Friday, March 9, 2012

1110.2666 (D. S. Golubev et al.)

Coulomb blockade of non-local electron transport in metallic conductors    [PDF]

D. S. Golubev, A. D. Zaikin

1201.0538 (T. F. Qi et al.)

Strong magnetic instability in correlated metal Bi2Ir2O7    [PDF]

T. F. Qi, O. B. Korneta, Xiangang Wan, L. E. DeLong, P. Schlottmann, G. Cao

1203.1621 (W. T. Fuhrman et al.)

Dynamical structure factor of quasi-2D antiferromagnet in high fields    [PDF]

W. T. Fuhrman, M. Mourigal, M. E. Zhitomirsky, A. L. Chernyshev

1203.1712 (Masashige Matsumoto et al.)

Coexistence of Even- and Odd-Frequency Superconductivities Under Broken
Time-Reversal Symmetry

Masashige Matsumoto, Mikito Koga, Hiroaki Kusunose

1203.1719 (Shun Tamura et al.)

Variational Monte Carlo Study of Spin-Gapped Normal State and BCS-BEC
Crossover in Two-Dimensional Attractive Hubbard Model

Shun Tamura, Hisatoshi Yokoyama

1203.1726 (Sören Henning et al.)

Ferromagnetism and non-local correlations in the Hubbard model    [PDF]

Sören Henning, Wolfgang Nolting

1203.1727 (Tomaz Prosen et al.)

Diffusive high-temperature transport in the one-dimensional Hubbard

Tomaz Prosen, Marko Znidaric

1203.1752 (Julien Varignon et al.)

First principles calculation of the phonons modes in the hexagonal $\rm
YMnO_3$ ferroelectric and paraelectric phases

Julien Varignon, Sébastien Petit, Marie-Bernadette Lepetit

1203.1827 (T. Jarlborg et al.)

Effects of thermal- and spin- fluctuations on the band structure of
purple bronze Li$_2$Mo$_{12}$O$_{34}$

T. Jarlborg, P. Chudzinski, T. Giamarchi

1203.1834 (Y. Texier et al.)

NMR in the 245 iron-selenides Rb0.74Fe1.6Se2: phase separation between
an antiferromagnet and a superconducting Rb0.3Fe2Se2

Y. Texier, J. Deisenhofer, V. Tsurkan, A. Loidl, D. S. Inosov, G. Friemel, J. Bobroff

1203.1861 (Han Hsu et al.)

Ferromagnetic insulating state in tensile-strained LaCoO$_3$ thin films    [PDF]

Han Hsu, Peter Blaha, Renata M. Wentzcovitch

1203.1865 (M. Schmitt et al.)

Tuning the Eu valence in EuPd_3B_x: pressure versus valence electron
count - a combined computational and experimental study

M. Schmitt, R. Gumeniuk, A. Trapananti, G. Aquilanti, C. Strohm, K. Meier, U. Schwarz, M. Hanfland, W. Schnelle, A. Leithe-Jasper, H. Rosner

1203.1906 (A. Braggio et al.)

Environmental induced renormalization effects in quantum Hall edge

A. Braggio, D. Ferraro, M. Carrega, N. Magnoli, M. Sassetti

1203.1914 (Dominika Zgid et al.)

Truncated Configuration Interaction expansions as solvers for correlated
quantum impurity models and dynamical mean field theory

Dominika Zgid, Emanuel Gull, Garnet Chan