Monday, June 17, 2013

1306.3224 (Sarah Harrison)

Landau Levels, Anisotropy and Holography    [PDF]

Sarah Harrison

1306.3223 (Chong Wang et al.)

Gapped Symmetry Preserving Surface-State for the Electron Topological

Chong Wang, Andrew C. Potter, T. Senthil

1306.3230 (Parsa Bonderson et al.)

A Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Phase at the Surface of a 3D
Topological Insulator

Parsa Bonderson, Chetan Nayak, Xiao-Liang Qi

1306.3238 (Chong Wang et al.)

Classification of interacting electronic topological insulators in three

Chong Wang, Andrew C. Potter, T. Senthil

1306.3250 (Xie Chen et al.)

Symmetry Enforced Non-Abelian Topological Order at the Surface of a
Topological Insulator

Xie Chen, Lukasz Fidkowski, Ashvin Vishwanath

1306.3258 (Thomas C. Lang et al.)

Dimerized Solids and Resonating Plaquette Order in SU(N)-Dirac Fermions    [PDF]

Thomas C. Lang, Zi Yang Meng, Alejandro Muramatsu, Stefan Wessel, Fakher F. Assaad

1306.3263 (Adolfo Avella et al.)

Emery vs. Hubbard model for cuprate superconductors: a Composite
Operator Method study

Adolfo Avella, Ferdinando Mancini, Francesco Paolo Mancini, Evgeny Plekhanov

1306.3268 (Gerardo Ortiz et al.)

Repulsive Interactions in Quantum Hall Systems as a Pairing Problem    [PDF]

Gerardo Ortiz, Zohar Nussinov, Jorge Dukelsky, Alexander Seidel

1306.3286 (Max A. Metlitski et al.)

A symmetry-respecting topologically-ordered surface phase of 3d electron
topological insulators

Max A. Metlitski, C. L. Kane, Matthew P. A. Fisher

1306.3333 (S. V. Streltsov)

Magnetic moment suppression in Ba3CoRu2O9: hybridization effect    [PDF]

S. V. Streltsov

1306.3344 (Yegor Korovin et al.)

Lifshitz from AdS at finite temperature and top down models    [PDF]

Yegor Korovin, Kostas Skenderis, Marika Taylor

1306.3382 (Sam T. Carr et al.)

Spinful fermionic ladders at incommensurate filling: Phase diagram,
local perturbations, and ionic potentials

Sam T. Carr, Boris N. Narozhny, Alexander A. Nersesyan

1306.3399 (F. A. Gómez Albarracín et al.)

Spin-phonon induced magnetic order in Kagome ice    [PDF]

F. A. Gómez Albarracín, D. C. Cabra, H. D. Rosales, G. L. Rossini

1306.3453 (Kalpataru Pradhan et al.)

Interfacial Magnetism in Manganite Superlattices    [PDF]

Kalpataru Pradhan, Arno P. Kampf

1306.3472 (Y. Tokiwa et al.)

Zero-field Quantum Critical Point in CeCoIn$_5$    [PDF]

Y. Tokiwa, P. Gegenwart, E. D. Bauer