Friday, April 5, 2013

1304.1387 (Youming Zou et al.)

The effect of Al doping on the structure and magnetism in cobaltite

Youming Zou, Zhe Qu, Lei Zhang, Wei Ning, Langsheng Ling, Li Pi, Yuheng Zhang
We report the effects of Al-doping on the structure and magnetic properties in CaBa(Co$_{1-x}$Al$_{x}$)$_4$O$_7$ (0$\leq$x$\leq$0.25). The system exhibits a structural transition from an orthorhombic symmetry to a hexagonal symmetry when the Al content exceeds $x =$ 0.1. The Curie temperature and the value of the magnetization decrease with increasing Al doping level, indicating that the ferrimagnetic ground state is gradually suppressed. The ground state eventually transits into a spin-glass state for $x >$ 0.1. Moreover, the short-range magnetic correlations, which occur at high temperatures in CaBaCo$_4$O$_7$, are found to be gradually suppressed with increasing Al content and eventually disappear for $x =$ 0.25. By comparing our results with other Co-site doping cases, we suggest that the lattice and the spin degrees of freedom are relatively decoupled in CaBaCo$_4$O$_7$.
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