Wednesday, February 15, 2012

1202.3007 (H. Okamura et al.)

Pressure suppression of unconventional charge-density-wave state in
PrRu4P12 studied by optical conductivity

H. Okamura, N. Ohta, A. Takigawa, I. Matsutori, K. Shoji, K. Miyata, M. Matsunami, H. Sugawara, C. Sekine, I. Shirotani, H. Sato, T. Moriwaki, Y. Ikemoto, Z. Liu, G. L. Carr
Optical conductivity [s(w)] of PrRu4P12 has been studied under high pressure
to 14 GPa, at low temperatures to 8 K, and at photon energies between 12
meV-1.1 eV. s(w) was derived from the infrared reflectance spectra measured
with diamond anvil cell and infrared synchrotron radiation source. The energy
gap in s(w) at ambient pressure, caused by a metal-insulator transition due to
an unconventional charge-density-wave (CDW) formation at 63 K, is gradually
filled in with increasing pressure to 10 GPa. At 14 GPa, s(w) shows a
pronounced Drude-type component due to free carriers, without an energy gap.
This result demonstrates that the insulating CDW state has been suppressed
under high pressure, which is consistent with a previous resistivity study
under pressure. The evolution of electronic structure with pressure are
discussed in terms of the hybridization between the 4f and conduction
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