Monday, December 3, 2012

1211.7067 (Jean-Michel Carter et al.)

Microscopic theory of magnetism in Sr3Ir2O7    [PDF]

Jean-Michel Carter, Hae-Young Kee

1211.7072 (S. Y. Mueller et al.)

Magnetic field effects on the finite-frequency noise and ac conductance
of a Kondo quantum dot out of equilibrium

S. Y. Mueller, M. Pletyukhov, D. Schuricht, S. Andergassen

1211.7078 (Kien Trinh et al.)

Bond Disorder in Even-Leg Heisenberg Ladders    [PDF]

Kien Trinh, Stephan Haas

1211.7093 (Lizardo H. C. M. Nunes et al.)

The competition between the superconducting and the excitonic phases on
doped Dirac electronic systems

Lizardo H. C. M. Nunes, R. L. S. Farias, E. C. Marino

1211.7176 (Hidetomo Usui et al.)

Large Seebeck effect in the electron-doped FeAs$_2$ driven by quasi one
dimensional pudding-mold type band

Hidetomo Usui, Kazuhiko Kuroki, Seiya Nakano, Kazutaka Kudo, Minoru Nohara

1211.7179 (Hiroya Sakurai)

Spontaneous magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of LaVO3    [PDF]

Hiroya Sakurai

1211.7185 (Tatsuya Yanagisawa et al.)

Γ3-type Lattice Instability and the Hidden Order of URu2Si2    [PDF]

Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Shota Mombetsu, Hiroyuki Hidaka, Hiroshi Amitsuka, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Shadi Yasin, Sergei Zherlitsyn, Jochen Wosnitza, Kevin Huang, M. Brian Maple

1211.7241 (Y. X. Zhao et al.)

Topological Classification of Fermi Surfaces    [PDF]

Y. X. Zhao, Z. D. Wang

1211.7328 (Miaoyin Wang et al.)

Paramagnetic spin excitations in insulating Rb$_{0.8}$Fe$_{1.6}$Se$_2$    [PDF]

Miaoyin Wang, Xingye Lu, R. A. Ewings, Leland W. Harriger, Yu Song, Scott V. Carr, Chunhong Li, Rui Zhang, Pengcheng Dai