Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1303.6209 (Solomon Akaraka Owerre)

Spin stiffness calculation in anisotropic XY model with Ring exchange

Solomon Akaraka Owerre
We present the spin wave theory of XY model with anisotropic nearest neighbour (NN) interactions $J(J^{\prime})$ along the $x(y)$ directions, next nearest (NNN) neighbour interaction $J_D$ and the ring exchange interaction $K$ on the square lattice. We calculate the thermodynamic quantities: Zero temperature spin stiffness, internal energy, specific heat and the magnetization. Using the diagonalized Hamiltonian, we show that no soft modes develop when $\eta + \lambda >0 $, where $\eta = J^{\prime}/J$ and $\lambda = K/J$. We further show that anisotropy ($\eta =2$) decreases the spin stiffness by 5.7% of its isotropic ($\eta =1$) maximum value for some values of $\lambda$ and $\delta = J_D/J$. A similar reduction shows up in the magnetization. The plot of the stiffness against $\eta (\lambda)$ reaches a maximum at $\eta=0(\lambda =0)$ for specific values of $\delta$ and decreases rapidly as it approaches $\eta + \lambda + 1=0$. In general, the supersolid phase transition suggested earlier\cite{H} will occur in the regime $\eta + \lambda +1 <0$.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.6209

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