Thursday, May 3, 2012
1205.0026 (Ronen Vosk et al.)
Many-body localization in one dimension as a dynamical renormalization
Ronen Vosk, Ehud Altman1205.0032 (Rui Jiang et al.)
Reversible tuning of the surface state in a psuedo-binary Bi2(Te-Se)3
topological insulator [PDF]
Rui Jiang, Lin-Lin Eang, Mianliang Huang, R. S. Dhaka, Duane D. Johnson, Thomas A. Lograsso, Adam Kaminski
1205.0051 (W. S. Lee et al.)
Resonant Enhancement of Charge Density Wave Diffraction in the
Rare-Earth Tritellurides [PDF]
W. S. Lee, A. P. Sorini, M. Yi, Y. D. Chuang, B. Moritz, W. L. Yang, J. -H. Chu, H. H. Kuo, A. G. Cruz Gonzalez, I. R. Fisher, Z. Hussain, T. P. Devereaux, Z. X. Shen
1205.0113 (Vladimir N. Strocov et al.)
Three-Dimensional Fermiology by Soft-X-Ray ARPES: Origin of Charge
Density Waves in VSe2 [PDF]
Vladimir N. Strocov, Ming Shi, Masaki Kobayashi, Claude Monney, Xiaoqiang Wang, Juraj Krempasky, Thorsten Schmitt, Luc Patthey, Helmuth Berger, Peter Blaha
1205.0239 (P. Chudzinski et al.)
Luttinger liquid theory of purple bronze $Li_{0.9}Mo_6O_{17}$ in the
charge regime [PDF]
P. Chudzinski, T. Jarlborg, T. Giamarchi
1205.0341 (A. Bermudez et al.)
Quantum Magnetism of Spin-Ladder Compounds with Trapped-Ion Crystals [PDF]
A. Bermudez, J. Almeida, K. Ott, H. Kaufmann, S. Ulm, F. Schmidt-Kaler, A. Retzker, M. B. Plenio1205.0374 (François Crépin et al.)
Renormalization group approach for the scattering off a single Rashba
impurity in a helical liquid [PDF]
François Crépin, Jan Carl Budich, Fabrizio Dolcini, Patrik Recher, Björn Trauzettel
1205.0404 (Marcin Raczkowski et al.)
Dimensional-crossover-driven Mott transition in the frustrated Hubbard
model [PDF]
Marcin Raczkowski, Fakher F. Assaad
1205.0425 (Raymond Fresard et al.)
Magnetic transitions in strong coupling expansions for nearly degenerate
states [PDF]
Raymond Fresard, Christian Hackenberger, Thilo Kopp
1205.0434 (I. I. Mazin et al.)
Formation of quasi-molecular orbitals and suppression of spin-orbit
coupling in Na2IrO3 [PDF]
I. I. Mazin, H. O. Jeschke, R. Valenti, D. I. Khomskii
1205.0489 (Sevda Avci et al.)
Phase Diagram of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 [PDF]
Sevda Avci, Omar Chmaissem, Duck-Young Chung, Stephan Rosenkranz, Eugene A. Goremychkin, John-Paul Castellan, Ilya S. Todorov, John A. Schlueter, Helmut Claus, Aziz Daoud-Aladine, Dmitry D. Khalyavin, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Raymond Osborn1205.0511 (T. L. Van den Berg et al.)
Orbital polaron in double exchange ferromagnets [PDF]
T. L. Van den Berg, P. Lombardo, R. O. Kuzian, R. Hayn
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