Wednesday, December 5, 2012

1212.0342 (Martin Hohenadler et al.)

Excitation spectra and spin gap of the half-filled Holstein-Hubbard

Martin Hohenadler, Fakher F. Assaad
Single- and two-particle excitation spectra of the one-dimensional, half-filled Holstein-Hubbard model are calculated using the continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo method. In the metallic phase, the results are consistent with a Luther-Emery liquid that has gapped spin and single-particle excitations but a gapless charge mode. However, given the exponential dependence of the spin gap on the backscattering matrix element, the numerical excitation spectra appear gapless in the weak-coupling regime, and therefore resemble those of a Luttinger liquid. The Mott phase has the expected charge gap and gapless spin excitations. The Peierls state shows a charge gap, a soft phonon mode, backfolded shadow bands and soliton excitations. Arguments and numerical evidence for the existence of a nonzero spin gap throughout the metallic phase are provided in terms of equal-time spin and charge correlation functions.
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