Thursday, May 30, 2013

1305.6625 (M. B. Hastings)

Classifying Quantum Phases With The Torus Trick    [PDF]

M. B. Hastings

1305.6651 (D. V. Khveshchenko)

Simulating holographic correspondence in flexible graphene    [PDF]

D. V. Khveshchenko

1305.6703 (Jozef Strecka et al.)

Exact Ground States of Frustrated Spin-1 Ising-Heisenberg and Heisenberg
Ladders in a Magnetic Field

Jozef Strecka, Frederic Michaud, Frederic Mila

1305.6704 (Jozef Strecka et al.)

Magnetization Process and Adiabatic Demagnetization of the
Antiferromagnetic Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Cubic Cluster

Jozef Strecka, Jana Cisarova

1305.6719 (Matteo D'Astuto et al.)

Phonon anomalies and lattice dynamics in superconducting oxychlorides

Matteo D'Astuto, Ikuya Yamada, Paola Giura, Lorenzo Paulatto, Andrea Gauzzi, Moritz Hoesch, Michael Krisch, Masaki Azuma, Mikio Takano

1305.6731 (M. Schäpers et al.)

Thermodynamic Properties of the Frustrated Spin-chain Compound Linarite

M. Schäpers, A. U. B. Wolter, S. -L. Drechsler, S. Nishimoto, M. Abdel-Hafiez, W. Schottenhamel, B. Büchner, J. Richter, B. Ouladdiaf, M. Uhlarz, R. Beyer, Y. Skourski, J. Wosnitza, K. C. Rule, H. Ryll, B. Klemke, K. Kiefer, M. Reehuis, B. Willenberg, S. Süllow

1305.6740 (Arghya Dutta et al.)

Holographic entanglement entropy in imbalanced superconductors    [PDF]

Arghya Dutta, Sujoy Kumar Modak

1305.6798 (J. P. F. LeBlanc et al.)

Equation of State of the Fermionic 2D Hubbard Model    [PDF]

J. P. F. LeBlanc, Emanuel Gull

1305.6848 (Shaon Sahoo et al.)

A dimerized and frustrated spin model with alternating ferromagnetic and
antiferromagnetic exchanges: investigating quantum phases of Heisenberg spin
chains with s = 1/2 and 1

Shaon Sahoo, V. M. L. Durga Prasad Goli, Diptiman Sen, S. Ramasesha

1305.6852 (V. W. Scarola)

Vortex Attachment via Matrix Products: Application to Flat Spin-Orbit

V. W. Scarola

1305.6853 (Q. J. Li et al.)

Magnetically originated phonon-glass-like behavior in Tb_2Ti_2O_7 single

Q. J. Li, Z. Y. Zhao, C. Fan, F. B. Zhang, H. D. Zhou, X. Zhao, X. F. Sun

1305.6891 (Aurel Bulgac et al.)

Quantum Friction: Cooling Quantum Systems with Unitary Time Evolution    [PDF]

Aurel Bulgac, Michael McNeil Forbes, Kenneth J. Roche, Gabriel Wlazłowski

1305.6892 (Jae Wook Kim et al.)

Multiferroicity with coexisting isotropic and anisotropic spins in

Jae Wook Kim, Y. Kamiya, E. D. Mun, M. Jaime, N. Harrison, J. D. Thompson, H. T. Yi, Y. S. Oh, S. -W. Cheong, C. D. Batista, V. S. Zapf

1305.6893 (P. Wiegmann)

Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Fractional Quantum Hall States    [PDF]

P. Wiegmann

1305.6911 (Christian Bartsch et al.)

Thermal drag in spin ladders coupled to phonons    [PDF]

Christian Bartsch, Wolfram Brenig