Monday, January 28, 2013

1301.6034 (Sachin B. Gupta et al.)

Change in the order of magnetic transition in HoRhGe as probed by
magnetoresistance and magnetocaloric studies

Sachin B. Gupta, K. G. Suresh, A. K. Nigam
Magnetoresistance and magnetocaloric properties of polycrystalline HoRhGe have been studied. This compound orders antiferromagnetically with a Neel temperature (TN) of 5.5 K and undergoes a first order metamagnetic transition at 2 K. It shows a large negative magnetoresistance of 25% at TN, for a field of 50 kOe. However, at 2 K and in lower fields, the magnetoresistance is found to be positive with a magnitude of about 12%, which is attributed to the first order metamagnetic transition. The compound also shows large magnetocaloric effect near its Neel temperature. Field dependence of magnetic entropy change also reflects the change in the nature of magnetic transition as the field is increased. The value of magnetic entropy change (-{\Delta}SM) is found to be 11.1 J/kg K for a field change of 50 kOe. Field dependence of magnetoresistance and magnetocaloric effect clearly shows the change in the order of the metamagnetic transition with increase in field.
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