Friday, August 31, 2012

1208.6017 (Shunsuke C. Furuya et al.)

Electron spin resonance shifts in S=1 antiferromagnetic chains    [PDF]

Shunsuke C. Furuya, Yoshitaka Maeda, Masaki Oshikawa

1208.6030 (D. C. Peets et al.)

Floating Zone Growth of Large Single Crystals of SrFeO_3-x    [PDF]

D. C. Peets, Jung-hwa Kim, M. Reehuis, P. Dosanjh, B. Keimer

1208.6081 (Sriram Ganeshan et al.)

FQHE interferometers in strong tunneling regime. The role of compactness
of edge fields

Sriram Ganeshan, Alexander G. Abanov, Dmitri V. Averin

1208.6117 (S. Mukhopadhyay et al.)

Quantum-critical spin dynamics in quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets    [PDF]

S. Mukhopadhyay, M. Klanjšek, M. S. Grbić, R. Blinder, H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, M. Horvatić, M. A. Continentino, A. Paduan-Filho, B. Chiari, O. Piovesana

1208.6131 (Kay-Uwe Giering et al.)

Self-energy flows in the two-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model    [PDF]

Kay-Uwe Giering, Manfred Salmhofer

1208.6135 (A. Annadi et al.)

Unexpected Anisotropic Two Dimensional Electron Gas at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3
(110) Interface

A. Annadi, X. Wang, K. Gopinadhan, W. M. Lu, A. Roy Barman, Z. Q. Liu, A. Srivastava, S. Saha, Y. L. Zhao, S. W. Zeng, S. Dhar, N. Tuzla, E. Olsson, Q. Zhang, B. Gu, S. Yunoki, S. Maekawa, H. Hilgenkamp, T. Venkatesan, Ariando

1208.6143 (Robin Steinigeweg et al.)

Eigenstate thermalization within isolated spin-chain systems    [PDF]

Robin Steinigeweg, Jacek Herbrych, Peter Prelovšek

1208.6177 (P. N. Bibikov)

Free from spurious solutions integral equation for three-magnon bound
states in 1D XXZ ferromagnet

P. N. Bibikov

1208.6182 (K. -C. Liang et al.)

Weak ferromagnetism and internal magnetoelectric effect in

K. -C. Liang, W. Zhang, B. Lorenz, Y. Y. Sun, P. S. Halasyamani, C. W. Chu

1208.6192 (P. N. Bibikov)

On the ground state energy scaling in quasi-rung-dimerized spin ladders    [PDF]

P. N. Bibikov

1208.6201 (Jiangping Hu)

A Short Review of the $S_4$ Symmetric Microscopic Model for Iron-Based
High Temperature Superconductors

Jiangping Hu

1208.6214 (Yusuke Nishida et al.)

Efimov effect in quantum magnets    [PDF]

Yusuke Nishida, Yasuyuki Kato, Cristian D. Batista

1208.6225 (H. Ishida et al.)

Coulomb blockade and Kondo effect in the electronic structure of Hubbard
molecules connected to metallic leads: a finite-temperature
exact-diagonalization study

H. Ishida, A. Liebsch

1208.6266 (Tigran A. Sedrakyan et al.)

Composite fermion state of spin-orbit coupled bosons    [PDF]

Tigran A. Sedrakyan, Alex Kamenev, Leonid I. Glazman

1208.6277 (Olivier Juillet et al.)

Exotic spin, charge and pairing correlations of the two-dimensional
doped Hubbard model: a symmetry entangled mean-field approach

Olivier Juillet, Raymond Frésard