Tuesday, May 29, 2012

1205.6053 (Naoya Arakawa et al.)

Origin of the Heavy-Fermion Behavior in Ca_{2-x}Sr_{x}RuO_{4}: Roles of
Coulomb Interaction and the Rotation of RuO_{6}-octahedra

Naoya Arakawa, Masao Ogata
We study the electronic states for Ca_{2-x}Sr_{x}RuO_{4} in $0.5\leq x \leq 2$ within Gutzwiller approximation (GA) on the basis of the three-orbital Hubbard model for the Ru-t_{2g}-orbitals. The main effects of the Ca-substitution are taken account as the changes of the $dp$-hybridizations between the Ru-4d- and O-2p-orbitals. Using the numerical minimization of the energy obtained in the GA, we obtain renormalization factor (RF) of the kinetic energy and total RF, which estimates the inverse of the mass enhancement, for three cases with the effective models of x=2 and 0.5 and a special model. We find that the inverse of the total RF becomes the largest for the case of x=0.5, and that the van Hove singularity, which is located on (below) the Fermi level for the special model (the effective model of x=0.5), plays a secondary role in enhancing the effective mass. Our calculation suggests that the heavy-fermion behavior around x=0.5 comes from the cooperative effects between moderately strong Coulomb interaction compared to the total bandwidth and the modification of the electronic structures due to the rotation of RuO_{6}-octahedra (i.e., the variation of the $dp\pi$-hybridizations and the downward shift for the $d_{xy}$-orbital). We propose that moderately strong electron correlation and the orbital-dependent modifications of the electronic structures due to the lattice distortions play important roles in the electronic states for Ca_{2-x}Sr_{x}RuO_{4}.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.6053

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