Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1211.0838 (B. Dolgin et al.)

Metastable Resistivity States and Conductivity Fluctuations in Low-doped
La$_{1-x}$Ca$_{x}$MnO$_3$ Manganite Single Crystals

B. Dolgin, M. Belogolovskii, X. D. Wu, V. Markovich, G. Jung
Conductivity noise in dc current biased La_{0.82}Ca_{0.18}MnO_{3} single crystals has been investigated in different metastable resistivity states enforced by applying voltage pulses to the sample at low temperatures. Noise measured in all investigated resistivity states is of 1/f-type and its intensity at high temperatures and low dc bias scales as a square of the bias. At liquid nitrogen temperatures for under bias exceeding a threshold value, the behavior of the noise deviates from above quasi- equilibrium modulation noise and depends in a non monotonic way on applied bias. The bias range of nonequilibrium 1/f noise coincides with the range at which the conductance increases linearly with bias voltage. This feature is attributed to a broad continuity of states enabling indirect inelastic tunneling across intrinsic tunnel junctions. The nonequilibrium noise has been ascribed to indirect intrinsic tunneling mechanism while resistivity changes in metastable states to variations in the energy landscape for charge carriers introduced by microcracks created by the pulse procedures employed
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.0838

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