Wednesday, September 19, 2012

1209.3823 (Zohar Nussinov et al.)

Mapping between finite temperature classical and zero temperature
quantum systems: quantum critical jamming and quantum dynamical

Zohar Nussinov, Patrick Johnson, Alexander V. Balatsky, Matthias J. Graf

1209.3861 (Chao-Ming Jian et al.)

Momentum-space instantons and maximally localized flat-band topological

Chao-Ming Jian, Zheng-Cheng Gu, Xiao-Liang Qi

1209.3874 (E. Orignac et al.)

Response functions in multicomponent Luttinger liquids    [PDF]

E. Orignac, R. Citro

1209.3881 (Pei Wang)

The excitation operator approach to non-Markovian dynamics of quantum
impurity models in the Kondo regime

Pei Wang

1209.3898 (Andrea Cadarso et al.)

Entanglement, fractional magnetization and long-range interactions    [PDF]

Andrea Cadarso, Mikel Sanz, Michael M. Wolf, J. Ignacio Cirac, David Perez-Garcia

1209.3947 (Stefan Uebelacker et al.)

Self-energy feedback and frequency-dependent interactions in the
functional renormalization group flow for the two-dimensional Hubbard model

Stefan Uebelacker, Carsten Honerkamp

1209.3965 (Tokuro Shimokawa et al.)

Nontrivial ferrimagnetism of the Heisenberg model on the Union Jack
strip lattice

Tokuro Shimokawa, Hiroki Nakano

1209.4055 (D. J. J. Marchand et al.)

Lattice model for the surface states of a topological insulator with
applications to magnetic and exciton instabilities

D. J. J. Marchand, M. Franz