Thursday, April 5, 2012

1012.5039 (Ramis Movassagh et al.)

Isotropic Entanglement    [PDF]

Ramis Movassagh, Alan Edelman

1105.5468 (J. Trinckauf et al.)

Electronic confinement and ordering instabilities in colossal
magnetoresistive bilayer manganites

J. Trinckauf, T. Hänke, V. Zabolotnyy, T. Ritschel, M. O. Apostu, R. Suryanarayanan, A. Revcolevschi, K. Koepernik, T. K. Kim, M. v. Zimmermann, S. V. Borisenko, M. Knupfer, B. Büchner, J. Geck

1111.4236 (D. Parshall et al.)

Competition between commensurate and incommensurate magnetic ordering in

D. Parshall, G. Chen, L. Pintschovius, D. Lamago, Th. Wolf, L. Radzihovsky, D. Reznik

1204.0854 (K. Kaneko et al.)

Effect of magnetic field in heavy-fermion compound YbCo$_2$Zn$_{20}$    [PDF]

K. Kaneko, S. Yoshiuchi, T. Takeuchi, F. Honda, R. Settai, Y. Ōnuki

1204.0858 (Onofre Rojas et al.)

Geometrical frustration of extended Hubbard diamond chain in
quasi-atomic limit

Onofre Rojas, S. M. de Souza, N. S. Ananikian

1204.0873 (D. Belitz et al.)

A compilation of metallic systems that show a quantum ferromagnetic

D. Belitz, T. R. Kirkpatrick

1204.0875 (J. T. Park et al.)

Similar zone-center gaps in the low-energy spin-wave spectra of NaFeAs
and BaFe2As2

J. T. Park, G. Friemel, T. Loew, V. Hinkov, Yuan Li, B. H. Min, D. L. Sun, A. Ivanov, A. Piovano, C. T. Lin, B. Keimer, Y. S. Kwon, D. S. Inosov

1204.0883 (B. Mansart et al.)

Evidence for a Peierls phase-transition in a three-dimensional multiple
charge-density waves solid

B. Mansart, M. J. G. Cottet, T. J. Penfold, S. B. Dugdale, R. Tediosi, M. Chergui, F. Carbone

1204.0921 (P. V. Buividovich et al.)

Numerical study of the conductivity of graphene monolayer within the
effective field theory approach

P. V. Buividovich, E. V. Luschevskaya, O. V. Pavlovsky, M. I. Polikarpov, M. V. Ulybyshev

1204.0968 (Y. H. Matsuda et al.)

Suppression of f-Electron Itinerancy in CeRu2Si2 by a Strong Magnetic

Y. H. Matsuda, T. Nakamura, J. L. Her, S. Michimura, T. Inami, K. Kindo, T. Ebihara

1204.0970 (Yoichi Tanaka et al.)

Crossover between two different Kondo couplings in side-coupled double
quantum dots

Yoichi Tanaka, Norio Kawakami, Akira Oguri

1204.1007 (Dimo I. Uzunov)

Theory of ferromagnetic unconventional superconductors with spin-triplet
electron pairing

Dimo I. Uzunov

1204.1008 (Taras Verkholyak et al.)

Quantum phase transitions in the exactly solved spin-1/2
Heisenberg-Ising ladder

Taras Verkholyak, Jozef Strecka

1204.1014 (S. Narayana Jammalamadaka et al.)

Martensite-like transition and spin-glass behavior in nanocrystalline

S. Narayana Jammalamadaka, S. S. Rao, J. Vanacken, A. Stesmans, S. V. Bhat, V. V. Moshchalkov

1204.1049 (Kefeng Wang et al.)

Quantum transport of two-dimensional Dirac fermions in SrMnBi2    [PDF]

Kefeng Wang, D. Graf, Hechang Lei, S. W. Tozer, C. Petrovic