Thursday, May 10, 2012

1205.1817 (Andreas Dirks et al.)

Imaginary-time quantum many-body theory out of equilibrium II: Analytic
continuation of dynamic observables and transport properties

Andreas Dirks, Jong E. Han, Mark Jarrell, Thomas Pruschke
Within the imaginary-time theory for nonequilibrium in quantum dot systems the calculation of dynamical quantities like Green's functions is possible via a suitable quantum Monte-Carlo algorithm. The challenging task is to analytically continue the imaginary-time data for both complex voltage and complex frequency onto the real variables. To this end a function-theoretical description of dynamical observables is introduced and discussed within the framework of the mathematical theory of several complex variables. We construct a feasible maximum-entropy algorithm for the analytical continuation by imposing a continuity assumption on the analytic structure and provide results for spectral functions in stationary non-equilibrium and current-voltage characteristics for different values of the dot charging energy.
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