Friday, May 31, 2013

1305.6981 (George H. Booth et al.)

Linear-scaling and parallelizable algorithms for stochastic quantum

George H. Booth, Simon D. Smart, Ali Alavi
For many decades, quantum chemical method development has been dominated by algorithms which involve increasingly complex series of tensor contractions over one-electron orbital spaces. Procedures for their derivation and implementation have evolved to require the minimum amount of logic and rely heavily on computationally efficient library-based matrix algebra and optimized paging schemes. In this regard, the recent development of exact stochastic quantum chemical algorithms to reduce computational scaling and memory overhead requires a contrasting algorithmic philosophy, but one which when implemented efficiently can often achieve higher accuracy/cost ratios with small random errors. Additionally, they can exploit the continuing trend for massive parallelization which hinders the progress of deterministic high-level quantum chemical algorithms. In the Quantum Monte Carlo community, stochastic algorithms are ubiquitous but the discrete Fock space of quantum chemical methods is often unfamiliar, and the methods introduce new concepts required for algorithmic efficiency. In this paper, we explore these concepts and detail an algorithm used for Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo (FCIQMC), which is implemented and available in MOLPRO and as a standalone code, and is designed for high-level parallelism and linear-scaling with walker number. Many of the algorithms are also in use in, or can be transferred to, other stochastic quantum chemical methods and implementations. We apply these algorithms to the strongly correlated Chromium dimer, to demonstrate their efficiency and parallelism.
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