Thursday, January 17, 2013

1301.3494 (E. M. Stoudenmire et al.)

Real-Space Parallel Density Matrix Renormalization Group    [PDF]

E. M. Stoudenmire, Steven R. White

1301.3495 (Andrew C. Potter et al.)

Mechanisms for Sub-Gap Optical Conductivity in Herbertsmithite    [PDF]

Andrew C. Potter, T. Senthil, Patrick A. Lee

1301.3501 (Daniel V. Pilon et al.)

Spin Induced Optical Conductivity in the Spin Liquid Candidate

Daniel V. Pilon, Chun Hung Lui, Tianheng Han, David B. Shrekenhamer, Alex J. Frenzel, William J. Padilla, Young S. Lee, Nuh Gedik

1301.3538 (Wing-Ho Ko et al.)

Ordering and criticality in an underscreened Kondo chain    [PDF]

Wing-Ho Ko, Hong-Chen Jiang, Jeffrey G. Rau, Leon Balents

1301.3540 (Xin-Zhong Yan et al.)

Ground State of Electrons in Bilayer Graphene    [PDF]

Xin-Zhong Yan, C. S. Ting

1301.3564 (Jun Won Rhim et al.)

Emergent p-wave Kondo Coupling in Multi-Orbital Bands with Mirror
Symmetry Breaking

Jun Won Rhim, Jung Hoon Han

1301.3660 (X. Z. Lu et al.)

High Temperature Ferromagnetic-Ferroelectric Multiferroicity in Strained

X. Z. Lu, X. G. Gong, H. J. Xiang

1301.3670 (Sachin B. Gupta et al.)

Magnetic, magnetocaloric and transport properties of HoRuSi compound    [PDF]

Sachin B. Gupta, K. G. Suresh, A. K. Nigam

1301.3674 (J. Baranski et al.)

Replicas of the Fano resonances induced by phonons in a subgap Andreev

J. Baranski, T. Domanski

1301.3713 (A. B. Shick et al.)

Unified character of correlation effects in unconventional Pu-based
superconductors and δ-Pu

A. B. Shick, J. Kolorenc, J. Rusz, P. M. Oppeneer, A. I. Lichtenstein, M. I. Katsnelson, R. Caciuffo

1301.3735 (Davide Rossini et al.)

Topological pumping in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model    [PDF]

Davide Rossini, Marco Gibertini, Vittorio Giovannetti, Rosario Fazio

1301.3736 (B. A. Gray et al.)

Enhanced Spin and Electronic Reconstructions at the Cuprate-Manganite

B. A. Gray, E. J. Moon, I. C. Tung, M. Kareev, Jian Liu, D. J. Meyers, M. J. Bedzyk, J. W. Freeland, J. Chakhalian

1301.3809 (N. Nessi et al.)

Quantum quench dynamics of the Coulomb Luttinger model    [PDF]

N. Nessi, A. Iucci