Monday, July 1, 2013

1306.6685 (Fabio Franchini et al.)

Local convertibility and edge states in quantum many body systems    [PDF]

Fabio Franchini, Jian Cui, Luigi Amico, Heng Fan, Mile Gu, Vladimir E. Korepin, Leong Chuan Kwek, Vlatko Vedral
Certain entanglement (Renyi) entropies of the ground state of an extended system can increase even as one moves away from quantum states with long range correlations. In this work we demonstrate that such a phenomenon, known as non-local convertibility, is due to the edge state (de)construction occurring in the system. To this end, we employ the example of the ground state of the "2-SAT"/Ising model, displaying an order-disorder quantum phase transition. We consider both the thermal ground state, enjoying the same symmetry of the Hamiltonian, and the ferromagnetic ground state with a non vanishing local order parameter. Employing both analytical and numerical methods, we compute entanglement entropies for various system's bipartitions (A|B). We find that the ground states enjoying the Hamiltonian symmetries show non-local convertibility if either A or B are smaller than, or of the order of, the correlation length. A ferromagnetic ground state, instead, is always locally convertible. Our interpretation in terms of the edge states behavior explains all these results and could disclose a paradigm to study the local convertibility protocol in both topologically ordered and topologically trivial quantum phases, in a unified way and provides a clear characterization of which features a universal quantum simulator should possess to outperform a classical machine.
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