Friday, February 1, 2013

1301.7672 (S. R. Hassan et al.)

Absence of spin liquid in non-frustrated correlated systems    [PDF]

S. R. Hassan, David Sénéchal
The question of the existence of a spin liquid state in the half-filled Hubbard model on the honeycomb (aka graphene) lattice is revisited. The Variational Cluster Approximation (VCA), the Cluster Dynamical Mean Field Theory (CDMFT) and the Cluster Dynamical Impurity Approximation (CDIA) are applied to various cluster systems. Assuming that the spin liquid phase coincides with the Mott insulating phase in this non-frustrated system, we find that the Mott transition is pre-empted by a magnetic transition occuring at a lower value of the interaction $U$, and therefore the spin liquid phase does not occur. This conclusion is obtained using clusters with two bath orbitals connected to each boundary cluster site. We argue that using a single bath orbital per boundary site is insufficient and leads to the erroneous conclusion that the system is gapped for all nonzero values of $U$.
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