Monday, August 27, 2012

1108.4426 (Vivek Aji)

Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly in Weyl semi-metals: Application to Pyrochlore

Vivek Aji

1111.5805 (T. Kirzhner et al.)

Unconventional superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3    [PDF]

T. Kirzhner, E. Lahoud, K. B. Chaska, Z. Salman, A. Kanigel

1201.2181 (Gang Chen et al.)

Frustrated quantum critical theory of putative spin-liquid phenomenology
in 6H-B-Ba3NiSb2O9

Gang Chen, Michael Hermele, Leo Radzihovsky

1201.2246 (Tanmoy Das)

Spin-orbit density wave induced hidden topological order in URu2Si2    [PDF]

Tanmoy Das

1208.4853 (Gang Chen et al.)

Magnetic orders and topological phases from f-d exchange in pyrochlore

Gang Chen, Michael Hermele

1208.4862 (Michael P. Zaletel et al.)

Exact Matrix Product States for Quantum Hall Wave Functions    [PDF]

Michael P. Zaletel, Roger S. K. Mong

1208.4914 (Nan-Hong Kuo et al.)

Solitons and spin transport in an antiferromagnetic spin chain    [PDF]

Nan-Hong Kuo, Sujit Sarkar, C. D. Hu

1208.4919 (K. Mydeen et al.)

Hydrostatic and chemical pressure tuning of CeFeAs_1-xP_xO single

K. Mydeen, E. Lengyel, A. Jesche, C. Geibel, M. Nicklas

1208.4924 (Alastair Kay)

The Shifting Sands of Quantum Error Correction Thresholds    [PDF]

Alastair Kay

1208.4925 (Wan-Sheng Wang et al.)

Competing electronic orders on Kagome lattices at van Hove filling    [PDF]

Wan-Sheng Wang, Zheng-Zhao Li, Yuan-Yuan Xiang, Qiang-Hua Wang

1208.5006 (Florian Kretzschmar et al.)

Evidence of competing s- and d-wave pairing channels in iron-based

Florian Kretzschmar, Bernhard Muschler, Thomas Böhm, Andreas Baum, Rudi Hackl, Hai-Hu Wen, Vladimir Tsurkan, Joachim Deisenhofer, Alois Loidl