Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1303.6016 (Shixun Zhang et al.)

A Study of Parallelizing O(N) Green-Function-Based Monte Carlo Method
for Many Fermions Coupled with Classical Degrees of Freedom

Shixun Zhang, Shinichi Yamagiwa, Seiji Yunoki
Models of fermions interacting with classical degrees of freedom are applied to a large variety of systems in condensed matter physics. For this class of models, Wei{\ss}e [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 102}, 150604 (2009)] has recently proposed a very efficient numerical method, called O($N$) Green-Function-Based Monte Carlo (GFMC) method, where a kernel polynomial expansion technique is used to avoid the full numerical diagonalization of the fermion Hamiltonian matrix of size $N$, which usually costs O($N^3$) computational complexity. Motivated by this background, in this paper we apply the GFMC method to the double exchange model in three spatial dimensions. We mainly focus on the implementation of GFMC method using both MPI on a CPU-based cluster and Nvidia's Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) programming techniques on a GPU-based (Graphics Processing Unit based) cluster. The time complexity of the algorithm and the parallel implementation details on the clusters are discussed. We also show the performance scaling for increasing Hamiltonian matrix size and increasing number of nodes, respectively. The performance evaluation indicates that for a $32^3$ Hamiltonian a single GPU shows higher performance equivalent to more than 30 CPU cores parallelized using MPI.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.6016

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