Friday, June 14, 2013

1305.2176 (Jutho Haegeman et al.)

Elementary excitations in gapped quantum spin systems    [PDF]

Jutho Haegeman, Spyridon Michalakis, Bruno Nachtergaele, Tobias J. Osborne, Norbert Schuch, Frank Verstraete

1306.2640 (Alexandre Belin et al.)

Holographic Phases of Renyi Entropies    [PDF]

Alexandre Belin, Alexander Maloney, Shunji Matsuura

1306.2968 (S. Johnston et al.)

Determinant quantum Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional single-band
Hubbard-Holstein model

S. Johnston, E. A. Nowadnick, Y. F. Kung, B. Moritz, R. T. Scalettar, T. P. Devereaux

1306.2987 (Bianca Dittrich et al.)

Coarse graining of spin net models: dynamics of intertwiners    [PDF]

Bianca Dittrich, Mercedes Martín-Benito, Erik Schnetter

1306.3013 (Jian-Feng Li et al.)

Calculation of the staggered spin correlation in the framework of the
Dyson-Schwinger approach

Jian-Feng Li, Hong-Tao Feng, Yu Jiang, Wei-Min Sun, Hong-Shi Zong

1306.3086 (Lakhan Pal et al.)

Search of the half metallicity in the $Fe_{2-x}Co_xMnSi$ alloys    [PDF]

Lakhan Pal, K. G. Suresh, A. K. Nigam

1306.3124 (Jiří Minář et al.)

From antiferromagnetic order to magnetic textures in the two dimensional
Fermi Hubbard model with synthetic spin orbit interaction

Jiří Minář, Benoît Grémaud