Friday, August 31, 2012

1208.6017 (Shunsuke C. Furuya et al.)

Electron spin resonance shifts in S=1 antiferromagnetic chains    [PDF]

Shunsuke C. Furuya, Yoshitaka Maeda, Masaki Oshikawa

1208.6030 (D. C. Peets et al.)

Floating Zone Growth of Large Single Crystals of SrFeO_3-x    [PDF]

D. C. Peets, Jung-hwa Kim, M. Reehuis, P. Dosanjh, B. Keimer

1208.6081 (Sriram Ganeshan et al.)

FQHE interferometers in strong tunneling regime. The role of compactness
of edge fields

Sriram Ganeshan, Alexander G. Abanov, Dmitri V. Averin

1208.6117 (S. Mukhopadhyay et al.)

Quantum-critical spin dynamics in quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets    [PDF]

S. Mukhopadhyay, M. Klanjšek, M. S. Grbić, R. Blinder, H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, M. Horvatić, M. A. Continentino, A. Paduan-Filho, B. Chiari, O. Piovesana

1208.6131 (Kay-Uwe Giering et al.)

Self-energy flows in the two-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model    [PDF]

Kay-Uwe Giering, Manfred Salmhofer

1208.6135 (A. Annadi et al.)

Unexpected Anisotropic Two Dimensional Electron Gas at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3
(110) Interface

A. Annadi, X. Wang, K. Gopinadhan, W. M. Lu, A. Roy Barman, Z. Q. Liu, A. Srivastava, S. Saha, Y. L. Zhao, S. W. Zeng, S. Dhar, N. Tuzla, E. Olsson, Q. Zhang, B. Gu, S. Yunoki, S. Maekawa, H. Hilgenkamp, T. Venkatesan, Ariando

1208.6143 (Robin Steinigeweg et al.)

Eigenstate thermalization within isolated spin-chain systems    [PDF]

Robin Steinigeweg, Jacek Herbrych, Peter Prelovšek

1208.6177 (P. N. Bibikov)

Free from spurious solutions integral equation for three-magnon bound
states in 1D XXZ ferromagnet

P. N. Bibikov

1208.6182 (K. -C. Liang et al.)

Weak ferromagnetism and internal magnetoelectric effect in

K. -C. Liang, W. Zhang, B. Lorenz, Y. Y. Sun, P. S. Halasyamani, C. W. Chu

1208.6192 (P. N. Bibikov)

On the ground state energy scaling in quasi-rung-dimerized spin ladders    [PDF]

P. N. Bibikov

1208.6201 (Jiangping Hu)

A Short Review of the $S_4$ Symmetric Microscopic Model for Iron-Based
High Temperature Superconductors

Jiangping Hu

1208.6214 (Yusuke Nishida et al.)

Efimov effect in quantum magnets    [PDF]

Yusuke Nishida, Yasuyuki Kato, Cristian D. Batista

1208.6225 (H. Ishida et al.)

Coulomb blockade and Kondo effect in the electronic structure of Hubbard
molecules connected to metallic leads: a finite-temperature
exact-diagonalization study

H. Ishida, A. Liebsch

1208.6266 (Tigran A. Sedrakyan et al.)

Composite fermion state of spin-orbit coupled bosons    [PDF]

Tigran A. Sedrakyan, Alex Kamenev, Leonid I. Glazman

1208.6277 (Olivier Juillet et al.)

Exotic spin, charge and pairing correlations of the two-dimensional
doped Hubbard model: a symmetry entangled mean-field approach

Olivier Juillet, Raymond Frésard

Thursday, August 30, 2012

1108.3336 (Lijun Zhu et al.)

Singularity in self-energy and composite fermion excitations of
interacting electrons

Lijun Zhu, Jian-Xin Zhu

1208.5771 (Mike Blake et al.)

Holographic Dual of the Lowest Landau Level    [PDF]

Mike Blake, Stefano Bolognesi, David Tong, Kenny Wong

1208.5810 (Arkady Shekhter et al.)

Ultrasonic signatures at the superconducting and the pseudogap phase
boundaries in YBCO cuprates

Arkady Shekhter, Albert Migliori, Jon B. Betts, Fedor F. Balakirev, Ross D. McDonald, Scott C. Riggs, Brad J. Ramshaw, Ruixing Liang, Walter N. Hardy, Doug A. Bonn

1208.5843 (M. Pregelj et al.)

Persistent spin dynamics intrinsic to amplitude-modulated long-range
magnetic order

M. Pregelj, A. Zorko, O. Zaharko, D. Arcon, M. Komelj, A. D. Hillier, H. Berger

1208.5854 (Mahboobeh Shahri Naseri et al.)

Quantum phase transition in a dimerized chain with hexamer distortion    [PDF]

Mahboobeh Shahri Naseri, George I. Japaridze, Saeed Mahdavifar, Saber Farjami Shayesteh

1208.5856 (M. Kratochvilova et al.)

Magnetic Phase Diagram of the new Heavy Fermion Compound Ce2PtIn8    [PDF]

M. Kratochvilova, K. Uhlirova, J. Custers, J. Prokleska, V. Sechovsky

1208.5862 (Suchitra E. Sebastian)

Quantum Oscillations in Iron Pnictide Superconductors    [PDF]

Suchitra E. Sebastian

1208.5871 (Paola Gentile et al.)

Spin-orbital coupling in a triplet superconductor-ferromagnet junction    [PDF]

Paola Gentile, Mario Cuoco, Alfonso Romano, Canio Noce, Dirk Manske, P. M. R. Brydon

1208.5921 (D. L. Quintero-Castro et al.)

Asymmetric Thermal Lineshape Broadening in a Gapped 3-Dimensional
Antiferromagnet - Evidence for Strong Correlations at Finite Temperature

D. L. Quintero-Castro, B. Lake, A. T. M. N. Islam, E. M. Wheeler, C. Balz, M. Mansson, K. C. Rule, S. Gvasaliya, A. Zheludev

1208.5945 (Mingqiang Gu et al.)

Magnetic ordering and structural phase transitions in strained ultrathin
SrRuO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$ superlattice

Mingqiang Gu, Qiyun Xie, Xuan Shen, Rubin Xie, Jianli Wang, Gang Tang, Di Wu, G. P. Zhang, X. S. Wu

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1208.5503 (Thiago R. de Oliveira et al.)

Nonviolation of Bell's Inequality in Translation Invariant Systems    [PDF]

Thiago R. de Oliveira, A. Saguia, M. S. Sarandy

1208.5547 (Rong Yu et al.)

Orbital-selective Mott Phase in Multiorbital Models for Alkaline Iron
Selenides K(1-x)Fe(2-y)Se2

Rong Yu, Qimiao Si

1208.5549 (Ki-Seok Kim)

$z = 3$ antiferromagnetic quantum criticality and emergence of
fermionized skyrmions

Ki-Seok Kim

1208.5550 (Jie Lin et al.)

Thermalization of acoustic excitations in a strongly interacting
one-dimensional quantum liquid

Jie Lin, K. A. Matveev, M. Pustilnik

1208.5577 (R. Zhao et al.)

Conduction mechanisms of epitaxial EuTiO3 thin films    [PDF]

R. Zhao, W. W. Li, L. Chen, Q. Q. Meng, J. Yang, H. Wang, Y. Q. Wang, R. J. Tang, H. Yang

1208.5596 (Feng Liu et al.)

d+id' Chiral Superconductivity in Bilayer Silicene    [PDF]

Feng Liu, Cheng-Cheng Liu, Kehui Wu, Fan Yang, Yugui Yao

1208.5602 (Zengwei Zhu et al.)

Landau spectrum and twin boundaries of bismuth in the extreme quantum

Zengwei Zhu, Benoit Fauque, Liam Malone, Arlei Antunes, Yuki Fuseya, Kamran Behnia

1208.5635 (T. I. Ivanov)

Two Anderson impurities in a 2D host with Rashba spin-orbit interaction    [PDF]

T. I. Ivanov

1208.5646 (L. Cevey et al.)

Thermodynamic investigations in the precursor region of FeGe    [PDF]

L. Cevey, H. Wilhelm, M. Schmidt, R. Lortz

1208.5652 (M. Fu et al.)

NMR Search for the Spin Nematic State in LaFeAsO Single Crystal    [PDF]

M. Fu, D. A. Torchetti, T. Imai, F. L. Ning, J. -Q. Yan, A. S. Sefat

1208.5692 (P. Roura-Bas et al.)

Thermopower of an SU(4) Kondo resonance under an SU(2) symmetry-breaking

P. Roura-Bas, L. Tosi, A. A. Aligia, P. S. Cornaglia

1208.5701 (H. -M. Eiter et al.)

Charge density wave formation near band degeneracies: a new paradigm
towards broken symmetry ground states

H. -M. Eiter, M. Lavagnini, R. Hackl, E. A. Nowadnick, A. F. Kemper, T. P. Devereaux, J. -H. Chu, J. G. Analytis, I. R. Fisher, L. Degiorgi

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1008.0002 (Vivek Aji et al.)

Topological Excitations near the Local Critical Point in the Dissipative
2D XY model

Vivek Aji, C. M. Varma

1105.3017 (Gil Young Cho et al.)

Quantum phase transition and fractional excitations in a topological
insulator thin film with Zeeman and excitonic masses

Gil Young Cho, Joel E. Moore

1112.3002 (A. Toschi et al.)

Quantum dynamical screening of the local magnetic moment in Fe-based

A. Toschi, R. Arita, P. Hansmann, G. Sangiovanni, K. Held

1208.5053 (M. C. O. Aguiar et al.)

Universal quantum criticality at the Mott-Anderson transition    [PDF]

M. C. O. Aguiar, V. Dobrosavljevic

1208.5055 (Daniel S. Freed et al.)

Twisted equivariant matter    [PDF]

Daniel S. Freed, Gregory W. Moore

1208.5089 (Solomon A. Owerre)

Effects of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on Spin 1/2 XY Model with
Ring Exchange on a Triangular Lattice

Solomon A. Owerre

1208.5106 (Hiroaki Matsueda)

Topology and Geometric Structure of Branching MERA Network    [PDF]

Hiroaki Matsueda

1208.5128 (C. W. von Keyserlingk et al.)

Three-dimensional topological lattice models with surface anyons    [PDF]

C. W. von Keyserlingk, F. J. Burnell, Steven H. Simon

1208.5142 (L. Bossoni et al.)

Glassy transition in the vortex state of Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Rh$_x$)$_2$As$_2$
superconductor as probed by high magnetic field NMR

L. Bossoni, P. Carretta, M. Horvatić, M. Corti, A. Thaler, P. C. Canfield

1208.5144 (Mirko Moeller et al.)

Magnon-mediated interactions between fermions depend strongly on the
lattice structure

Mirko Moeller, George A. Sawatzky, Mona Berciu

1208.5146 (Mirko Moeller et al.)

The role of the lattice structure in determining the magnon-mediated
interactions between charge carriers doped into a magnetically ordered

Mirko Moeller, George A. Sawatzky, Mona Berciu

1208.5176 (Hamid Omid et al.)

D3-D7 Holographic dual of a perturbed 3D CFT    [PDF]

Hamid Omid, Gordon W. Semenoff

1208.5240 (S. R. Hassan et al.)

A stable Algebraic Spin Liquid in a Hubbard model    [PDF]

S. R. Hassan, P. V. Sriluckshmy, Sandeep K Goyal, R. Shankar, David Sénéchal

1208.5257 (M. Reyes Calvo et al.)

Analysis of the Kondo effect in ferromagnetic atomic-sized contacts    [PDF]

M. Reyes Calvo, David Jacob, Carlos Untiedt

1208.5290 (M. Akaki et al.)

Multiferroic properties of an åkermanite Sr$_2$CoSi$_2$O$_7$ single
crystal in high magnetic fields

M. Akaki, H. Iwamoto, T. Kihara, M. Tokunaga, H. Kuwahara

1208.5305 (Hiroaki Matsueda)

VBS/CFT Correspondence and Thermal Tensor Network    [PDF]

Hiroaki Matsueda

1208.5323 (Michael M. Scherer et al.)

Interacting electrons on trilayer honeycomb lattices    [PDF]

Michael M. Scherer, Stefan Uebelacker, Daniel D. Scherer, Carsten Honerkamp

1208.5334 (Fernando de Melo et al.)

The Power of Noisy Fermionic Quantum Computation    [PDF]

Fernando de Melo, Piotr Ćwikliński, Barbara M. Terhal

1208.5349 (A. Kainz et al.)

Kinks in the periodic Anderson model    [PDF]

A. Kainz, A. Toschi, R. Peters, K. Held

1208.5379 (M. Nemec et al.)

Microscopic mechanism for the 1/8 magnetization plateau in

M. Nemec, G. R. Foltin, K. P. Schmidt

1208.5422 (A. S. Moskvin)

Pseudogap phase in cuprates: oxygen orbital moments instead of
circulating currents

A. S. Moskvin

Monday, August 27, 2012

1108.4426 (Vivek Aji)

Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly in Weyl semi-metals: Application to Pyrochlore

Vivek Aji

1111.5805 (T. Kirzhner et al.)

Unconventional superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3    [PDF]

T. Kirzhner, E. Lahoud, K. B. Chaska, Z. Salman, A. Kanigel

1201.2181 (Gang Chen et al.)

Frustrated quantum critical theory of putative spin-liquid phenomenology
in 6H-B-Ba3NiSb2O9

Gang Chen, Michael Hermele, Leo Radzihovsky

1201.2246 (Tanmoy Das)

Spin-orbit density wave induced hidden topological order in URu2Si2    [PDF]

Tanmoy Das

1208.4853 (Gang Chen et al.)

Magnetic orders and topological phases from f-d exchange in pyrochlore

Gang Chen, Michael Hermele

1208.4862 (Michael P. Zaletel et al.)

Exact Matrix Product States for Quantum Hall Wave Functions    [PDF]

Michael P. Zaletel, Roger S. K. Mong

1208.4914 (Nan-Hong Kuo et al.)

Solitons and spin transport in an antiferromagnetic spin chain    [PDF]

Nan-Hong Kuo, Sujit Sarkar, C. D. Hu

1208.4919 (K. Mydeen et al.)

Hydrostatic and chemical pressure tuning of CeFeAs_1-xP_xO single

K. Mydeen, E. Lengyel, A. Jesche, C. Geibel, M. Nicklas

1208.4924 (Alastair Kay)

The Shifting Sands of Quantum Error Correction Thresholds    [PDF]

Alastair Kay

1208.4925 (Wan-Sheng Wang et al.)

Competing electronic orders on Kagome lattices at van Hove filling    [PDF]

Wan-Sheng Wang, Zheng-Zhao Li, Yuan-Yuan Xiang, Qiang-Hua Wang

1208.5006 (Florian Kretzschmar et al.)

Evidence of competing s- and d-wave pairing channels in iron-based

Florian Kretzschmar, Bernhard Muschler, Thomas Böhm, Andreas Baum, Rudi Hackl, Hai-Hu Wen, Vladimir Tsurkan, Joachim Deisenhofer, Alois Loidl

Friday, August 24, 2012

1208.4652 (Tarek A. Elsayed et al.)

Regression relation for pure quantum states and its implications for
efficient computing

Tarek A. Elsayed, Boris V. Fine

1208.4655 (Qinfang Zhang et al.)

Strain-engineered magnetic order in
(LaMnO$_{3}$)$_n$/(SrMnO$_{3}$)$_{2n}$ superlattices

Qinfang Zhang, Shuai Dong, Baolin Wang, Seiji Yunoki

1208.4680 (E. C. T. O'Farrell et al.)

Evolution of c-f hybridization and two component Hall effect in

E. C. T. O'Farrell, Y. Matsumoto, S. Nakatsuji

1208.4691 (Satoru Hayami et al.)

Partial Disorder and Metal-Insulator Transition in the Periodic Anderson
Model on a Triangular Lattice

Satoru Hayami, Masafumi Udagawa, Yukitoshi Motome

1208.4705 (Tim Baldsiefen et al.)

Reduced density matrix functional theory at finite temperature. II.
Application to the electron gas: Exchange only

Tim Baldsiefen, F. G. Eich, E. K. U. Gross

1208.4717 (Y. -B. Huang et al.)

Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the superconducting gap symmetry
in Fe-based superconductors

Y. -B. Huang, P. Richard, X. -P. Wang, T. Qian, H. Ding

1208.4727 (Y. K. Li et al.)

Magnetic phase diagram in the Co-rich side of LnCo1-xFexAsO (Ln=La, Sm)

Y. K. Li, X. F. Xu, C. Cao, C. Y. Shen, Y. K. Luo, Q. Tao, X. Lin, L. Zhang, G. H. Cao, Z. A. Xu

1208.4732 (I. A. Nekrasov et al.)

Consistent LDA'+DMFT approach to electronic structure of transition
metal oxides: charge transfer insulators and correlated metals

I. A. Nekrasov, N. S. Pavlov, M. V. Sadovskii

1208.4761 (Matthias M. May et al.)

Realignment of the charge-density wave in TiSe2    [PDF]

Matthias M. May, Christoph Janowitz, Recardo Manzke

1208.4817 (Marcelo S. Sarandy et al.)

Quantum discord in the ground state of spin chains    [PDF]

Marcelo S. Sarandy, Thiago R. de Oliveira, Luigi Amico

1208.4834 (Maissam Barkeshli et al.)

Genons, twist defects, and projective non-Abelian braiding statistics    [PDF]

Maissam Barkeshli, Chao-Ming Jian, Xiao-Liang Qi

Thursday, August 23, 2012

1106.3449 (Hidetoshi Miyazaki et al.)

Momentum-Dependent Hybridization Gap and dispersive in-gap state of The
Kondo Semiconductor SmB6

Hidetoshi Miyazaki, Tetsuya Hajiri, Takahiro Ito, Satoru Kunii, Shin-ichi Kimura

1208.4389 (J. Chang et al.)

Decrease of upper critical field with underdoping in cuprate

J. Chang, N. Doiron-Leyraud, O. Cyr-Choinière, F. Laliberté, E. Hassinger, J. -Ph. Reid, R. Daou, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, Louis Taillefer

1208.4450 (Makoto Naka et al.)

Collective Charge Excitation in a Dimer Mott Insulating System    [PDF]

Makoto Naka, Sumio Ishihara

1208.4453 (Shamashis Sengupta et al.)

Plasmon mode modifies the elastic response of a nanoscale charge density
wave system

Shamashis Sengupta, Niveditha Samudrala, Vibhor Singh, Arumugam Thamizhavel, Peter B. Littlewood, Vikram Tripathi, Mandar M. Deshmukh

1208.4499 (D. V. Sheptyakov et al.)

Two types of adjacent dimer layers in the low temperature phase of

D. V. Sheptyakov, V. Yu. Pomjakushin, R. Stern, I. Heinmaa, H. Nakamura, T. Kimura

1208.4500 (M. M. Korshunov et al.)

Cuprates, Manganites, and Cobaltites: Multielectron Approach to the Band

M. M. Korshunov, S. G. Ovchinnikov, E. I. Shneyder, V. A. Gavrichkov, Yu. S. Orlov, I. A. Nekrasov, Z. V. Pchelkina

1208.4582 (James Alsup et al.)

FFLO States in Holographic Superconductors    [PDF]

James Alsup, Eleftherios Papantonopoulos, George Siopsis

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

1208.4096 (Yi-Dong Wu)

Chern pump: a bridge between integer quantum Hall effect and quantum
spin Hall effect

Yi-Dong Wu

1208.4102 (Aristomenis Donos et al.)

Universal linear in temperature resistivity from black hole

Aristomenis Donos, Sean A. Hartnoll

1208.4099 (William Witczak-Krempa et al.)

Pyrochlore electrons under pressure, heat and field: shedding light on
the iridates

William Witczak-Krempa, Ara Go, Yong Baek Kim

1208.4109 (Yi-Zhuang You et al.)

Synthetic Topological Degeneracy by Anyon Condensation    [PDF]

Yi-Zhuang You, Chao-Ming Jian, Xiao-Gang Wen

1208.4120 (T. F. Seman et al.)

Strain-induced metal-insulator phase coexistence and stability in
perovskite manganites

T. F. Seman, K. H. Ahn, T. Lookman, A. R. Bishop

1208.4133 (Ribhu K. Kaul)

Spin nematic ground state of the triangular lattice S=1 biquadratic

Ribhu K. Kaul

1208.4226 (G. Eguchi et al.)

Large spin-orbit splitting and weakly-anisotropic superconductivity
revealed with single-crystalline noncentrosymmetric CaIrSi3

G. Eguchi, H. Wadati, T. Sugiyama, E. Ikenaga, S. Yonezawa, Y. Maeno

1208.4234 (A. Alexandradinata et al.)

Wilson-Loop Characterization of Inversion-Symmetric Topological

A. Alexandradinata, Xi Dai, B. Andrei Bernevig

1208.4306 (Kenji Harada)

Incommensurability of spiral state on the spin-1/2 spatially anisotropic
triangular antiferromagnets by using entanglement renormalization technique

Kenji Harada

1208.4308 (T. Hu et al.)

Non-Fermi liquid behavior with and without quantum criticality in

T. Hu, Y. P. Singh, L. Shu, M. Janoschek, M. Dzero, M. B. Maple, Carmen C. Almasan

1208.4322 (Valentina Brosco et al.)

Exact exchange-correlation potential of a ionic Hubbard model with a
free surface

Valentina Brosco, Zujian Ying, José Lorenzana

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1008.5155 (D. Laroche et al.)

Positive and negative Coulomb drag in vertically integrated
one-dimensional quantum wires

D. Laroche, G. Gervais, M. P. Lilly, J. L. Reno

1208.3684 (F. Steglich et al.)

Routes to heavy-fermion superconductivity    [PDF]

F. Steglich, O. Stockert, S. Wirth, C. Geibel, H. Q. Yuan, S. Kirchner, Q. Si

1208.3701 (Younghyun Kim et al.)

Majorana Zero Modes in Semiconductor Nanowires in Contact with
Higher-$T_c$ Superconductors

Younghyun Kim, Jennifer Cano, Chetan Nayak

1208.3742 (Sunil Kumar et al.)

Gap-dependent quasiparticle dynamics and coherent acoustic phonons in
parent iron pnictide CaFe2As2 across the spin density wave phase transition

Sunil Kumar, L. Harnagea, S. Wurmehl, B. Buchner, A. K. Sood

1208.3803 (B. Y. Pan et al.)

Anderson localization of spinons in a spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic
Heisenberg chain

B. Y. Pan, S. Y. Zhou, X. C. Hong, X. Qiu, S. Y. Li

1208.3825 (Tokuro Shimokawa et al.)

Magnetization curve of the kagome-strip-lattice antiferromagnet    [PDF]

Tokuro Shimokawa, Hiroki Nakano

1208.3837 (Snir Seri et al.)

Interplay between sheet resistance increase and magnetotransport
properties in ${\rm LaAlO_3}/{\rm SrTiO_3}$

Snir Seri, Moty Schultz, Lior Klein

1208.3842 (Peng Cai et al.)

Visualizing the microscopic coexistence of spin density wave and
superconductivity in underdoped NaFe1-xCoxAs

Peng Cai, Xiaodong Zhou, Wei Ruan, Aifeng Wang, Xianhui Chen, Dung-Hai Lee, Yayu Wang

1208.3843 (Yongkang Luo et al.)

Magnetic property and crystalline electric field effect in
ThCr$_2$Si$_2$-type CeNi$_2$As2

Yongkang Luo, Jinke Bao, Chenyi Shen, Jieke Han, Xiaojun Yang, Chen Lv, Yuke Li, Wenhe Jiao, Bingqi Si, Chunmu Feng, Jianhui Dai, Guanghan Cao, Zhu-an Xu

1208.3869 (Maissam Barkeshli et al.)

Gapless Spin Liquids: Stability and Possible Experimental Relevance    [PDF]

Maissam Barkeshli, Hong Yao, Steven A. Kivelson

1208.3872 (T. R. Kirkpatrick et al.)

Anomalous Density-of-States Fluctuations in Two-Dimensional Clean Metals    [PDF]

T. R. Kirkpatrick, D. Belitz

1208.3873 (Oren Ofer et al.)

$β$ NMR study of Isolated $^8$Li in the enhanced paramagnet Platinum    [PDF]

Oren Ofer, K. H. Chow, I. Fan, M. Egilmez, T. J. Parolin, M. D. Hossain, J. Jung, Z. Salman, R. F. Kiefl, C. D. P. Levy, G. D. Morris, M. R. Pearson, H. Saadaoui, Q. Song, D. Wang, W. A. MacFarlane

1208.3881 (Gregory S. Jenkins et al.)

High mobility topological interface state probed by terahertz

Gregory S. Jenkins, Andrei B. Sushkov, Don C. Schmadel, Max Bichler, Gregor Koblmueller, Matthew Brahlek, Namrata Bansal, Seongshik Oh, H. Dennis Drew

1208.3902 (J. K. Freericks et al.)

Spectral moment sum rules for the retarded Green's function and
self-energy of the inhomogeneous Bose-Hubbard model in equilibrium and

J. K. Freericks, V. Turkowski, H. R. Krishnamurthy, M. Knap

1208.3919 (Sukhwinder Singh et al.)

Tensor network states and algorithms in the presence of a global SU(2)

Sukhwinder Singh, Guifre Vidal

1208.3923 (A. Sherman et al.)

Mechanisms of the magnetic incommensurability in p-type cuprate

A. Sherman, M. Schreiber

1208.3954 (Kazuma Nakamura et al.)

Ab initio two-dimensional multiband low-energy models of
EtMe_3Sb[Pd(dmit)_2]_2 and κ-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu(NCS)_2 with comparisons to
single-band models

Kazuma Nakamura, Yoshihide Yoshimoto, Masatoshi Imada

1208.3989 (P. H. Y. Li et al.)

Spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on an anisotropic kagome lattice    [PDF]

P. H. Y. Li, R. F. Bishop, C. E. Campbell, D. J. J. Farnell, O. Götze, J. Richter

1208.3996 (J. Merino et al.)

Pseudogap in cuprate and organic superconductors    [PDF]

J. Merino, O. Gunnarsson

1208.4015 (A. A. Ovchinnikov)

On the asymptotic expansion of the correlators in the XX spin chain    [PDF]

A. A. Ovchinnikov

1208.4044 (Olle Gunnarsson)

Strongly correlated electrons: Estimates of model parameters    [PDF]

Olle Gunnarsson

Monday, August 20, 2012

1208.3479 (Woo Seok Choi et al.)

Strain-Induced Spin States in Atomically Ordered Cobaltites    [PDF]

Woo Seok Choi, Ji-Hwan Kwon, Hyoungjeen Jeen, Jorge E. Hamann-Borrero, Abdullah Radi, Sebastian Macke, Ronny Sutarto, Feizhou He, George A. Sawatzky, Vladimir Hinkov, Miyoung Kim, Ho Nyung Lee

1208.3481 (Stefanos Kourtis et al.)

Fractional Chern insulator on a triangular lattice of strongly
correlated $t_{2g}$ electrons

Stefanos Kourtis, Jörn W. F. Venderbos, Maria Daghofer

1208.3483 (Andrey V. Chubukov et al.)

First-Matsubara-frequency rule in a Fermi liquid. Part I: Fermionic

Andrey V. Chubukov, Dmitrii L. Maslov

1208.3485 (Dmitrii L. Maslov et al.)

First-Matsubara-frequency rule in a Fermi liquid. Part II: Optical
conductivity and comparison to experiment

Dmitrii L. Maslov, A. V. Chubukov

1208.3503 (Raul A. Santos)

Bulk-Boundary correspondence of entanglement spectrum in 2D spin ground

Raul A. Santos

1208.3520 (I. V. Solovyev et al.)

Magnetic structure and ferroelectric activity in orthorhombic YMnO3:
relative roles of magnetic symmetry breaking and atomic displacements

I. V. Solovyev, M. V. Valentyuk, V. V. Mazurenko

1208.3609 (T. Ivek et al.)

Cooperative dynamics in charge-ordered state of alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2I3    [PDF]

T. Ivek, I. Kovačević, M. Pinterić, B. Korin-Hamzić, S. Tomić, T. Knoblauch, D. Schweitzer, M. Dressel

Friday, August 17, 2012

1104.0721 (Michael J. Lawler)

Emergent gauge dynamics of highly frustrated magnets    [PDF]

Michael J. Lawler

1201.4174 (Jutho Haegeman et al.)

An order parameter for symmetry-protected phases in one dimension    [PDF]

Jutho Haegeman, David Perez-Garcia, Ignacio Cirac, Norbert Schuch

1206.4435 (M. N. Kiselev et al.)

Kondo Force in Shuttling Devices: Dynamical Probe for a Kondo Cloud    [PDF]

M. N. Kiselev, K. A. Kikoin, L. Y. Gorelik, R. I. Shekhter

1208.3210 (Yung Jui Wang et al.)

Lindhard and RPA susceptibility computations in extended momentum space
in electron doped cuprates

Yung Jui Wang, B. Barbiellini, Hsin Lin, Tanmoy Das, Susmita Basak, P. E. Mijnarends, S. Kaprzyk, R. S. Markiewicz, A. Bansil

1208.3211 (J. Bauer et al.)

Microscopic resolution of the interplay of Kondo screening and
superconducting pairing

J. Bauer, J. I. Pascual, K. J. Franke

1208.3231 (Samuel Bieri et al.)

Paired chiral spin liquid with a Fermi surface in S=1 model on the
triangular lattice

Samuel Bieri, Maksym Serbyn, T. Senthil, Patrick A. Lee

1208.3234 (M. Jiang et al.)

Density of States and Magnetic Correlations at a Metal-Mott Insulator

M. Jiang, G. G. Batrouni, R. T. Scalettar

1208.3257 (T. Kataoka et al.)

X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism
studies of transition-metal-co-doped ZnO nano-particles

T. Kataoka, Y. Yamazaki, V. R. Singh, Y. Sakamoto, K. Ishigami, V. K. Verma, A. Fujimori, F. -H. Chang, H. -J. Lin, D. J. Huang, C. T. Chen, D. Asakura, T. Koide, A. Tanaka, D. Karmakar, S. K. Mandal, T. K. Nath, I. Dagupta

1208.3275 (Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo et al.)

alpha-cluster correlations and symmetry breaking in light nuclei    [PDF]

Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo, Yoshimasa Hidaka

1208.3326 (I. Živković et al.)

Site-selective quantum correlations revealed by magnetic anisotropy in
the tetramer system SeCuO3

I. Živković, D. M. Djokić, M. Herak, D. Pajić, K. Prša, P. Pattison, D. Dominko, Z. Micković, D. Cinčić, L. Forro, H. Berger, H. M. Ronnow

1208.3327 (Lukas Janssen et al.)

Critical behavior of the (2+1)-dimensional Thirring model    [PDF]

Lukas Janssen, Holger Gies

1208.3352 (H. Xiao et al.)

Filamentary superconductivity across the phase diagram of

H. Xiao, T. Hu, S. K. He, B. Shen, W. J. Zhang, B. Xu, K. F. He, J. Han, Y. P. Singh, H. H. Wen, X. G. Qiu, C. Panagopoulos, C. C. Almasan

1208.3400 (Somnath Bhowmick et al.)

Sensory organ like response determines the magnetism of zigzag-edged
honeycomb nanoribbons

Somnath Bhowmick, Amal Medhi, Vijay B. Shenoy

1208.3412 (Rafael M. Fernandes et al.)

Suppression of superconductivity by Neel-type magnetic fluctuations in
the iron pnictides

Rafael M. Fernandes, Andrew J. Millis

1208.3448 (Takeshi Kondo et al.)

Collapse of the Fermi surface and fingerprints of order in the pseudogap
state of cuprate superconductors

Takeshi Kondo, Ari Palczewski, Yoichiro Hamaya, K. Ogawa, Tsunehiro Takeuchi, J. S. Wen, G. Z. J. Xu, Genda Gu, Adam Kaminski

Thursday, August 16, 2012

1208.2964 (Jimmy A. Hutasoit et al.)

Conductivity of Strongly Coupled Striped Superconductor    [PDF]

Jimmy A. Hutasoit, George Siopsis, Jason Therrien

1208.2968 (Fan Zhang et al.)

Surface State Magnetization and Chiral Edge States on Topological

Fan Zhang, C. L. Kane, E. J. Mele

1208.2995 (M. A. Escobar-Ruiz et al.)

Two charges on plane in a magnetic field: special trajectories    [PDF]

M. A. Escobar-Ruiz, A. V. Turbiner

1208.3032 (Heron Caldas et al.)

Quantum normal-to-inhomogeneous superconductor phase transition in
nearly two-dimensional metals

Heron Caldas, Mucio A. Continentino

1208.3077 (Rajveer Jha et al.)

Superconductivity at 4.5K in NdO0.5F0.5BiS2    [PDF]

Rajveer Jha, Anuj Kumar, Shiva Kumar Singh, V. P. S. Awana

1208.3098 (Ariadna Blanca-Romero et al.)

Confinement-induced metal-to-insulator transition in strained
LaNiO$_3$/LaAlO$_3$ superlattices

Ariadna Blanca-Romero, Rossitza Pentcheva

1208.3113 (Lars Fritz et al.)

The Physics of Kondo Impurities in Graphene    [PDF]

Lars Fritz, Matthias Vojta

1208.3136 (C. H. Wang et al.)

Magnetic properties of the S=1/2 quasi square lattice antiferromagnet
CuF2(H2O)2(pyz) (pyz=pyrazine) investigated by neutron scattering

C. H. Wang, M. D. Lumsden, R. S. Fishman, G. Ehlers, T. Hong, W. Tian, H. Cao, A. Podlesnyak, C. Dunmars, J. A. Schlueter, J. L. Manson, A. D. Christianson

1208.3152 (Davide Sangalli)

New methods for the computation of the linear response within the
density functional theory in spin polarized system (Metodi innovativi per il
calcolo della risposta lineare in density functional theory per sistemi spin

Davide Sangalli

1208.3176 (A. Barcza et al.)

Magneto-elastic coupling and competing entropy changes in substituted
CoMnSi metamagnets

A. Barcza, Z. Gercsi, H. Michor, K. Suzuki, W. Kockelmann, K. S. Knight, K. G. Sandeman

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

1107.0122 (Sudhakar Pandey et al.)

Spin Hall effect in iron-based superconductors: A Dirac-point effect    [PDF]

Sudhakar Pandey, Hiroshi Kontani, Dai S. Hirashima, Ryotaro Arita, Hideo Aoki

1208.2699 (Edward Taylor et al.)

Anomalous Hall conductivity of clean Sr2RuO4 at finite temperatures    [PDF]

Edward Taylor, Catherine Kallin

1208.2741 (T. Valla et al.)

Topological insulator in a Bi-Bi$_2$Se$_3$ infinitely adaptive
superlattice phase

T. Valla, Huiwen Ji, L. M. Schoop, A. P. Weber, Z. -H. Pan, J. T. Sadowski, E. Vescovo, A. V. Fedorov, A. N. Caruso, Q. D. Gibson, L. Muchler, C. Felser, R. J. Cava

1208.2796 (Hiroshi Takatsu et al.)

Bulk superconductivity in Bi4O4S3 revealed by specific heat measurement    [PDF]

Hiroshi Takatsu, Yoshikazu Mizuguchi, Hiroki Izawa, Osuke Miura, Hiroaki Kadowaki

1208.2811 (V. Fleurov et al.)

The Nature of the magnetism-promoting hole state in the prototype
magnetic semiconductor GaAs: Mn

V. Fleurov, K. Kikoin, A. Zunger

1208.2812 (Hiroyasu Matsuura et al.)

Theory of Mechanism of $π$-d Interaction in Iron-Phthalocyanine    [PDF]

Hiroyasu Matsuura, Masao Ogata, Kazumasa Miyake, Hidetoshi Fukuyama

1208.2817 (Hiroyasu Matsuura et al.)

Antiferromagnetic Exchange Interaction between Electrons on Degenerate
LUMOs in Benzene Dianion

Hiroyasu Matsuura, Kazumasa Miyake, Hidetoshi Fukuyama

1208.2842 (F. Strigari et al.)

Crystal-field ground state of the orthorhombic Kondo insulator CeRu2Al10    [PDF]

F. Strigari, T. Willers, Y. Muro, K. Yutani, T. Takabatake, Z. Hu, Y. -Y. Chin, S. Agrestini, H. -J. Lin, C. T. Chen, A. Tanaka, M. W. Haverkort, L. H. Tjeng, A. Severing

1208.2872 (Hiroaki Matsueda)

Multiscale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz for Kondo Problem    [PDF]

Hiroaki Matsueda

1208.2874 (Jianming Cai et al.)

Towards a large-scale quantum simulator on diamond surface at room

Jianming Cai, Alex Retzker, Fedor Jelezko, Martin B. Plenio

1208.2897 (Alireza Akbari et al.)

Field induced spin exciton doublet splitting in d_{x^2-y^2}-wave
115-heavy electron superconductors

Alireza Akbari, Peter Thalmeier

1208.2903 (T. Yoshida et al.)

Coexisting pseudo-gap and superconducting gap in the high-Tc
superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4

T. Yoshida, W. Malaeb, S. Ideta, A. Fujimori, D. H. Lu, R. G. Moor, Z. -X. Shen, M. Okawa, T. Kiss, K. Ishizaka, S. Shin, Seiki Komiya, Yoichi Ando, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida

1208.2914 (Songrui Zhao et al.)

Spin dynamics and spin freezing in the triangular lattice
antiferromagnets FeGa2S4 and NiGa2S4

Songrui Zhao, P. Dalmas de R/'eotier, A. Yaouanc, D. E. MacLaughlin, J. M. Mackie, O. O. Bernal, Y. Nambu, T. Higo, S. Nakatsuji

1208.2927 (W. J. Gannon et al.)

Magnetization in the Superconducting State of UPt$_3$ from Polarized
Neutron Diffraction

W. J. Gannon, W. P. Halperin, C. Rastovski, M. R. Eskildsen, Pengcheng Dai, A. Stunault

1208.2937 (Manuela Kulaxizi et al.)

On Holographic Entanglement Entropy of Charged Matter    [PDF]

Manuela Kulaxizi, Andrei Parnachev, Koenraad Schalm

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

1108.5207 (Daniel Podolsky et al.)

Visibility of the Amplitude (Higgs) Mode in Condensed Matter    [PDF]

Daniel Podolsky, Assa Auerbach, Daniel P. Arovas

1109.3219 (Jing Xia et al.)

Evidence for a fractional quantum Hall state with anisotropic
longitudinal transport

Jing Xia, J. P. Eisenstein, Loren N. Pfeiffer, Ken W. West

1112.1856 (R. Prabhu et al.)

Dual quantum-correlation paradigms exhibit opposite
statistical-mechanical properties

R. Prabhu, Aditi Sen De, Ujjwal Sen

1208.2055 (Rahul Roy)

Band geometry of fractional topological insulators    [PDF]

Rahul Roy

1208.2057 (J. A. Camargo-Martínez et al.)

The band gap problem: some different approximations    [PDF]

J. A. Camargo-Martínez, R. Baquero

1208.2174 (Alla E. Petrova et al.)

On the phase diagram of the itinerant helimagnet MnSi: does MnSi become
quantum critical ?

Alla E. Petrova, Sergei M. Stishov

1208.2209 (Andrej Schwabe et al.)

The Kondo-versus-RKKY quantum box    [PDF]

Andrej Schwabe, Daniel Gütersloh, Michael Potthoff

1208.2225 (Luis G. G. V. Dias da Silva et al.)

Dynamics of doublon-holon pairs in Hubbard two-leg ladders    [PDF]

Luis G. G. V. Dias da Silva, Gonzalo Alvarez, Elbio Dagotto

1208.2229 (S. Calder et al.)

Magnetic structural change of Sr2IrO4 upon Mn doping    [PDF]

S. Calder, G. -X. Cao, M. D. Lumsden, J. W. Kim, Z. Gai, B. C. Sales, D. Mandrus, A. D. Christianson

1208.2234 (C. H. Booth et al.)

Multiconfigurational nature of 5f orbitals in uranium and plutonium

C. H. Booth, Yu Jiang, D. L. Wang, J. N. Mitchell, P. H. Tobash, E. D. Bauer, M. A. Wall, P. G. Allen, D. Sokaras, D. Nordlund, T. -C. Weng, M. A. Torrez, J. L. Sarrao

1208.2281 (K. A. Ross et al.)

Single crystals of Yb2Ti2O7 grown by the Optical Floating Zone
technique: naturally "stuffed" pyrochlores?

K. A. Ross, Th. Proffen, H. A. Dabkowska, J. A. Quilliam, L. R. Yaraskavitch, J. B. Kycia, B. D. Gaulin

1208.2285 (Vijay Narayan et al.)

Evidence of Novel Quasiparticles in a Strongly Interacting
Two-Dimensional Electron System: Giant Thermopower and Metallic Behaviour

Vijay Narayan, M. Pepper, J. Griffths, H. Beere, F. Sfigakis, G. Jones, D. Ritchie, A. Ghosh

1208.2304 (T. F. Seman et al.)

Effects of rare earth ion size on the stability of the coherent
Jahn-Teller distortions in undoped perovskite manganites

T. F. Seman, K. H. Ahn, T. Lookman, A. Saxena, A. R. Bishop, P. B. Littlewood

1208.2325 (Tie-Feng Fang et al.)

Kondo Phase Transitions of Magnetic Impurities in Carbon Nanotubes    [PDF]

Tie-Feng Fang, Qing-feng Sun

1208.2328 (Y. Tanabe et al.)

Suppression of backward scattering of Dirac fermions in iron pnictides

Y. Tanabe, K. K. Huynh, T. Urata, S. Heguri, G. Mu, J. T. Xu, R. Nouchi, K. Tanigaki

1208.2336 (D. A. Mota et al.)

Competing exchanges and spin-phonon coupling in Eu1-xRxMnO3 (R=Y,Lu)    [PDF]

D. A. Mota, Y. Romaguera Barcelay, P. B. Tavares, M. R. Chaves, A. Almeida, J. Oliveira, W. S. Ferreira, J. Agostinho Moreira

1208.2353 (Rosa Lopez et al.)

SU(3) Kondo effect in spinless triple quantum dots    [PDF]

Rosa Lopez, Tomaz Rejec, Jan Martinek, Rok Zitko

1208.2410 (Franck Natali et al.)

Rare-earth mononitrides    [PDF]

Franck Natali, Ben J. Ruck, Natalie O. V. Plank, H. Joe Trodahl, Simon Granville, Claire Meyer, Walter R. L. Lambrecht

1208.2416 (H. D. Rosales et al.)

Broken discrete symmetries in a frustrated honeycomb antiferromagnet    [PDF]

H. D. Rosales, D. C. Cabra, C. A. Lamas, P. Pujol, M. E. Zhitomirsky

1208.2468 (Tanmoy Das et al.)

Origin of pressure induced second superconducting dome in
$A_y$Fe$_{2-x}$Se$_2$ [$A$=K, (Tl,Rb)]

Tanmoy Das, A. V. Balatsky

1208.2529 (D. Sangalli)

Challenges for first-principles methods in theoretical and computational
physics: multiple excitations in many-electrons systems and the Aharonov-Bohm
effect in carbon nanotubes

D. Sangalli

1208.2532 (Xiaoming Cai et al.)

Topological superconductor to Anderson localization transition in
one-dimensional incommensurate lattices

Xiaoming Cai, Li-Jun Lang, Shu Chen, Yupeng Wang

1208.2576 (Yuval Baum et al.)

Density Waves Instability and a Skyrmion Lattice on the Surface of
Strong Topological Insulators

Yuval Baum, Ady Stern

1208.2623 (Lukasz Cincio et al.)

Characterizing topological order by studying the ground states of an
infinite cylinder

Lukasz Cincio, Guifre Vidal

1208.2652 (Katrin Sedlmeier et al.)

Absence of charge order in the dimerized κ-phase BEDT-TTF salts    [PDF]

Katrin Sedlmeier, Sebastian Elsasser, Rebecca Beyer, Dan Wu, Tomislav Ivek, Silvia Tomic, John A. Schlueter, Martin Dressel

Friday, August 10, 2012

1112.4872 (Hua Chen et al.)

Interaction Driven Quantum Phase Transitions in Fractional Topological

Hua Chen, Kun Yang

1208.1773 (Hitesh J. Changlani et al.)

Heisenberg antiferromagnet on Cayley trees: low-energy spectrum and
even/odd site imbalance

Hitesh J. Changlani, Shivam Ghosh, Christopher L. Henley, Andreas M. Läuchli

1208.1798 (Li. Zhao et al.)

Multiferroicity in Geometrically Frustrated α-MCr_2O_4 systems
(M=Ca, Sr, Ba)

Li. Zhao, Tian-Wey Lan, Kuen-Jen Wang, Chia-Hua Chien, Tsu-Lien Hung, Jiu-Yong Luo, Wei-Hsiang Chao, Chung-Chieh Chang, Yang-Yuan Chen, Maw-Kuen Wu, Christine Martin

1208.1839 (V. H. Dao et al.)

On the theory of the vortex state in the
Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase

V. H. Dao, D. Denisov, A. Buzdin, J. P. Brison

1208.1855 (Kazem Bitaghsir Fadafan)

Strange metals at finite 't Hooft coupling    [PDF]

Kazem Bitaghsir Fadafan

1208.1917 (E. Bascones et al.)

Orbital differentiation and the role of orbital ordering in the magnetic
state of Fe superconductors

E. Bascones, B. Valenzuela, M. J. Calderón

1208.1925 (Eric D'Hoker et al.)

Quantum Criticality via Magnetic Branes    [PDF]

Eric D'Hoker, Per Kraus

1208.1979 (Tanmoy Das)

Electron-like Fermi surface and in-plane anisotropy due to chain states
in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-δ}$ superconductors

Tanmoy Das

1208.1985 (J. Barzola-Quiquia et al.)

Revealing the origin of the vertical hysteresis loop shifts in an
exchange biased Co/YMnO$_3$ bilayer

J. Barzola-Quiquia, A. Lessig, A. Ballestar, C. Zandalazini, G. Bridoux, F. Bern, P. Esquinazi

1208.2008 (Nilay Kundu et al.)

Entangled Dilaton Dyons    [PDF]

Nilay Kundu, Prithvi Narayan, Nilanjan Sircar, Sandip P. Trivedi

Thursday, August 9, 2012

1101.0618 (Jorge Casalderrey-Solana et al.)

Gauge/String Duality, Hot QCD and Heavy Ion Collisions    [PDF]

Jorge Casalderrey-Solana, Hong Liu, David Mateos, Krishna Rajagopal, Urs Achim Wiedemann

1208.1546 (Xiang Hao et al.)

Indivisible quantum evolution of a driven open spin-$S$ system    [PDF]

Xiang Hao, Xuefen Xu, Xiaoqun Wang

1208.1556 (Xiang Hao)

Quantum renormalization of entanglement in an antisymmetric anisotropic
and bond-alternating spin system

Xiang Hao

1208.1562 (Yi Li et al.)

Topological insulators with SU(2) Landau levels    [PDF]

Yi Li, Shou-Cheng Zhang, Congjun Wu

1208.1567 (Setsuko Tajima et al.)

Optical Study of the Stripe-Ordered State    [PDF]

Setsuko Tajima, Shin-ichi Uchida

1208.1575 (S. Ishida et al.)

In-plane resistivity anisotropy induced by impurity scattering in the
magnetostructural ordered phase of underdoped Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$As$_2$

S. Ishida, M. Nakajima, T. Liang, K. Kihou, C. H. Lee, A. Iyo, H. Eisaki, T. Kakeshita, Y. Tomioka, T. Ito, S. Uchida

1208.1581 (M. Nakajima et al.)

Effect of Co doping on the in-plane anisotropy in the optical spectrum
of underdoped Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2

M. Nakajima, S. Ishida, Y. Tomioka, K. Kihou, C. H. Lee, A. Iyo, T. Ito, T. Kakeshita, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida

1208.1582 (A. Rastogi et al.)

Novel photo-conducting state and its perturbation by electrostatic
fields in oxide-based two-dimensional electron gas

A. Rastogi, J. J. Pulikkotil, S. Auluck, Z. Hossain, R. C. Budhani

1208.1621 (S. V. Streltsov et al.)

Unconventional magnetism as a consequence of the charge
disproportionation and the molecular orbital formation in Ba4Ru3O10

S. V. Streltsov, D. I. Khomskii

1208.1624 (S. V. Streltsov et al.)

Interplay between lattice, orbital, and magnetic degrees of freedom in
the chain-polymer Cu(II) breathing crystals

S. V. Streltsov, M. V. Petrova, V. A. Morozov, G. V. Romanenko, V. I. Anisimov, N. N. Lukzen

1208.1664 (Sebastian Elsasser et al.)

Power-law dependence of the optical conductivity observed in the quantum
spin-liquid compound κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3

Sebastian Elsasser, Dan Wu, Martin Dressel, John A. Schlueter

1208.1729 (Florian C. Sabou et al.)

Rectification by Doped Mott-Insulator Junctions    [PDF]

Florian C. Sabou, Natalie Bodington, J. B. Marston

1208.1731 (Alberto Camjayi et al.)

Conductance of a quantum dot in the Kondo regime connected to dirty

Alberto Camjayi, Liliana Arrachea

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

1106.4966 (Thomas Barthel et al.)

Solving condensed-matter ground-state problems by semidefinite

Thomas Barthel, Robert Hübener

1208.1274 (Jian Liu et al.)

Metal-insulator transition and orbital reconstruction in Mott quantum
wells of NdNiO$_{3}$

Jian Liu, M. Kareev, D. Meyers, B. Gray, P. Ryan, J. W. Freeland, J. Chakhalian

1208.1289 (Miguel A. N. Araújo et al.)

Change of an insulator's topological properties by a Hubbard interaction    [PDF]

Miguel A. N. Araújo, Eduardo V. Castro, Pedro D. Sacramento

1208.1316 (D. Meier et al.)

Mutual induction of magnetic 3d and 4f order in multiferroic hexagonal

D. Meier, H. Ryll, K. Kiefer, B. Klemke, J. -U. Hoffmann, R. Ramesh, M. Fiebig

1208.1332 (Yin Zhong et al.)

Half-filled Kondo lattice on the honeycomb lattice    [PDF]

Yin Zhong, Ke Liu, Yu-Feng Wang, Yong-Qiang Wang, Hong-Gang Luo

1208.1339 (Kok Wee Song et al.)

Excitonic Instabilities and Insulating States in Bilayer Graphene    [PDF]

Kok Wee Song, Yung-Ching Liang, Stephan Haas

1208.1455 (Jibiao Wang et al.)

Phase diagrams of Fermi gases in a trap with mass and population
imbalances at finite temperature

Jibiao Wang, Hao Guo, Qijin Chen

1208.1462 (J. D. Koralek et al.)

Observation of Coherent Helimagnons and Gilbert damping in an Itinerant

J. D. Koralek, D. Meier, J. P. Hinton, A. Bauer, S. A. Parameswaran, A. Vishwanath, R. Ramesh, R. W. Schoenlein, C. Pfleiderer, J. Orenstein

1208.1472 (Priyamvada Jadaun et al.)

Topological Classification of Crystalline Insulators with Point Group

Priyamvada Jadaun, Di Xiao, Qian Niu, Sanjay K. Banerjee

1208.1477 (Alexander A. Tsirlin et al.)

(CuCl)LaTa2O7 and quantum phase transition in the (CuX)LaM2O7 family (X
= Cl, Br; M = Nb, Ta)

Alexander A. Tsirlin, Artem M. Abakumov, Clemens Ritter, Helge Rosner

1208.1485 (R. D. Johnson et al.)

An x-ray diffraction study of the temperature-induced structural phase
transitions in SmVO3

R. D. Johnson, C. C. Tang, I. R. Evans, S. R. Bland, D. G. Free, T. A. W. Beale, P. D. Hatton, L. Bouchenoire, D. Prabhakaran, A. T. Boothroyd

1208.1496 (Tamar Stein et al.)

Curvature and frontier orbital energies in density functional theory    [PDF]

Tamar Stein, Jochen Autschbach, Niranjan Govind, Leeor Kronik, Roi Baer

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

1105.5386 (Maxim Kharitonov)

Canted antiferromagnetic phase of the $ν=0$ quantum Hall state in
bilayer graphene

Maxim Kharitonov

1201.4309 (Jian-Ping Lv et al.)

Novel phase transitions in XY Antiferromagnets on Plane Triangulations    [PDF]

Jian-Ping Lv, Timothy M. Garoni, Youjin Deng

1208.0831 (A. L. Chernyshev)

Field-dependence of magnon decay in yttrium iron garnet thin films    [PDF]

A. L. Chernyshev

1208.0842 (D. Sato et al.)

Observation of Self-binding in Monolayer $^3$He    [PDF]

D. Sato, K. Naruse, T. Matsui, Hiroshi Fukuyama

1208.0853 (L. S. Wu et al.)

Localized moments and the stability of antiferromagnetic order in Yb3Pt4    [PDF]

L. S. Wu, Y. Janssen, M. C. Bennett, M. C. Aronson

1208.0867 (Gianluca Grignani et al.)

D7-anti-D7 bilayer: holographic dynamical symmetry breaking    [PDF]

Gianluca Grignani, Namshik Kim, Gordon W. Semenoff

1208.0929 (Anupam et al.)

Effect of Ni-doping on magnetism and superconductivity in

Anupam, V. K. Anand, P. L. Paulose, S. Ramakrishnan, C. Geibel, Z. Hossain

1208.1086 (Jonathan E. Moussa)

Generalized unitary Bogoliubov transformation that breaks fermion number

Jonathan E. Moussa

1208.1102 (Hisatoshi Yokoyama et al.)

Crossover between BCS Superconductor and Doped Mott Insulator of d-wave
Pairing State in Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model

Hisatoshi Yokoyama, Masao Ogata, Yukio Tanaka, Kenji Kobayashi, Hiroki Tsuchiura

1208.1115 (A. M. Shuvaev et al.)

Terahertz Quantum Hall Effect in a Topological Insulator    [PDF]

A. M. Shuvaev, G. V. Astakhov, G. Tkachov, C. Brüne, H. Buhmann, L. W. Molenkamp, A. Pimenov

1208.1153 (Yoshiro Kakehashi et al.)

Nonlocal Excitations and 1/8 Singularity in Cuprates    [PDF]

Yoshiro Kakehashi, M. Atiqur R. Patoary, Sumal Chandra

1208.1158 (Thomas A. Maier)

Superconductivity in striped and multi-Fermi-surface Hubbard models:
From the cuprates to the pnictides

Thomas A. Maier

1208.1162 (H. Maeter et al.)

Low temperature ballistic spin transport in the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic
Heisenberg chain compound SrCuO2

H. Maeter, A. A. Zvyagin, H. Luetkens, G. Pascua, Z. Shermadini, R. Saint-Martin, A. Revcolevschi, C. Hess, B. Büchner, H. -H. Klauss

1208.1175 (Yishai Shperber et al.)

Current-induced magnetization reversal in SrRuO3    [PDF]

Yishai Shperber, Daniel Bedau, James W. Reiner, Lior Klein

1208.1197 (Jiří Chaloupka et al.)

Spin-state Crossover Model for the Magnetism of Iron Pnictides    [PDF]

Jiří Chaloupka, Giniyat Khaliullin

Monday, August 6, 2012

1104.5047 (Alexei Kitaev et al.)

Models for gapped boundaries and domain walls    [PDF]

Alexei Kitaev, Liang Kong

1107.2394 (E. M. Stoudenmire et al.)

One-dimensional Continuum Electronic Structure with the Density Matrix
Renormalization Group and Its Implications For Density Functional Theory

E. M. Stoudenmire, Lucas O. Wagner, Steven R. White, Kieron Burke

1205.1994 (Davide Sangalli et al.)

Pseudo-potentials based first-principles approach to the magneto-optical
Kerr effect: from metals to the inclusion of local fields and excitonic

Davide Sangalli, Andrea Marini, Alberto Debernardi

1208.0608 (Predrag Nikolic et al.)

Pairing instabilities in topological insulator quantum wells    [PDF]

Predrag Nikolic, Zlatko Tesanovic

1208.0612 (Nader Zaki et al.)

Spin-exchange-induced dimerization of an atomic 1-D system    [PDF]

Nader Zaki, Chris A. Marianetti, Danda P. Acharya, Percy Zahl, Peter Sutter, Junichi Okamoto, Peter D. Johnson, Andrew J. Millis, Richard M. Osgood

1208.0633 (S. Iguchi et al.)

Relaxor ferroelectricity induced by electron correlations in a molecular
dimer Mott insulator

S. Iguchi, S. Sasaki, N. Yoneyama, H. Taniguchi, T. Nishizaki, T. Sasaki

1208.0637 (Hua Wu)

Metal-insulator transition in Sr2-xLaxCoO4 driven by spin-state

Hua Wu

1208.0671 (Balázs Hetényi)

Drude and Superfluid Weights in Variational Theory: Application to the
Gutzwiller Wavefunction

Balázs Hetényi

1208.0672 (M. Shimozawa et al.)

Strong suppression of superconductivity by divalent Ytterbium
Kondo-holes in CeCoIn_5

M. Shimozawa, T. Watashige, S. Yasumoto, Y. Mizukami, M. Nakamura, H. Shishido, S. K. Goh, T. Terashima, T. Shibauchi, Y. Matsuda

1208.0678 (Catalin Pascu Moca et al.)

SU(3) Anderson impurity model: A numerical renormalization group
approach exploiting non-Abelian symmetries

Catalin Pascu Moca, Arne Alex, Jan von Delft, Gergely Zarand

1208.0697 (Kasper Duivenvoorden et al.)

A discriminating string order parameter for topological phases of gapped
SU(N) spin chains

Kasper Duivenvoorden, Thomas Quella

1208.0706 (V. M. L. Durga Prasad Goli et al.)

Quantum phases of dimerized and frustrated Heisenberg spin chains with s
= 1/2, 1 and 3/2: an entanglement entropy and fidelity study

V. M. L. Durga Prasad Goli, Shaon Sahoo, S. Ramasesha, Diptiman Sen

1208.0735 (S. M. Giampaolo et al.)

Scaling of the Rényi entropies in gapped quantum spin systems:
Entanglement-driven order beyond symmetry breaking

S. M. Giampaolo, S. Montangero, F. Dell'Anno, S. De Siena, F. Illuminati

1208.0743 (Philipp Werner et al.)

Nonthermal symmetry broken states in the strongly interacting Hubbard

Philipp Werner, Naoto Tsuji, Martin Eckstein

1208.0760 (Anuj Kumar et al.)

Spin dynamics, short-range order and superparamagnetism in
superconducting ferromagnet RuSr2Gd1.4Ce0.6Cu2O10-δ

Anuj Kumar, R. P. Tandon, V. P. S. Awana

1208.0775 (N. J. Perks et al.)

Magneto-orbital helices and multiferroicity    [PDF]

N. J. Perks, R. D. Johnson, C. Martin, L. C. Chapon, P. G. Radaelli

Friday, August 3, 2012

1208.0015 (Wade DeGottardi et al.)

Majorana Fermions in superconducting 1D systems having periodic,
quasiperiodic, and disordered potentials

Wade DeGottardi, Diptiman Sen, Smitha Vishveshwara

1208.0018 (M. P. M. Dean et al.)

Spin excitations in a single La$_2$CuO$_4$ layer    [PDF]

M. P. M. Dean, R. S. Springell, C. Monney, K. J. Zhou, I. Bozovic, J. Pereiro, B. Dalla Piazza, H. M. Ronnow, E. Morenzoni, J. van den Brink, T. Schmitt, J. P. Hill

1208.0027 (Pavan Hosur)

Friedel oscillations due to Fermi arcs in Weyl semimetals    [PDF]

Pavan Hosur

1208.0037 (Carlos A. Jimenez-Hoyos et al.)

N-electron Slater determinants from non-unitary canonical
transformations of fermion operators

Carlos A. Jimenez-Hoyos, R. Rodriguez-Guzman, Gustavo E. Scuseria

1208.0188 (A. Ramezanpour et al.)

The sign problem in the Bethe approximation    [PDF]

A. Ramezanpour, R. Zecchina

1208.0226 (S. E. B. Nielsen et al.)

Local Control and v-representability of Correlated Quantum Dynamics    [PDF]

S. E. B. Nielsen, M. Ruggenthaler, R. van Leeuwen, J. Olsen

1208.0240 (G. Sica et al.)

Pseudogap in high-temperature superconductors from realistic Fröhlich
and Coulomb interactions

G. Sica, J. H. Samson, A. S. Alexandrov

1208.0253 (Tuson Park et al.)

Textured Superconductivity in the Presence of a Coexisting Order: Ce115s
and Other Heavy-Fermion Compounds

Tuson Park, Xin Lu, Han-Oh Lee, J. D. Thompson

1208.0343 (Bela Bauer et al.)

Strong finite-size corrections for lattice fermions at a supersymmetric
multicritical point

Bela Bauer, Liza Huijse, Erez Berg, Matthias Troyer, Kareljan Schoutens

1208.0410 (A. Annadi et al.)

Strong electronic correlation and strain effects at the interfaces
between polar and nonpolar complex oxides

A. Annadi, A. Putra, Z. Q. Liu, X. Wang, K. Gopinadhan, Z. Huang, S. Dhar, T. Venkatesan, Ariando

1208.0425 (Guoren Zhang et al.)

Importance of exchange-anisotropy and superexchange for the spin-state
transitions in LnCoO3 (Ln=La,Y,RE) cobaltates

Guoren Zhang, Evgeny Gorelov, Erik Koch, Eva Pavarini

1208.0439 (Lucia Galisova)

Magnetic properties of the spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain with
the four-spin interaction

Lucia Galisova

1208.0464 (Marco Bianchi et al.)

Robust Surface Doping of Bi$_2$Se$_3$ by Rb Intercalation    [PDF]

Marco Bianchi, Richard C. Hatch, Zheshen Li, Philip Hofmann, Fei Song, Jianli Mi, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen, Zakaria M. Abd El-Fattah, Peter Löptien, Lihui Zhou, Alexander Ako Khajetoorians, Jens Wiebe, Roland Wiesendanger, Justin Wells

1208.0469 (G. I. Luiz et al.)

Effects of electron-phonon coupling in the Kondo regime of a two-orbital

G. I. Luiz, E. Vernek, L. Deng, K. Ingersent, E. V. Anda

1208.0471 (Fawaz Hrahsheh et al.)

Rounding of a first-order quantum phase transition to a strong-coupling
critical point

Fawaz Hrahsheh, José A. Hoyos, Thomas Vojta

1208.0513 (Y. Nishikawa et al.)

Phase diagram and critical points of a double quantum dot    [PDF]

Y. Nishikawa, D. J. G. Crow, A. C. Hewson

1208.0567 (Choongyu Hwang et al.)

Fermi velocity engineering in graphene by substrate modification    [PDF]

Choongyu Hwang, David A. Siegel, Sung-Kwan Mo, William Regan, Ariel Ismach, Yuegang Zhang, Alex Zettl, Alessandra Lanzara

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1108.0334 (P. Anil Kumar et al.)

Ferrimagnetism, Antiferromagnetism and Magnetic Frustration in
La$_{2-x}$Sr$_{x}$CuRuO$_{6}$ (0 <= x <= 1)

P. Anil Kumar, R. Mathieu, R. Vijayaraghavan, Subham Majumdar, Olof Karis, P. Nordblad, Biplab Sanyal, Olle Eriksson, D. D. Sarma

1111.2076 (Robert E. Throckmorton et al.)

Fermions on bilayer graphene: symmetry breaking for B=0 and nu=0    [PDF]

Robert E. Throckmorton, Oskar Vafek

1207.7066 (Daixiang Mou et al.)

Incoherent Soliton Excitations and Spin-Charge Separation in Blue Bronze    [PDF]

Daixiang Mou, R. M. Konik, A. M. Tsvelik, I. Zalyznyak, Xingjiang Zhou

1207.7119 (J. Dubail et al.)

Edge state inner products and real-space entanglement spectrum of trial
quantum Hall states

J. Dubail, N. Read, E. H. Rezayi

1207.7124 (Zhihao Hao et al.)

Half-metallic magnetization plateaux    [PDF]

Zhihao Hao, Oleg A. Starykh

1207.7145 (Young-Joon Song et al.)

Effects of Magnetovolume and Spin-Orbit Coupling in Ferromagnetic Cubic
Perovskite BaRuO3

Young-Joon Song, K. -W. Lee

1207.7151 (Shigeki Fujiyama et al.)

Weak antiferromagnetism of J_eff=1/2 band in bilayer iridate Sr3Ir2O7    [PDF]

Shigeki Fujiyama, K. Ohashi, H. Ohsumi, K. Sugimoto, T. Takayama, T. Komesu, M. Takata, T. Arima, H. Takagi

1207.7220 (Arjun Joshua et al.)

Unconventional Phase Diagram of Two-Dimensional Electrons at the
LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface

Arjun Joshua, J. Ruhman, S. Pecker, E. Altman, S. Ilani

1207.7282 (Z. Papic et al.)

Numerical studies of the fractional quantum Hall effect in systems with
tunable interactions

Z. Papic, D. A. Abanin, Y. Barlas, R. N. Bhatt

1207.7341 (Zhong Wang et al.)

Topological Hamiltonian as an Exact Tool for Topological Invariants    [PDF]

Zhong Wang, Binghai Yan