wei-Cheng Lee et al.)
Non-Fermi Liquid due to Orbital Fluctuations in Iron Pnictide
Superconductors [PDF]
Wei-Cheng Lee, Philip W. Phillips
1211.6495 (Eigo Shintani et al.)
Chiral symmetry breaking in lattice brane QED model [PDF]
Eigo Shintani, Tetsuya Onogi1211.6707 (H. Sakakibara et al.)
Three-orbital study on the orbital distillation effect in the high Tc
cuprates [PDF]
H. Sakakibara, K. Suzuki, H. Usui, K. Kuroki, R. Arita, D. J. Scalapino, H. Aoki
1211.6720 (Benjamin M. Fregoso et al.)
Wigner Crystallization in Electron-Hole Double Layers: Evolution from
Long- to Short-Range Forces [PDF]
Benjamin M. Fregoso, C. A. R. Sá de Melo
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
1211.6130 (Ethan W. Brown et al.)
Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulation of the Warm-Dense Homogeneous
Electron Gas [PDF]
Ethan W. Brown, Bryan K. Clark, Jonathan L. DuBois, David M. Ceperley
1211.6144 (F. L. Boariu et al.)
Momentum-resolved evolution of the Kondo lattice into 'hidden-order' in
URu2Si2 [PDF]
F. L. Boariu, C. Bareille, H. Schwab, A. Nuber, P. Lejay, T. Durakiewicz, F. Reinert, A. F. Santander-Syro
1211.6175 (H. Yokoyama et al.)
Variational study of conduction in doped Mott insulator in terms of
kinetic energy [PDF]
H. Yokoyama, S. Tamura, K. Kobayashi, M. Ogata
1211.6307 (Irakli Titvinidze et al.)
Boundary and finite-size effects in the competition between indirect
magnetic exchange and Kondo screening [PDF]
Irakli Titvinidze, Michael Potthoff
1211.6311 (Kentaro Kuga et al.)
Magnetic order induced by Fe substitution of Al site in the heavy
fermion systems alpha-YbAlB4 and beta-YbAlB4 [PDF]
Kentaro Kuga, Gregory Morrison, LaRico Treadwell, Julia Y. Chan, Satoru Nakatsuji
1211.6328 (André M. Grabinski et al.)
Truncation identities for the small polaron fusion hierarchy [PDF]
André M. Grabinski, Holger Frahm1211.6333 (D. Rotter et al.)
Double Exchange model for nanoscopic clusters [PDF]
D. Rotter, A. Valli, G. Sangiovanni, K. Held1211.6371 (Fedwa El-Mellouhi et al.)
Structural Phase Transitions of the Metal Oxide Perovskites SrTiO3,
LaAlO3 and LaTiO3 Studied with a Screened Hybrid Functional [PDF]
Fedwa El-Mellouhi, Edward N. Brothers, Melissa J. Lucero, Ireneusz W. Bulik, Gustavo E. Scuseria
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
1010.5666 (S. Andergassen et al.)
A renormalization-group analysis of the interacting resonant level model
at finite bias: Generic analytic study of static properties and quench
dynamics [PDF]
S. Andergassen, M. Pletyukhov, D. Schuricht, H. Schoeller, L. Borda
1211.6073 (J. M. P. Carmelo et al.)
Elementary objects of the 1D Hubbard model from its symmetry and exact
solution II [PDF]
J. M. P. Carmelo, P. D. Sacramento
1211.5600 (Moshe Rozali et al.)
Holographic Stripes [PDF]
Moshe Rozali, Darren Smyth, Evgeny Sorkin, Jared B. Stang1211.5764 (Takashi Tonegawa et al.)
Anomalous behavior of the spin gap of a spin-1/2 two-leg
antiferromagnetic ladder with Ising-like rung interactions [PDF]
Takashi Tonegawa, Kiyomi Okamoto, Shunsuke C. Furuya, Toru Sakai
1211.5780 (Fan Wu et al.)
Unconventional superfluid in a two-dimensional Fermi gas with
anisotropic spin-orbit coupling and Zeeman fields [PDF]
Fan Wu, Guang-Can Guo, Wei Zhang, Wei Yi
1211.5782 (J. Chovan et al.)
Field induced phase transitions in the helimagnet Ba2CuGe2O7 [PDF]
J. Chovan, M. Marder, N. Papanicolaou1211.5855 (Yasuyuki Hirata et al.)
Complex Orbital State Stabilized by Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling in a
Metallic Iridium Oxide IrO$_{2}$ [PDF]
Yasuyuki Hirata, Kenya Ohgushi, Jun-ichi Yamaura, Hiroyuki Ohsumi, Soshi Takeshita, Masaki Takata, Takahisa Arima
1211.5863 (Feng Lu et al.)
Correlated Topological Insulators with Mixed Valenc [PDF]
Feng Lu, JianZhou Zhao, Hongming Weng, Zhong Fang, Xi Dai1211.5881 (M. Atiqur R. Patoary et al.)
Momentum Dependent Local-Ansatz Wavefunction from Weak to Strong
Electron Correlations [PDF]
M. Atiqur R. Patoary, Sumal Chandra, Yoshiro Kakehashi
1211.5905 (Davide Fioretto et al.)
Exact out-of-equilibrium central spin dynamics from integrability [PDF]
Davide Fioretto, Jean-Sébastien Caux, Vladimir Gritsev1211.5934 (N. R. Hayre et al.)
Thermodynamic properties of the Yb2Ti2O7 pyrochlore as a function of
temperature and magnetic field: validation of a quantum spin ice exchange
Hamiltonian [PDF]
N. R. Hayre, K. A. Ross, R. Applegate, T. Lin, R. R. P. Singh B. D. Gaulin, M. J. P. Gingras
1211.5967 (Igor Presniakov et al.)
Local structure and hyperfine interactions of 57fe in nafeas studied by
mossbauer spectroscopy [PDF]
Igor Presniakov, Igor Morozov, Alexey Sobolev, Maria Roslova, Alexander Boltalin, Vladimir Son, Olga Volkova, Alexander Vasiliev, Sabine Wurmehl, Bernd Büchner
1211.5998 (Y. Cao et al.)
Coupled Spin-Orbital Texture in a Prototypical Topological Insulator [PDF]
Y. Cao, J. A. Waugh, N. C. Plumb, T. J. Reber, S. Parham, G. Landolt, Z. Xu, A. Yang, J. Schneeloch, G. Gu, J. H. Dil, D. S. Dessau1211.6047 (M. L. Dahlberg et al.)
Low temperature dynamic freezing and the fragility of ordering in
Tb2Sn2O7 [PDF]
M. L. Dahlberg, M. J. Matthews, P. Jiramongkolchai, R. J. Cava, P. Schiffer
1211.6067 (B. Horovitz et al.)
Phase transitions for a collective coordinate coupled to Luttinger
liquids [PDF]
B. Horovitz, T. Giamarchi, P. Le Doussal
Monday, November 26, 2012
1211.5158 (N. Traverso Ziani et al.)
AFM probe for the signatures of Wigner correlations in the conductance
of a one-dimensional quantum dot [PDF]
N. Traverso Ziani, F. Cavaliere, M. Sassetti
1211.5165 (D. Mantelli et al.)
Non-linear Coulomb blockade microscopy of a correlated one-dimensional
quantum dot [PDF]
D. Mantelli, F. Cavaliere, M. Sassetti
1211.5241 (Yasuyuki Hirata et al.)
Observation of Phonon-Assisted Magnon Absorption in Spin-Orbit Coupling
Induced Mott Insulator Sr$_{2}$IrO$_{4}$ [PDF]
Yasuyuki Hirata, Hiroyuki Tajima, Kenya Ohgushi
1211.5289 (Luis G. G. V. Dias da Silva et al.)
Spin-polarized conductance in double quantum dots: Interplay of Kondo,
Zeeman and interference effects [PDF]
Luis G. G. V. Dias da Silva, Edson Vernek, Kevin Ingersent, Nancy P. Sandler, Sergio E. Ulloa
1211.5312 (Shouvik Chatterjee et al.)
Formation of the coherent heavy fermion liquid at the 'hidden order'
transition in URu$_2$Si$_2$ [PDF]
Shouvik Chatterjee, Jan Trinckauf, Torben Hanke, Daniel E. Shai, John W. Harter, Travis J. Williams, Graeme M. Luke, Kyle M. Shen, Jochen Geck
1211.5500 (Tusharkanti Dey et al.)
75As NMR local probe study of magnetism in (Eu1-xKx)Fe2As2 [PDF]
Tusharkanti Dey, P. Khuntia, A. V. Mahajan, Anupam, Z. Hossain1211.5515 (C. B. Gomes et al.)
Mott Insulator to Superfluid Phase Transition in Bravais Lattices via
the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model [PDF]
C. B. Gomes, A. M. C. Souza, F. A. G. Almeida
1211.5518 (David A. Tompsett et al.)
The importance of anisotropic Coulomb interactions and exchange to the
band gap and antiferromagnetism of β-MnO2 from DFT+U [PDF]
David A. Tompsett, Derek S. Middlemiss, M. Saiful Islam
1211.5519 (G. Drera et al.)
Band offsets and density of Ti3+ states probed by X-ray photoemission on
LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterointerfaces and their LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 bulk precursors [PDF]
G. Drera, G. Salvinelli, A. Brinkman, M. Huijben, G. Koster, H. Hilgenkamp, G. Rijnders, D. Visentin, L. Sangaletti
1211.5522 (F. Casola et al.)
Field-induced quantum soliton lattice in a frustrated two-leg spin-1/2
ladder [PDF]
F. Casola, T. Shiroka, A. Feiguin, S. Wang, M. S. Grbić, M. Horvatić, S. Krämer, S. Mukhopadhyay, C. Berthier, H. -R. Ott, H. M. Rønnow, Ch. Rüegg, J. Mesot
1211.5532 (Xiaohang Zhang et al.)
Hybridization, Correlation, and In-Gap States in the Kondo Insulator
SmB6 [PDF]
Xiaohang Zhang, N. P. Butch, P. Syers, S. Ziemak, Richard L. Greene, J. Paglione
1211.5549 (Takuro Tanaka et al.)
Extrinsic Spin Hall Effect Due to Transition-Metal Impurities [PDF]
Takuro Tanaka, Hiroshi Kontani1211.5569 (Alexey Shuvaev et al.)
Room temperature electrically tunable broadband terahertz Faraday effect [PDF]
Alexey Shuvaev, Andrei Pimenov, Georgy V. Astakhov, Mathias Mühlbauer, Christoph Brüne, Hartmut Buhmann, Laurens W. MolenkampThursday, November 22, 2012
1211.4872 (Tom Griffin et al.)
Lifshitz Gravity for Lifshitz Holography [PDF]
Tom Griffin, Petr Horava, Charles M. Melby-Thompson1211.4885 (M. Charlebois et al.)
Mott p-n Junctions in layered materials [PDF]
M. Charlebois, S. R. Hassan, R. Karan, D. Sénéchal, A. -M. S. Tremblay1211.4903 (Katharina Boguslawski et al.)
Optimized Unrestricted Kohn-Sham Potentials from Ab Initio Spin
Densities [PDF]
Katharina Boguslawski, Christoph R. Jacob, Markus Reiher
1211.4922 (E. F. Schwier et al.)
Unusual temperature dependence of the spectral weight near the Fermi
level of NdNiO3 thin films [PDF]
E. F. Schwier, R. Scherwitzl, Z. Vydrova, M., Garcia-Fernandez, M. Gibert, P. Zubko, M. G. Garnier, J. -M. Triscone, P. Aebi
1211.5026 (Ai Yamakage et al.)
Quantum criticality of the disordered topological insulator [PDF]
Ai Yamakage, Kentaro Nomura, Ken-Ichiro Imura, Yoshio Kuramoto1211.5093 (Gang Li et al.)
Competing phases of the Hubbard model on a triangular lattice --
insights from the entropy [PDF]
Gang Li, Andrey E. Antipov, Alexey N. Rubtsov, Stefan Kirchner, Werner Hanke
1211.5104 (Steven Wolgast et al.)
Discovery of the First True Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator:
Samarium Hexaboride [PDF]
Steven Wolgast, Cagliyan Kurdak, Kai Sun, J. W. Allen, Dae-Jeong Kim, Zachary Fisk
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
0909.0876 (M. Majumder et al.)
Crossover of the dimensionality of 3d spin fluctuations in LaCoPO [PDF]
M. Majumder, K. Ghoshray, A. Ghoshray, B. Bandyopadhyay, B. Pahari, S. Banerjee1211.4635 (Fengjie Ma et al.)
Excited state calculations in solids by auxiliary-field quantum Monte
Carlo [PDF]
Fengjie Ma, Shiwei Zhang, Henry Krakauer
1211.4659 (John Timmerwilke et al.)
$a-b$ Plane Point Contact Spectroscopy measurements of optimally Cobalt
doped Ba-122 iron-pnictide superconductors [PDF]
John Timmerwilke, E. Kim, J. Maughan, J. S. Kim, G. R. Stewart, Amlan Biswas
1211.4679 (Shin-ichi Fujimori et al.)
Itinerant Nature of U 5f States in Uranium Mononitride UN Revealed by
Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy [PDF]
Shin-ichi Fujimori, Takuo Ohkochi, Tetsuo Okane, Yuji Saitoh, Atsushi Fujimori, Hiroshi Yamagami, Yoshinori Haga, Etsuji Yamamoto, Yoshichika Onuki
1211.4681 (Jagdish Kumar et al.)
Enhanced superconducting performance of melt quenched Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8
(Bi-2212) superconductor [PDF]
Jagdish Kumar, Devina Sharma, P. K. Ahluwalia, V. P. S. Awana
1211.4739 (Carmine Autieri et al.)
Structural and electronic properties of Sr2RuO4-Sr3Ru2O7 heterostructure [PDF]
Carmine Autieri, Mario Cuoco, Canio Noce1211.4741 (B. Náfrádi et al.)
Bond Randomness Induced Magnon Decoherence in a Spin-1/2 Ladder Compound [PDF]
B. Náfrádi, T. Keller, H. Manaka, U. Stuhr, A. Zheludev, B. Keimer1211.4761 (Xiao Lin et al.)
The Fermi surface of the most dilute superconductor [PDF]
Xiao Lin, Zengwei Zhu, Benoit Fauque, Kamran Behnia1211.4773 (James M. Hickey et al.)
Time-integrated observables as order parameters for dynamical phase
transitions in closed quantum systems [PDF]
James M. Hickey, Sam Genway, Igor Lesanovsky, Juan P. Garrahan
1211.4822 (J. L. Cohn et al.)
Stoichiometry, structure, and transport in the quasi-one-dimensional
metal, Li(0.9)Mo(6)O(17) [PDF]
J. L. Cohn, P. Boynton, J. S. Trivino, J. Trastoy, B. D. White, C. A. M. dos Santos, J. J. Neumeier
1211.4843 (Ofer Aharony et al.)
The Thermal Free Energy in Large N Chern-Simons-Matter Theories [PDF]
Ofer Aharony, Simone Giombi, Guy Gur-Ari, Juan Maldacena, Ran YacobyTuesday, November 20, 2012
1109.3955 (Mayukh Majumder et al.)
Anisotropic spin-fluctuations in SmCoPO revealed by 31^P NMR measurement [PDF]
Mayukh Majumder, K. Ghoshray, A. Ghoshray, Anand Pal, V. P. S. Awana1211.4054 (R. Orus et al.)
Bounds on universal quantum computation with perturbed 2d cluster states [PDF]
R. Orus, H. Kalis, M. Bornemann, K. P. Schmidt1211.4073 (S. -H. Baek et al.)
Persistence of singlet fluctuations in the coupled spin tetrahedra
system Cu2Te2O5Br2 revealed by high-field magnetization and 79Br NQR - 125Te
S. -H. Baek, K. -Y. Choi, H. Berger, B. Büchner, H. -J. Grafe
1211.4087 (Jean-Sebastien Bernier et al.)
Emergence of long distance pair coherence through incoherent local
environmental coupling [PDF]
Jean-Sebastien Bernier, Peter Barmettler, Dario Poletti, Corinna Kollath
1211.4203 (Sh. Chillal et al.)
Microscopic Coexistence of Antiferromagnetic and Spin-Glass States [PDF]
Sh. Chillal, M. Thede, F. J. Litterst, S. N. Gvasaliya, T. A. Shaplygina, S. G. Lushnikov, A. Zheludev1211.4205 (V. R. Shaginyan et al.)
Decoding the magnetic-field-tuned quantum critical regime of Sr3Ru2O7 [PDF]
V. R. Shaginyan, A. Z. Msezane, K. G. Popov, J. W. Clark, M. V. Zverev, V. A. Khodel1211.4280 (M. J. Matthews et al.)
High temperature onset of field-induced transitions in the spin-ice
compound Dy2Ti2O7 [PDF]
M. J. Matthews, C. Castelnovo, R. Moessner, S. A. Grigera, D. Prabhakaran, P. Schiffer
1211.4325 (M. Majumder et al.)
Evidence of structural phase transition in superconducting
SmFeAsO_(1-x)F_x from 19^F NMR [PDF]
M. Majumder, K. Ghoshray, C. Mazumdar, A. Poddar, A. Ghoshray, D. Berardan, N. Dragoe
1211.4344 (V. Brouet et al.)
Measuring Fermi velocities with ARPES in narrow band systems. The case
of layered cobaltates [PDF]
V. Brouet, A. Nicolaou, M. Zacchigna, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran
1211.4357 (A. Machens et al.)
The even-odd effect in short antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains [PDF]
A. Machens, N. P. Konstantinidis, O. Waldmann, I. Schneider, S. Eggert1211.4450 (Farzaneh Zamani et al.)
Quantum criticality in the two-channel pseudogap Anderson model: A test
of the non-crossing approximation [PDF]
Farzaneh Zamani, Tathagata Chowdhury, Pedro Ribeiro, Kevin Ingersent, Stefan Kirchner
1211.4538 (Alioscia Hamma et al.)
Local response of topological order to an external perturbation [PDF]
Alioscia Hamma, Lukasz Cincio, Siddhartha Santra, Paolo Zanardi, Luigi AmicoMonday, November 19, 2012
1109.1588 (Spyridon Michalakis et al.)
Stability of Frustration-Free Hamiltonians [PDF]
Spyridon Michalakis, Justyna Pytel1211.3748 (Chung-Hou Chung et al.)
Non-equilibrium quantum transport through a dissipative resonant level [PDF]
Chung-Hou Chung, Karyn Le Hur, Gleb Finkelstein, Matthias Vojta, Peter Woelfle1211.3780 (Gyungchoon Go et al.)
Three-Band Model for Quantum Hall and Spin Hall Effects [PDF]
Gyungchoon Go, Jin-Hong Park, Jung Hoon Han1211.3872 (Liu Huo et al.)
The competing spin orders and fractional magnetization plateaus of
classical Heisenberg model on Shastry-Sutherland lattice: Consequence of
long-range interactions [PDF]
Liu Huo, Weichuan Huang, Zhibo Yan, Xingtao Jia, Xingsen Gao, Minghui Qin, Junming Liu
1211.3877 (Himadri Shekhar Dhar et al.)
Characterizing Genuine Multisite Entanglement in Isotropic Spin Lattices [PDF]
Himadri Shekhar Dhar, Aditi Sen De, Ujjwal Sen1211.3943 (J. Laverock et al.)
Photoemission evidence for crossover from Peierls-like to Mott-like
transition in highly strained VO$_2$ [PDF]
J. Laverock, A. R. H. Preston, D. Newby Jr, K. E. Smith, S. Sallis, L. F. J. Piper, S. Kittiwatanakul, J. W. Lu, S. A. Wolf, M. Leandersson, T. Balasubramanian
1211.3944 (Youichi Yamakawa et al.)
Zigzag chain structure transition and orbital fluctuations in Ni-based
superconductors [PDF]
Youichi Yamakawa, Seiichiro Onari, Hiroshi Kontani
1211.3992 (W. Knafo et al.)
High-field non-reversible moment reorientation in the antiferromagnet
Fe$_{1.1}$Te [PDF]
W. Knafo, R. Viennois, G. Ballon, X. Fabrèges, F. Duc, C. Detlefs, J. Léotin, E. Giannini
Friday, November 16, 2012
1211.3477 (Chun Chen et al.)
Coexistence of Enhanced Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism:
Possible Correlated Phase Transitions in Trilayer High-Tc Cuprates [PDF]
Chun Chen, A. Fujimori, C. S. Ting, Yan Chen
1211.3499 (I. A. Nekrasov et al.)
LDA'+DMFT Investigation of Electronic Structure of K{1-x}Fe{2-y}Se2
Superconductor [PDF]
I. A. Nekrasov, N. S. Pavlov, M. V. Sadovskii
1211.3529 (T. Taniguchi et al.)
Long-range order and spin liquid states of polycrystalline
Tb$_{2+x}$Ti$_{2-x}$O$_{7+y}$ [PDF]
T. Taniguchi, H. Kadowaki, H. Takatsu, B. Fåk, J. Ollivier, T. Yamazaki, T. J. Sato, H. Yoshizawa, Y. Shimura, T. Sakakibara, T. Hong, K. Goto, L. R. Yaraskavitch, J. B. Kycia
1211.3536 (N. Teneh et al.)
Spin-Droplet State of an Interacting 2D Electron System [PDF]
N. Teneh, A. Yu. Kuntsevich, V. M. Pudalov, M. Reznikov1211.3631 (Sergey Kulagin et al.)
Bold Diagrammatic Monte Carlo technique for frustrated spin systems [PDF]
Sergey Kulagin, Nikolay Prokof'ev, Oleg Starykh, Boris Svistunov, Christopher N. Varney1211.3639 (Xin Huang et al.)
Strain-engineered A-type antiferromagnetic order in YTiO$_3$: a
first-principles calculation [PDF]
Xin Huang, Yankun Tang, Shuai Dong
1211.3695 (Yuting Hu et al.)
Twisted Quantum Double Model of Topological Phases in Two--Dimension [PDF]
Yuting Hu, Yidun Wan, Yong-Shi Wu1211.3705 (R. J. Goetsch et al.)
Antiferromagnetism in EuNiGe3 [PDF]
R. J. Goetsch, V. K. Anand, D. C. Johnston1211.3733 (Michael P. Zaletel et al.)
Topological characterization of fractional quantum Hall ground states
from microscopic Hamiltonians [PDF]
Michael P. Zaletel, Roger S. K. Mong, Frank Pollmann
Thursday, November 15, 2012
1211.3123 (Emanuel Gull et al.)
Energetics of superconductivity in the two dimensional Hubbard model [PDF]
Emanuel Gull, Andrew J. Millis1211.3183 (T. Onimaru et al.)
Simultaneous Superconducting and Antiferroquadrupolar Transitions in
PrRh$_{2}$Zn$_{20}$ [PDF]
T. Onimaru, N. Nagasawa, K. T. Matsumoto, K. Wakiya, K. Umeo, S. Kittaka, T. Sakakibara, Y. Matsushita, T. Takabatake
1211.3236 (Zala Lenarčič et al.)
Ultrafast charge recombination in photoexcited Mott-Hubbard insulator [PDF]
Zala Lenarčič, Peter Prelovšek1211.3241 (Anindya Biswas et al.)
Genuine Multipartite Entanglement Trends in Gapless-gapped Transitions
of Quantum Spin Systems [PDF]
Anindya Biswas, R. Prabhu, Aditi Sen De, Ujjwal Sen
1211.3243 (A. Chiesa et al.)
Many-body models for molecular nanomagnets [PDF]
A. Chiesa, S. Carretta, P. Santini, G. Amoretti, E. Pavarini1211.3252 (Masakazu Matsubara et al.)
Giant third-order magneto-optical rotation in ferromagnetic EuO [PDF]
Masakazu Matsubara, Andreas Schmehl, Jochen Mannhart, Darrell G. Schlom, Manfred Fiebig1211.3353 (B. Estienne et al.)
Matrix Product States and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect [PDF]
B. Estienne, Z. Papic, N. Regnault, B. A. Bernevig1211.3406 (A. C. Seridonio et al.)
Dimensionality effects in the LDOS of ferromagnetic hosts probed via
STM: spin-polarized quantum beats and spin filtering [PDF]
A. C. Seridonio, S. C. Leandro, L. H. Guessi, E. C. Siqueira, F. M. Souza, E. Vernek, M. S. Figueira, J. C. Egues
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
1111.6720 (Simil Thomas et al.)
Fused Azulenes: Possible Organic Multiferroics [PDF]
Simil Thomas, S. Ramasesha, Karen Hallberg, Daniel Garcia1211.2813 (C. -C. Chen et al.)
Doping Evolution of Oxygen K-edge X-ray Absorption Spectra in Cuprate
Superconductors [PDF]
C. -C. Chen, M. Sentef, Y. F. Kung, C. J. Jia, R. Thomale, B. Moritz, A. P. Kampf, T. P. Devereaux
1211.2828 (D. E. Shai et al.)
Quasiparticle mass enhancement and temperature evolution of the
electronic structure in ferromagnetic SrRuO3 [PDF]
D. E. Shai, C. Adamo, D. W. Shen, C. M. Brooks, J. W. Harter, E. J. Monkman, B. Burganov, D. G. Schlom, K. M. Shen
1211.2844 (Yasuhiro Shimizu et al.)
An orbital-selective spin liquid in a frustrated heavy fermion spinel
LiV$_2$O$_4$ [PDF]
Yasuhiro Shimizu, Hikaru Takeda, Moe Tanaka, Masayuki Itoh, Seiji Niitaka, Hidenori Takagi
1211.2984 (N. Hollmann et al.)
Correlation effects in CaCu3Ru4O12 [PDF]
N. Hollmann, Z. Hu, A. Maignan, A. Günther, L. -Y. Jang, A. Tanaka, H. -J. Lin, C. T. Chen, P. Thalmeier, L. H. Tjeng1211.2989 (Jiang Zhou et al.)
Topological Majorana Lattice Model: Induced "Topological Superconductor"
on Topological Superconductor with Vortex-lattice [PDF]
Jiang Zhou, Ya-Jie Wu, Rong-Wu Li, Su-Peng Kou
1211.2999 (Cosima Schuster et al.)
On the ferromagnetic character of (LaVO$_3$)$_m$/SrVO$_3$ superlattices [PDF]
Cosima Schuster, Ulrike Lueders, Udo Schwingenschloegl, Raymond Fresard1211.3051 (V. F. Correa et al.)
High-magnetic field lattice length changes in URu2Si2 [PDF]
V. F. Correa, S. Francoual, M. Jaime, N. Harrison, T. P. Murphy, E. C. Palm, S. W. Tozer, A. H. Lacerda, P. A. Sharma, J. A. Mydosh1211.3059 (Jan Carl Budich et al.)
Fluctuation driven topological Hund insulator [PDF]
Jan Carl Budich, Björn Trauzettel, Giorgio SangiovanniTuesday, November 13, 2012
1211.2015 (N. Lanatà et al.)
Orbital Selectivity in Hund's metals: The Iron Chalcogenides [PDF]
N. Lanatà, H. U. R. Strand, G. Giovannetti, B. Hellsing, L. de' Medici, M. Capone1211.2236 (C. Karrasch et al.)
Nonequilibrium thermal transport and its relation to linear response [PDF]
C. Karrasch, R. Ilan, J. E. Moore1211.2348 (G. A. Skorobagatko et al.)
Magnetopolaronic effects in electron transport through a single-level
vibrating quantum dot [PDF]
G. A. Skorobagatko, S. I. Kulinich, I. V. Krive, R. I. Shekhter, M. Jonson
1211.2403 (A. P. Pyatakov et al.)
Electric polarization of magnetic textures: new horizons of
micromagnetism [PDF]
A. P. Pyatakov, G. A. Meshkov, A. K. Zvezdin
1211.2474 (Fabian H. L. Essler et al.)
Shell-Filling Effect in the Entanglement Entropies of Spinful Fermions [PDF]
Fabian H. L. Essler, Andreas M. Läuchli, Pasquale Calabrese1211.2515 (Bibekananda Maji et al.)
Anomalous magnetic, transport and thermal properties of Gd5Ge3 [PDF]
Bibekananda Maji, K. G. Suresh, A. K. Nigam1211.2704 (L. Tagliacozzo et al.)
Simulations of non-Abelian gauge theories with optical lattices [PDF]
L. Tagliacozzo, A. Celi, P. Orland, M. Lewenstein1211.2724 (David LeBoeuf et al.)
Thermodynamic phase diagram of static charge order in underdoped YBCO [PDF]
David LeBoeuf, S. Krämer, W. N. Hardy, Ruixing Liang, D. A. Bonn, Cyril Proust1211.2735 (V. I. Val`kov et al.)
Formation of non-collinear magnetic states in the Fe(2-x)Mn(x)As system [PDF]
V. I. Val`kov, A. V. Golovchan, D. V. Varyukhin, H. Szymczak, V. P. DyakonovMonday, November 12, 2012
1211.2080 (N. Xu et al.)
ARPES observation of isotropic superconducting gaps in isovalent
Ru-substituted Ba(Fe$_{0.75}$Ru$_{0.25}$)$_2$As$_2$ [PDF]
N. Xu, P. Richard, X. -P. Wang, X. Shi, A. van Roekeghem, T. Qian, E. Ieki, K. Nakayama, T. Sato, E. Rienks, S. Thirupathaiah, J. Xing, H. -H. Wen, M. Shi, T. Takahashi, H. Ding
1211.2083 (Dan-Dan Su et al.)
Local Entanglement Entropy at the Mott Metal-Insulator Transition in
Infinite Dimensions [PDF]
Dan-Dan Su, Xi Dai, Ning-Hua Tong
Friday, November 9, 2012
1204.3103 (Xin Gao et al.)
Non-Equilibrium Field Dynamics of an Honest Holographic Superconductor [PDF]
Xin Gao, Matthias Kaminski, Hua-Bi Zeng, Hai-Qing Zhang1211.1676 (Ru Chen et al.)
Ground States of Spin-1/2 Triangular Antiferromagnets in a Magnetic
Field [PDF]
Ru Chen, Hyejin Ju, Hong-Chen Jiang, Oleg A. Starykh, Leon Balents
1211.1682 (Simon Streib et al.)
Solution of the Anderson impurity model via the functional
renormalization group [PDF]
Simon Streib, Aldo Isidori, Peter Kopietz
1211.1687 (Saeed S. Jahromi et al.)
Robustness of a topological phase: Topological color code in parallel
magnetic field [PDF]
Saeed S. Jahromi, Mehdi Kargarian, S Farhad Masoudi, Kai Phillip Schmidt
1211.1691 (Yi Zhang et al.)
Spin Orbit Magnetism and Unconventional Superconductivity [PDF]
Yi Zhang, Kevin S. Bedell1211.1702 (G. Sordi et al.)
c-axis resistivity, pseudogap, superconductivity and Widom line in doped
Mott insulators [PDF]
G. Sordi, P. Sémon, K. Haule, A. -M. S. Tremblay
1211.1734 (Hyunyong Lee et al.)
Doniach Diagram of Disordered Electron Systems [PDF]
Hyunyong Lee, Stefan Kettemann1211.1735 (Yu-Wen Lee et al.)
Stability of three-sublattice order in S=1 bilinear-biquadratic
Heisenberg Model on anisotropic triangular lattices [PDF]
Yu-Wen Lee, Yung-Chung Chen, Min-Fong Yang
1211.1749 (Hantao Lu et al.)
Photoinduced spin-order destructions in one-dimensional extended Hubbard
model [PDF]
Hantao Lu, Shigetoshi Sota, Hiroaki Matsueda, Janez Bonča, Takami Tohyama
1211.1774 (M. Hohenadler et al.)
Correlation effects in two-dimensional topological insulators [PDF]
M. Hohenadler, F. F. Assaad1211.1805 (Hirofumi Sakakibara et al.)
First-principles band structure and FLEX approach to the pressure effect
on $T_c$ of the cuprate superconductors [PDF]
Hirofumi Sakakibara, Katsuhiro Suzuki, Hidetomo Usui, Kazuhiko Kuroki, Ryotaro Arita, Douglas J. Scalapino, Hideo Aoki
1211.1829 (T. Yokobori et al.)
Electronic structure of hole-doped delafossite oxides
CuCr_{1-x}Mg_{x}O_{2} [PDF]
T. Yokobori, M. Okawa, K. Konishi, R. Takei, K. Katayama, S. Oozono, T. Shinmura, T. Okuda, H. Wadati, E. Sakai, K. Ono, H. Kumigashira, M. Oshima, T. Sugiyama, E. Ikenaga, N. Hamada, T. Saitoh
1211.1667 (Shigeto Hirai et al.)
Giant atomic displacement induced by built-in strain in metastable
Mn$_3$O$_4$ [PDF]
Shigeto Hirai, Antonio M. dos Santos, Maxwell C. Shapiro, Jamie J. Molaison, Neelam Pradhan, Malcolm Guthrie, Christopher A. Tulk, Ian R. Fisher, Wendy L. Mao
1211.1870 (Y. Huang et al.)
Effect of disorder in the charge-density-wave compounds LaTe$_{1.95}$
and CeTe$_{1.95-x}$Se$_x$ (x=0 and 0.16) as revealed by optical spectroscopy [PDF]
Y. Huang, B. F. Hu, T. Dong, A. F. Fang, P. Zheng, N. L. Wang
1211.1906 (Jun Xiong et al.)
Tuning the quantum oscillations of surface Dirac electrons in the
topological insulator Bi$_2$Te$_2$Se by liquid gating [PDF]
Jun Xiong, Yuehaw Khoo, Shuang Jia, R. J. Cava, N. P. Ong
1211.1925 (Claude Monney et al.)
Determining the Short-Range Spin Correlations in Cuprate Chain Materials
with Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering [PDF]
Claude Monney, Valentina Bisogni, Ke Jin Zhou, Roberto Kraus, Vladimir N. Strocov, Gunter Behr, Jiri Malek, Roman Kuzian, Stefan-Ludwig Drechsler, Steve Johnston, Alexandre Revcolevschi, Bernd Buchner, Henrik M. Ronnow, Jeroen van den Brink, Jochen Geck, Thorsten Schmitt
1211.1943 (Shuai Dong et al.)
Magnetic and Orbital Order in ($R$MnO$_3$)$_n$/($A$MnO$_3$)$_{2n}$
Superlattices Studied via a Double-Exchange Model with Strain [PDF]
Shuai Dong, Qinfang Zhang, Seiji Yunoki, J. -M. Liu, Elbio Dagotto
Thursday, November 8, 2012
1211.1598 (Koudai Sugimoto et al.)
Spin Dynamics and Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering in Chromium with
Commensurate Spin-Density Wave Order [PDF]
Koudai Sugimoto, Zhi Li, Eiji Kaneshita, Kenji Tsutsui, Takami Tohyama
1211.1381 (Niko Jokela et al.)
Fluctuations and instabilities of a holographic metal [PDF]
Niko Jokela, Matti Jarvinen, Matthew Lippert1211.1384 (Michael Knap et al.)
Phonon mediated correlation effects on the transport properties of a
benzene molecular transistor [PDF]
Michael Knap, Enrico Arrigoni, Wolfgang von der Linden
1211.1391 (Vivek Aji et al.)
Topological Magneto-Chiral Kerr effect [PDF]
Vivek Aji, Yan He, Chandra Varma1211.1418 (W. Knafo et al.)
Antiferromagnetic criticality at a heavy-fermion quantum phase
transition [PDF]
W. Knafo, S. Raymond, P. Lejay, J. Flouquet
1211.1443 (M. S. Grbić et al.)
Microscopic properties of the "pinwheel" kagome compound
Rb_2Cu_3SnF_{12} [PDF]
M. S. Grbić, M. Horvatić, S. Krämer, C. Berthier, H. Tanaka
1211.1504 (Jiquan Pei et al.)
An efficient Monte Carlo algorithm for the evaluation of Renyi
entanglement entropy of a general quantum dimer model at the R-K point [PDF]
Jiquan Pei, Qiang Han, Haijun Liao, Tao Li
1211.1517 (Viacheslav A. Chizhikov et al.)
Multi-shell contribution to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya spiralling in
MnSi-type crystals [PDF]
Viacheslav A. Chizhikov, Vladimir E. Dmitrienko
1211.1540 (J. Liu et al.)
Lattice and spin excitations in multiferroic h-YbMnO3 [PDF]
J. Liu, C. Toulouse, P. Rovillain, M. Cazayous, Y. Gallais, M. -A. Measson, S. W. Cheong, N. Lee, A. Sacuto1211.1615 (P. L. Bach et al.)
Tuning the thermoelectric properties of SrTiO3 by controlled oxygen
doping [PDF]
P. L. Bach, V. Leborán, V. Pardo, A. S. Botana, D. Baldomir, F. Rivadulla
1211.1644 (Zhenyu Zhou et al.)
Heat equation approach to geometric changes of the torus Laughlin-state [PDF]
Zhenyu Zhou, Zohar Nussinov, Alexander SeidelWednesday, November 7, 2012
1211.1160 (Netanel Naftalis et al.)
Angular dependence of the Hall effect of lsmo films [PDF]
Netanel Naftalis, Noam Haham, Jason Hoffman, Matthew S. J. Marshall, C. H. Ahn, Lior Klein1211.1195 (Frank Pollmann et al.)
Linear quantum quench in the Heisenberg XXZ chain: Out of equilibrium
Luttinger liquid description of a lattice system [PDF]
Frank Pollmann, Masudul Haque, Balázs Dóra
1211.1199 (J. H. Sun et al.)
Indirect exchange of magnetic impurities in zigzag graphene ribbon [PDF]
J. H. Sun, F. M. Hu, H. K. Tang, W. Guo, H. Q. Lin1211.1201 (Peter P. Orth et al.)
Non-perturbative stochastic method for driven quantum impurity systems [PDF]
Peter P. Orth, Adilet Imambekov, Karyn Le Hur1211.1221 (Qing-Ping Ding et al.)
Anisotropies and Homogeneities of Superconducting Properties in
Iron-Platinum-Arsenide Ca10(Pt3As8)(Fe1.79Pt0.21As2)5 [PDF]
Qing-Ping Ding, Yuji Tsuchiya, Yue Sun, Toshihirotaen, Yasuyuki Nakajima, Tsuyoshi Tamegai
1211.1260 (O. Janson et al.)
Structure and magnetism of Cr2[BP3O12]: Towards the "quantum-classical"
crossover in a spin-3/2 alternating chain [PDF]
O. Janson, S. Chen, A. A. Tsirlin, S. Hoffmann, J. Sichelschmidt, Q. Huang, Z. -J. Zhang, M. -B. Tang, J. -T. Zhao, R. Kniep, H. Rosner
1211.1261 (X. M. Wang et al.)
Low-temperature heat transport and magnetic-structure transition of the
hexagonal TmMnO_3 single crystals [PDF]
X. M. Wang, Z. Y. Zhao, C. Fan, X. G. Liu, Q. J. Li, F. B. Zhang, L. M. Chen, X. Zhao, X. F. Sun
1211.1324 (Ciro Taranto et al.)
Comparing $GW$+DMFT and LDA+DMFT for the testbed material SrVO$_3$ [PDF]
Ciro Taranto, Merzuk Kaltak, Nicolaus Parragh, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Georg Kresse, Alessandro Toschi, Karsten Held1211.1326 (W. Knafo et al.)
High-field moment polarization in the ferromagnetic superconductor
UCoGe; similarities with the URhGe-case [PDF]
W. Knafo, T. D. Matsuda, D. Aoki, F. Hardy, G. W. Scheerer, G. Ballon, M. Nardone, A. Zitouni, C. Meingast, J. Flouquet
1211.1336 (Lukas Stille et al.)
Optical Signatures of the Tunable Band Gap and Valley-Spin Coupling in
Silicene [PDF]
Lukas Stille, Calvin J. Tabert, Elisabeth J. Nicol
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
1203.4929 (Arijit Saha et al.)
A quantum dot close to Stoner instability: the role of Berry's Phase [PDF]
Arijit Saha, Yuval Gefen, Igor Burmistrov, Alexander Shnirman, Alexander Altland1211.0562 (Xiang Hu et al.)
Topological phases in layered pyrochlore oxide thin films along the
[111] direction [PDF]
Xiang Hu, Andreas Rüegg, Gregory A. Fiete
1211.0597 (Motoaki Hirayama et al.)
Derivation of Static Low-Energy Effective Models by ab initio
Downfolding Method without Double Counting of Coulomb Correlations:
Application to SrVO3, FeSe and FeTe [PDF]
Motoaki Hirayama, Takashi Miyake, Masatoshi Imada
1211.0636 (E. D. Mun et al.)
Magnetic field tuned quantum criticality of heavy fermion system YbPtBi [PDF]
E. D. Mun, S. L. Bud'ko, C. Martin, H. Kim, M. A. Tanatar, J. -H. Park, T. Murphy, G. M. Schmiedeshoff, N. Dilley, R. Prozorov, P. C. Canfield1211.0772 (Jianhui Zhou et al.)
Topological Invariants of Metals and Related Physical Effects [PDF]
Jianhui Zhou, Hua Jiang, Qian Niu, Junren Shi1211.0826 (Peter Boross et al.)
A unified theory of the Elliott-Yafet and the D'yakonov-Perel'
spin-relaxation mechanisms [PDF]
Peter Boross, Balazs Dora, Annamaria Kiss, Ferenc Simon
1211.0838 (B. Dolgin et al.)
Metastable Resistivity States and Conductivity Fluctuations in Low-doped
La$_{1-x}$Ca$_{x}$MnO$_3$ Manganite Single Crystals [PDF]
B. Dolgin, M. Belogolovskii, X. D. Wu, V. Markovich, G. Jung
1211.0965 (Omer Sinwani et al.)
Indication for macroscopic quantum tunneling below 10 K in
nanostructures of SrRuO3 [PDF]
Omer Sinwani, James W. Reiner, Lior Klein
1211.0982 (Mohammad Soltanieh-ha et al.)
Class of variational ansaetze for the "spin-incoherent" ground-state of
a Luttinger liquid coupled to a spin bath [PDF]
Mohammad Soltanieh-ha, Adrian E. Feiguin
Monday, November 5, 2012
1110.2782 (Xin Wang et al.)
Covalency, double-counting and the metal-insulator phase diagram in
transition metal oxides [PDF]
Xin Wang, M. J. Han, Luca de' Medici, Hyowon Park, C. A. Marianetti, Andrew J. Millis
1211.0293 (D. M. Kennes et al.)
Nonequilibrium dynamics of the ohmic spin-boson model [PDF]
D. M. Kennes, O. Kashuba, M. Pletyukhov, H. Schoeller, V. Meden1211.0294 (Anushya Chandran et al.)
Kibble-Zurek Scaling and String-Net Coarsening in Topologically Ordered
Systems [PDF]
Anushya Chandran, F. J. Burnell, Vedika Khemani, S. L. Sondhi
1211.0321 (Alexander Selem et al.)
Entanglement Entropy at Generalized RK Points of Quantum Dimer Models [PDF]
Alexander Selem, C. M. Herdman, K. Birgitta Whaley1211.0446 (Lucas Barreto et al.)
Detecting the local transport properties and the dimensionality of
transport of epitaxial graphene by a multi-point probe approach [PDF]
Lucas Barreto, Edward Perkins, Jens Johannsen, Søren Ulstrup, Felix Fromm, Christian Raidel, Thomas Seyller, Philip Hofmann
1211.0534 (Z. H. Zhu et al.)
Perovskite BaCrO_{3}: completing a materials system with an anomalous
Mott transition [PDF]
Z. H. Zhu, F. J. Rueckert, J. I. Budnick, W. A. Hines, M. Jain, H. Zhang, B. O. Wells
Sunday, November 4, 2012
0812.4077 (Jinwu Ye et al.)
Optical Bragg, atom Bragg and cavity QED detections of quantum phases
and excitation spectra of ultracold atoms in bipartite and frustrated optical
lattices [PDF]
Jinwu Ye, Keye Zhang, Yan Li, Yan Chen, Weiping Zhang
1211.0006 (Brian Swingle et al.)
Oscillating terms in the Renyi entropy of Fermi liquids [PDF]
Brian Swingle, Jeremy McMinis, Norm M. Tubman1211.0034 (Andrew K. Mitchell et al.)
Kondo effect on the surface of 3D topological insulators: Signatures in
scanning tunneling spectroscopy [PDF]
Andrew K. Mitchell, Dirk Schuricht, Matthias Vojta, Lars Fritz
1211.0066 (Atsushi Onosaka et al.)
Large Diamagnetism of AV2Al20 (A = Y and La) [PDF]
Atsushi Onosaka, Yoshihiko Okamoto, Jun-Ichi Yamaura, Takahiro Hirose, Zenji Hiroi1211.0095 (Toshimitsu Ito et al.)
Laser-diode-heated floating zone (LDFZ) method appropriate to crystal
growth of incongruently melting materials [PDF]
Toshimitsu Ito, Tomoharu Ushiyama, Yuji Yanagisawa, Yasuhide Tomioka, Isamu Shindo, Atsushi Yanase
1211.0096 (Satoshi Yamazaki et al.)
Repulsive interaction helps superconductivity in fullerides [PDF]
Satoshi Yamazaki, Yoshio Kuramoto1211.0112 (Zi-Jian Yao et al.)
Theory for charge and orbital density wave states in manganite
La$_{0.5}$Sr$_{1.5}$MnO$_4$ [PDF]
Zi-Jian Yao, Wei-Qiang Chen, Jin-Hua Gao, Hong-Min Jiang, Fu-Chun Zhang
1211.0209 (M. Bonitz et al.)
Nonequilibrium Green's function approach to the pair distribution
function of quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium [PDF]
M. Bonitz, S. Hermanns, K. Kobusch, K. Balzer
1211.0240 (Tanmoy Das et al.)
Self-consistent spin-fluctuation spectrum and correlated electronic
structure of actinides [PDF]
Tanmoy Das, Jian-Xin Zhu, Matthias J. Graf
Thursday, November 1, 2012
1210.8341 (V. Ta Phuoc et al.)
Temperature driven Vanadium clusterization and band gap enlargement in
the layered misfit compound (LaS)$_{1.196}$VS$_2$ [PDF]
V. Ta Phuoc, V. Brouet, B. Corraze, E. Janod, L. Cario
1210.8187 (A. Zorko et al.)
Quantum Tunneling in Half-Integer-Spin Kagome-Lattice Langasites [PDF]
A. Zorko, F. Bert, P. Mendels, A. Potočnik, A. Amato, C. Baines, K. Marty, P. Bordet, P. Lejay, E. Lhotel, V. Simonet, R. Ballou1210.8199 (M. Arlego et al.)
Quantum phases of a frustrated four-leg spin tube [PDF]
M. Arlego, W. Brenig, Y. Rahnavard, B. Willenberg, H. D. Rosales, G. Rossini1210.8226 (Kin Fai Mak et al.)
Observation of tightly bound trions in monolayer MoS2 [PDF]
Kin Fai Mak, Keliang He, Changgu Lee, Gwan Hyoung Lee, James Hone, Tony F. Heinz, Jie Shan1210.8228 (J. H. Sun et al.)
Magnetic impurity in the vicinity of a vacancy in bilayer graphene [PDF]
J. H. Sun, F. M. Hu, H. K. Tang, H. Q. Lin1210.8377 (Gia-Wei Chern et al.)
Engineering Degeneracy: a Critical Ground State for Artificial Spin Ice [PDF]
Gia-Wei Chern, Muir J. Morrison, Cristiano Nisoli1210.8382 (M. P. Allan et al.)
Formation and consequences of heavy d-electron quasiparticles in
Sr3Ru2O7 [PDF]
M. P. Allan, A. Tamai, E. Rozbicki, M. H. Fischer, J. Voss, P. D. C. King, W. Meevasana, S. Thirupathaiah, E. Rienks, J. Fink, A. Tennant, R. S. Perry, J. F. Mercure, M. A. Wang, C. J. Fennie, E. -A. Kim, M. J. Lawler, K. M. Shen, A. P. Mackenzie, Z. -X. Shen, F. Baumberger
1210.8403 (Marlon Rodney et al.)
Scaling of entanglement entropy across Lifshitz transitions [PDF]
Marlon Rodney, H. Francis Song, Sung-Sik Lee, Karyn Le Hur, Erik Sorensen1210.8411 (N. Doiron-Leyraud et al.)
Hall and Nernst coefficients of underdoped HgBa2CuO4+d: Fermi-surface
reconstruction in an archetypal cuprate superconductor [PDF]
N. Doiron-Leyraud, S. Lepault, O. Cyr-Choiniere, B. Vignolle, F. Laliberte, J. Chang, N. Barisic, M. K. Chan, L. Ji, X. Zhao, Y. Li, M. Greven, C. Proust, L. Taillefer
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