Monday, July 8, 2013

1212.3666 (Hong Liu et al.)

Spontaneous Generation of Angular Momentum in Holographic Theories    [PDF]

Hong Liu, Hirosi Ooguri, Bogdan Stoica, Nicolas Yunes

1307.1473 (Siavosh R. Behbahani et al.)

Electrons turn into anyons under an elastic membrane    [PDF]

Siavosh R. Behbahani, Claudio Chamon, Emanuel Katz

1307.1475 (Eric J. Monkman et al.)

Quantum many-body interactions in digital oxide superlattices    [PDF]

Eric J. Monkman, Carolina Adamo, Julia A. Mundy, Daniel E. Shai, John W. Harter, Dawei Shen, Bulat Burganov, David A. Muller, Darrell G. Schlom, Kyle M. Shen

1307.1486 (Tarun Grover)

Quantum Entanglement of Interacting Fermions in Monte Carlo    [PDF]

Tarun Grover

1307.1494 (C. M. Varma)

Pseudogap in Cuprates and other Metals or How to Almost Elude Bloch's

C. M. Varma

1307.1519 (Sanghyun Lee et al.)

Negative magnetostrictive magnetoelectric coupling of BiFeO3    [PDF]

Sanghyun Lee, M. T. Fernandez-Diaz, H. Kimura, Y. Noda, D. T. Adroja, Seongsu Lee, Junghwan Park, V. Kiryukhin, S-W. Cheong, M. Mostovoy, Je-Geun Park

1307.1522 (Sukhwinder Singh et al.)

Global symmetries in tensor network states: symmetric tensors versus
minimal bond dimension

Sukhwinder Singh, Guifre Vidal

1307.1535 (Michael Holt et al.)

Spin liquid phase due to competing classical orders in the semiclassical
theory of the Heisenberg model with ring exchange on an anisotropic
triangular lattice

Michael Holt, Ben J. Powell, Jaime Merino

1307.1607 (G. Sun et al.)

Spin-orbit coupled fermions in ladder-like optical lattices at

G. Sun, J. Jaramillo, L. Santos, T. Vekua

1307.1614 (Emilian Marius Nica et al.)

Quantum critical Kondo destruction in the Bose-Fermi Kondo model with a
local transverse field

Emilian Marius Nica, Kevin Ingersent, Jian-Xin Zhu, Qimiao Si

1307.1636 (Solene Guitteny et al.)

Palmer-Chalker correlations in the XY pyrochlore antiferromagnet

Solene Guitteny, Sylvain Petit, Elsa Lhotel, Julien Robert, Pierre Bonville, Anne Forget, Isabelle Mirebeau

1307.1668 (Olga Petrova et al.)

Unpaired Majorana modes in the gapped phase of Kitaev's honeycomb model    [PDF]

Olga Petrova, Paula Mellado, Oleg Tchernyshyov

1307.1673 (M. Le Tacon et al.)

Giant phonon anomalies and central peak due to charge density wave
formation in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6.6}$

M. Le Tacon, A. Bosak, S. M. Souliou, G. Dellea, T. Loew, R. Heid, K. -P. Bohnen, G. Ghiringhelli, M. Krisch, B. Keimer

1307.1693 (Luis Craco et al.)

Orbital-Selective Mottness in Layered Iron Oxychalcogenides: The Case of

Luis Craco, Mukul S. Laad, Stefano Leoni