Wednesday, March 7, 2012

1110.6314 (Cheng Guo et al.)

Critical and strong-coupling phases in one- and two-bath spin-boson

Cheng Guo, Andreas Weichselbaum, Jan von Delft, Matthias Vojta

1112.1800 (Jonas A. Kjäll et al.)

Edge excitations of bosonic fractional quantum Hall phases in optical

Jonas A. Kjäll, Joel E. Moore

1112.3045 (Dirk Schuricht)

Spectral properties of one-dimensional spiral spin density wave states    [PDF]

Dirk Schuricht

1201.5106 (Mark Senn et al.)

Electronic Orders in the Verwey Structure of Magnetite    [PDF]

Mark Senn, Ingo Loa, Jon P. Wright, J. Paul Attfield

1203.1047 (Jeffrey G. Rau et al.)

Hidden and antiferromagnetic order as a rank-5 superspin in URu2Si2    [PDF]

Jeffrey G. Rau, Hae-Young Kee

1203.1091 (E. Shintani et al.)

Chiral symmetry breaking in lattice QED model with fermion brane    [PDF]

E. Shintani, T. Onogi

1203.1120 (Satoshi Ejima et al.)

Characterization of Mott-insulating and superfluid phases in the
one-dimensional Bose--Hubbard model

Satoshi Ejima, Holger Fehske, Florian Gebhard, Kevin zu Münster, Michael Knap, Enrico Arrigoni, Wolfgang von der Linden

1203.1124 (Lei Wang et al.)

Interaction induced topological phase transition in
Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model

Lei Wang, Xi Dai, X. C. Xie

1203.1161 (T. Lancaster et al.)

Persistent dynamics in the S=1/2 quasi-one-dimensional chain compound
Rb4Cu(MoO4)3 probed with muon-spin relaxation

T. Lancaster, P. J. Baker, F. L. Pratt, S. J. Blundell, W. Hayes, D. Prabhakaran

1203.1181 (W. H. P. Nielsen et al.)

Signatures of orbital loop currents in the spatially resolved local
density of states

W. H. P. Nielsen, W. A. Atkinson, B. M. Andersen

1203.1200 (Daniel Niermann et al.)

Dielectric properties of charge ordered LuFe2O4 revisited: The apparent
influence of contacts

Daniel Niermann, Florian Waschkowski, Joost de Groot, Manuel Angst, Joachim Hemberger

1203.1201 (F. Schrettle et al.)

Wüstite: Electric, thermodynamic and optical properties of FeO    [PDF]

F. Schrettle, Ch. Kant, P. Lunkenheimer, F. Mayr, J. Deisenhofer, A. Loidl