Monday, April 23, 2012

1109.0226 (Yuan-Ming Lu et al.)

Symmetry protected fractional Chern insulators and fractional
topological insulators

Yuan-Ming Lu, Ying Ran

1111.2009 (R. G. Pereira et al.)

Charge dynamics in half-filled Hubbard chains with finite on-site

R. G. Pereira, K. Penc, S. R. White, P. D. Sacramento, J. M. P. Carmelo

1112.6243 (Yin Zhong et al.)

Two-dimensional confinement of critical U(1) gauge field in the presence
of Fermi surface

Yin Zhong, Ke Liu, Yong-Qiang Wang, Hong-Gang Luo

1201.3655 (X. -P. Wang et al.)

Orbital Characters Determined from Fermi Surface Intensity Patterns
using Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

X. -P. Wang, P. Richard, Y. -B. Huang, H. Miao, L. Cevey, N. Xu, Y. -J. Sun, T. Qian, Y. -M. Xu, M. Shi, J. -P. Hu, X. Dai, H. Ding

1204.4463 (Pina Romaniello et al.)

Beyond the GW approximation: combining correlation channels    [PDF]

Pina Romaniello, Friedhelm Bechstedt, Lucia Reining

1204.4471 (R. Comin et al.)

Na2IrO3 as a spin-orbit-assisted antiferromagnetic insulator with a 350
meV gap

R. Comin, G. Levy, B. Ludbrook, Z. -H. Zhu, C. N. Veenstra, J. A. Rosen, Yogesh Singh, P. Gegenwart, D. Stricker, J. N. Hancock, D. van der Marel, I. S. Elfimov, A. Damascelli

1204.4531 (Y. Araki et al.)

Spin Versus Charge Density Wave Order in Graphene-like Systems    [PDF]

Y. Araki, G. W. Semenoff

1204.4552 (Jing He et al.)

Composite Spin Liquid in Correlated Topological Insulator - Spin Liquid
without Spin-Charge Separation

Jing He, Ying Liang, Su-Peng Kou

1204.4582 (Yu. S. Ponosov et al.)

Electronic Raman scattering in metals: effects of electron-phonon

Yu. S. Ponosov, S. V. Streltsov

1204.4632 (J. Spehling et al.)

Magnetic order and spin dynamics in the proximity of a ferromagnetic
quantum critical point: A μSR study of YbNi4P2

J. Spehling, M. Günther, C. Krellner, N. Yèche, H. Luetkens, C. Baines, C. Geibel, H. -H. Klauss

1204.4673 (J. Gonzalez)

Higher-order renormalization of graphene many-body theory    [PDF]

J. Gonzalez

1204.4695 (Konstantin Kikoin et al.)

Interplay between Kondo tunneling and Rashba precession    [PDF]

Konstantin Kikoin, Yshai Avishai

1204.4711 (N. Pavlenko et al.)

Oxygen vacancies at titanate interfaces: two-dimensional magnetism and
orbital reconstruction

N. Pavlenko, T. Kopp, E. Y. Tsymbal, J. Mannhart, G. A. Sawatzky