Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1102.4997 (M. Bauer et al.)

Optical recombination of biexcitons in semiconductors    [PDF]

M. Bauer, J. Keeling, M. M. Parish, P. Lopez Rios, P. B. Littlewood

1301.2608 (Andrew J. Ferris)

The area law and real-space renormalization    [PDF]

Andrew J. Ferris

1301.2625 (Giandomenico Palumbo et al.)

Abelian Chern-Simons-Maxwell theory from a tight binding model of
spinless fermions

Giandomenico Palumbo, Jiannis K. Pachos

1301.2639 (R. L. Willett et al.)

Magnetic field-tuned Aharonov-Bohm oscillations and evidence for
non-Abelian anyons at v=5/2

R. L. Willett, C. Nayak, K. Shtengel, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West

1301.2660 (Shivendra Tripathi et al.)

Ferromagnetism in CaRuO3 thin films by efficient route of tensile
epitaxial strain

Shivendra Tripathi, Rakesh Rana, Parul Pandey, R. S. Singh, D. S. Rana

1301.2719 (Mengxing Cheng et al.)

Quantum phase transitions in a pseudogap Anderson-Holstein model    [PDF]

Mengxing Cheng, Kevin Ingersent

1301.2720 (C. Cosio-Castaneda et al.)

Magnetic Behaviour of the $Bi_{2-y} Sr_y Ir_2 O_7$ Pyrochlore Solid

C. Cosio-Castaneda, P. de la Mora, F. Morales, R. Escudero, G. Tavizon

1301.2748 (S. Y. Tan et al.)

Interface-induced superconductivity and strain-dependent spin density
wave in FeSe/SrTiO3 thin films

S. Y. Tan, M. Xia, Y. Zhang, Z. R. Ye, F. Chen, X. Xie, R. Peng, D. F. Xu, Q. Fan, H. C. Xu, J. Juan, T. Zhang, X. C. Lai, T. Xiang, J. P. Hu, B. P. Xie, D. L. Feng

1301.2784 (Guru Khalsa et al.)

Theory of t2g electron-gas Rashba interactions    [PDF]

Guru Khalsa, Byounghak Lee, A. H. MacDonald

1301.2824 (G. Berner et al.)

Direct k-space mapping of the electronic structure in an oxide-oxide

G. Berner, M. Sing, H. Fujiwara, A. Yasui, Y. Saitoh, A. Yamasaki, Y. Nishitani, A. Sekiyama, N. Pavlenko, T. Kopp, C. Richter, J. Mannhart, S. Suga, R. Claessen

1301.2865 (J. Huo et al.)

Spin Density Wave Fluctuations and p-wave Pairing in Sr2RuO4    [PDF]

J. Huo, T. M. Rice, Fu-Chun Zhang

1301.2896 (J. Sichelschmidt et al.)

Far-infrared optical conductivity of CeCu2Si2    [PDF]

J. Sichelschmidt, A. Herzog, H. S. Jeevan, C. Geibel, F. Steglich, T. Iizuka, S. Kimura

1301.2970 (P. Limelette et al.)

ω/T scaling of the optical conductivity in strongly correlated
layered cobalt oxide

P. Limelette, V. Ta Phuoc, F. Gervais, R. Fresard

1301.3025 (Shyamal Biswas et al.)

A complete theory for the magnetism of an ideal gas of electrons    [PDF]

Shyamal Biswas, Swati Sen, Debnarayan Jana

1301.3068 (Martin Nuss et al.)

Steady-state and quench dependent relaxation of a quantum dot coupled to
one-dimensional leads

Martin Nuss, Martin Ganahl, Hans Gerd Evertz, Enrico Arrigoni, Wolfgang von der Linden

1301.3107 (Gang Chen et al.)

Anomalous enhancement of the Wilson ratio in a quantum spin liquid:

Gang Chen, Yong Baek Kim