Wednesday, March 27, 2013

1303.6577 (S. B. Tooski et al.)

Entanglement switching via the Kondo effect in triple quantum dots    [PDF]

S. B. Tooski, A. Ramsak, R. Zitko, B. R. Bulka
We consider a triple quantum dot system in a triangular geometry with one of the dots connected to metallic leads. Using Wilson's numerical renormalization group method, we investigate quantum entanglement and its relation to the thermodynamic and transport properties, in the regime where each of the dots is singly occupied on average, but with non-negligible charge fluctuations. It is shown that even in the regime of significant charge fluctuations the formation of the Kondo singlets induces switching between separable and perfectly entangled states. The quantum phase transition between unentangled and entangled states is analyzed quantitatively and the corresponding phase diagram is explained by exactly solvable spin model.
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