Friday, June 28, 2013

1305.2217 (Z. Papic)

Fractional quantum Hall effect in a tilted magnetic field    [PDF]

Z. Papic

1306.6340 (Felix Hofmann et al.)

Non-equilibrium self-energy-functional theory    [PDF]

Felix Hofmann, Martin Eckstein, Michael Potthoff

1306.6377 (Christian Recher et al.)

Effective interaction in an unbalanced Fermion mixture    [PDF]

Christian Recher, Heinerich Kohler

1306.6396 (Thomas Faulkner et al.)

Charge transport by holographic Fermi surfaces    [PDF]

Thomas Faulkner, Nabil Iqbal, Hong Liu, John McGreevy, David Vegh

1306.6433 (Thomas Dahm et al.)

Changes in the self-energy and d-wave pairing strength with doping in
overdoped La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO4

Thomas Dahm, D. J. Scalapino

1306.6481 (V. A. Sidorov et al.)

Pressure phase diagram and quantum criticality of CePt2In7 single

V. A. Sidorov, Xin Lu, T. Park, Hanoh Lee, P. H. Tobash, R. E. Baumbach, F. Ronning, E. D. Bauer, J. D. Thompson

1306.6484 (J. Zhu et al.)

Superconductivity in Topological Insulator Sb2Te3 Induced by Pressure    [PDF]

J. Zhu, J. L. Zhang, P. P. Kong, S. J. Zhang, X. H. Yu, J. L. Zhu, Q. Q. Liu, X. Li, R. C. Yu, R. Ahuja, W. G. Yang, G. Y. Shen, H. K. Mao, H. M. Weng, X. Dai, Z. Fang, Y. S. Zhao, C. Q. Jin

1306.6488 (N. Qureshi et al.)

Stabilization of the multiferroic spin cycloid in Ni$_3$V$_2$O$_8$ by
light Co-doping

N. Qureshi, E. Ressouche, A. A. Mukhin, V. Yu. Ivanov, S. N. Barilo, V. Skumryev

1306.6563 (Julian Rincon et al.)

Quantum phase transition between one-channel and two-channel Kondo

Julian Rincon, Daniel J. Garcia, K. Hallberg, Matthias Vojta

1306.6571 (G. F. Bertsch et al.)

Time-dependent density functional theory for X-ray near-edge

G. F. Bertsch, A. Lee

1306.6614 (Bo Yang)

Analytic Wavefunctions for Neutral Bulk Excitations in Fractional
Quantum Hall Fluids

Bo Yang

1306.6622 (F. J. Burnell et al.)

Measuring fermion parity correlations and relaxation rates in 1D
topological superconducting wires

F. J. Burnell, Alexander Shnirman, Yuval Oreg

Thursday, June 27, 2013

1306.6075 (Andrea Allais et al.)

How to construct a gravitating quantum electron star    [PDF]

Andrea Allais, John McGreevy

1306.6080 (Armin Rahmani et al.)

Anyons in integer quantum Hall magnets    [PDF]

Armin Rahmani, Rodrigo A. Muniz, Ivar Martin

1306.6121 (Marco Tavora et al.)

Quench dynamics of one-dimensional bosons in a commensurate periodic
potential: A quantum kinetic equation approach

Marco Tavora, Aditi Mitra

1306.6154 (Gia-Wei Chern et al.)

Magnetic monopole polarons in spin ice with mixed coordination numbers    [PDF]

Gia-Wei Chern, Paula Mellado

1306.6315 (Christian Gramsch et al.)

Hamiltonian-based impurity solver for nonequilibrium dynamical
mean-field theory

Christian Gramsch, Karsten Balzer, Martin Eckstein, Marcus Kollar

1306.6320 (Nikolaos G. Diamantis et al.)

Flat histogram diagrammatic Monte Carlo method    [PDF]

Nikolaos G. Diamantis, Efstratios Manousakis

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

1306.5749 (Jeffrey G. Rau et al.)

Symmetry breaking via Kondo hybridization: Chiral nematic metal in

Jeffrey G. Rau, Hae-Young Kee

1306.5753 (Bela Bauer et al.)

Area laws in a many-body localized state and its implications for
topological order

Bela Bauer, Chetan Nayak

1306.5775 (Marcin Raczkowski et al.)

Spinon confinement: dynamics of weakly coupled Hubbard chains    [PDF]

Marcin Raczkowski, Fakher F. Assaad

1306.5792 (Richard A. Davison)

Momentum relaxation in holographic massive gravity    [PDF]

Richard A. Davison

1306.5828 (Pochung Chen et al.)

Entanglement entropy scaling of the XXZ chain    [PDF]

Pochung Chen, Zhi-long Xue, I. P. McCulloch, Ming-Chiang Chung, Miguel Cazalilla, S. -K. Yip

1306.5844 (P. Lemmens et al.)

Enhanced low energy fluctuations and increasing out-of-plane coherence
in vacancy ordered NaxCoO2

P. Lemmens, V. Gnezdilov, G. J. Shu, L. Alff, C. T. Lin, B. Keimer, F. C. Chou

1306.5945 (Igor V. Yurkevich)

Duality in multi-channel Luttinger Liquid with local scatterer    [PDF]

Igor V. Yurkevich

1306.5948 (P. Novak et al.)

Crystal field and magnetism of Pr$^{3+}$ and Nd$^{3+}$ ions in
orthorhombic perovskites

P. Novak, K. Knizek, M. Marysko, Z. Jirak, J. Kunes

1306.6067 (Shou-Shu Gong et al.)

Phase diagram of spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg model on honeycomb lattice    [PDF]

Shou-Shu Gong, D. N. Sheng, Olexei I. Motrunich, Matthew P. A. Fisher

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

1108.2362 (Y. Tokiwa et al.)

Quantum criticality near the upper critical field of Ce$_2$PdIn$_8$    [PDF]

Y. Tokiwa, P. Gegenwart, D. Gnida, D. Kaczorowski

1306.5231 (F. Manghi)

Multi-orbital Cluster Perturbation Theory for transition metal oxides    [PDF]

F. Manghi

1306.5244 (W. S. Oliveira et al.)

Mott-Anderson transition in the disordered charge transfer model    [PDF]

W. S. Oliveira, M. C. O. Aguiar, V. Dobrosavljevic

1306.5269 (D. D. Khalyavin et al.)

Change of magnetic ground state by light electron-doping in CeOs2Al10    [PDF]

D. D. Khalyavin, D. T. Adroja, P. Manuel, J. Kawabata, K. Umeo, T. Takabatake, A. M. Strydom

1306.5396 (Nicola A. Spaldin et al.)

The macroscopic monopolization in diagonal magnetoelectrics    [PDF]

Nicola A. Spaldin, Michael Fechner, Eric Bousquet, Alexander Balatsky, Lars Nordström

1306.5414 (T. Hishida et al.)

Empirical relationship between x-ray photoemission spectra and
electrical conductivity in a colossal magnetoresistive manganite

T. Hishida, K. Ohbayashi, M. Kobata, E. Ikenaga, T. Sugiyama, K. Kobayashi, M. Okawa, T. Saitoh

1306.5453 (A. McCollam et al.)

The Fermi volume as a probe of hidden order    [PDF]

A. McCollam, B. Andraka, S. R. Julian

1306.5498 (Chyh-Hong Chern)

Stueckelberg phase in cuprates    [PDF]

Chyh-Hong Chern

1306.5545 (M. Marciani et al.)

Leggett modes in iron-based superconductors as a probe of Time Reversal
Symmetry Breaking

M. Marciani, L. Fanfarillo, C. Castellani, L. Benfatto

1306.5551 (Norbert Schuch)

Condensed Matter Applications of Entanglement Theory    [PDF]

Norbert Schuch

1306.5563 (S W Lovesey et al.)

Melting of chiral order in terbium manganate (TbMnO3) observed with
resonant x-ray Bragg diffraction

S W Lovesey, V Scagnoli, M Garganourakis, S M Koohpayeh, C Detlefs, U Staub

1306.5570 (Kumar S. Gupta et al.)

Anomalies and Renormalization of Impure States in Quantum Theories    [PDF]

Kumar S. Gupta, Amilcar Queiroz

1306.5584 (Slobodan M. Radosevic et al.)

Magnon Energy Renormalization and Low-Temperature Thermodynamics of O(3)
Heisenberg Ferromagnets

Slobodan M. Radosevic, Milan R. Pantic, Milica V. Pavkov-Hrvojevic, Darko V. Kapor

1306.5664 (J. Jiang et al.)

Observation of in-gap surface states in the Kondo insulator SmB6 by

J. Jiang, S. Li, T. Zhang, Z. Sun, F. Chen, Z. R. Ye, M. Xu, Q. Q. Ge, S. Y. Tan, X. H. Niu, M. Xia, B. P. Xie, Y. F. Li, X. H. Chen, H. H. Wen, D. L. Feng

1306.5671 (Wei Li et al.)

Identifying Symmetry-Protected Topological Order by Entanglement Entropy    [PDF]

Wei Li, Andreas Weichselbaum, Jan von Delft

1306.5711 (Yirun Arthur Lee et al.)

Entanglement negativity and topological order    [PDF]

Yirun Arthur Lee, Guifre Vidal

1306.5733 (Matteo Sandri et al.)

Non-equilibrium dynamics in the antiferromagnetic Hubbard model    [PDF]

Matteo Sandri, Michele Fabrizio

Monday, June 24, 2013

1205.4647 (Costas Bachas et al.)

A worldsheet extension of O(d,d;Z)    [PDF]

Costas Bachas, Ilka Brunner, Daniel Roggenkamp

1306.4687 (Chia-Chen Chang et al.)

Discriminating antiferromagnetic signatures in ultracold fermions by
tunable geometric frustration

Chia-Chen Chang, Richard T. Scalettar, Elena V. Gorelik, Nils Blümer

1306.4990 (Claudio Castelnovo)

Negativity and topological order in the toric code    [PDF]

Claudio Castelnovo

1306.5020 (Shinji Watanabe et al.)

Robustness of quantum criticality of valence fluctuations    [PDF]

Shinji Watanabe, Kazumasa Miyake

1306.5174 (W. Jayasekara et al.)

Stripe Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations in SrCo$_{2}$As$_{2}$    [PDF]

W. Jayasekara, Y. Lee, Abhishek Pandey, G. S. Tucker, A. Sapkota, J. Lamsal, S. Calder, D. A. Abernathy, J. Niedziela, B. N. Harmon, A. Kreyssig, D. Vaknin, D. C. Johnston, A. I. Goldman, R. J. McQueeney

1306.5182 (Bayrammurad Saparov et al.)

Crystal, magnetic, and electronic structures, and properties of new
BaMnPnF (Pn = As, Sb, Bi)

Bayrammurad Saparov, David J. Singh, V. Ovidiu Garlea, Athena S. Sefat

1306.5188 (E. Lhotel et al.)

Magnetic properties of a family of quinternary oxalates    [PDF]

E. Lhotel, V. Simonet, J. Ortloff, B. Canals, C. Paulsen, E. Suard, T. Hansen, D. J. Price, P. T. Wood, A. K. Powell, R. Ballou

1306.5190 (A. N. Rudenko et al.)

Exchange interactions and frustrated magnetism in single-side
hydrogenated and fluorinated graphene

A. N. Rudenko, F. J. Keil, M. I. Katsnelson, A. I. Lichtenstein

1306.5221 (G. Li et al.)

Quantum oscillations in Kondo Insulator SmB$_6$    [PDF]

G. Li, Z. Xiang, F. Yu, T. Asaba, B. Lawson, P. Cai, C. Tinsman, A. Berkley, S. Wolgast, Y. S. Eo, Dae-Jeong Kim, C. Kurdak, J. W. Allen, K. Sun, X. H. Chen, Y. Y. Wang, Z. Fisk, Lu Li

1306.5222 (Abhishek Pandey et al.)

Crystallographic, Electronic, Thermal and Magnetic Properties of
Single-Crystal SrCo2As2

Abhishek Pandey, D. G. Quirinale, W. Jayasekara, A. Sapkota, M. G. Kim, R. S. Dhaka, Y. Lee, T. W. Heitmann, P. W. Stephens, V. Ogloblichev, A. Kreyssig, R. J. McQueeney, A. I. Goldman, Adam Kaminski, B. N. Harmon, Y. Furukawa, D. C. Johnston

Friday, June 21, 2013

1306.4678 (M. Mourigal et al.)

Fractional spinon excitations in the quantum Heisenberg
antiferromagnetic chain

M. Mourigal, M. Enderle, A. Klöpperpieper, J. -S. Caux, A. Stunault, H. M. Rønnow

1306.4716 (John F. Dobson et al.)

How many-body effects modify the van der Waals interaction between
graphene sheets

John F. Dobson, Tim Gould, Giovanni Vignale

1306.4730 (G. Chen et al.)

Magnetic orders, excitations, and phase transitions in Fe_1+yTe    [PDF]

G. Chen, S. Chio, L. Radzihovsky

1306.4751 (Monodeep Chakraborty et al.)

Interacting Froehlich and Holstein bipolarons    [PDF]

Monodeep Chakraborty, Masaki Tezuka, B. I. Min

1306.4763 (Myung-Hoon Chung)

Topological entanglement entropy in bilayer quantum Hall systems    [PDF]

Myung-Hoon Chung

1306.4765 (Louk Rademaker et al.)

Influence of long-range interactions on charge ordering phenomena on a
square lattice

Louk Rademaker, Yohanes Pramudya, Jan Zaanen, Vladimir Dobrosavljevic

1306.4771 (Isaac H. Kim)

An entropic topological invariant for a gapped one-dimensional system    [PDF]

Isaac H. Kim

1306.4946 (LvZhou Ye et al.)

Thermopower of few-electron quantum dots with Kondo correlations    [PDF]

LvZhou Ye, Dong Hou, Rulin Wang, Xiao Zheng, YiJing Yan

1306.4948 (John E. Coulter et al.)

Limitations of the hybrid functional approach to electronic structure of
transition metal oxides

John E. Coulter, Efstratios Manousakis, Adam Gali

1306.4950 (Z. -H. Pan et al.)

Persistent Coherence and Spin-Polarization of Topological Surface States
on Topological Insulators

Z. -H. Pan, E. Vescovo, A. V. Fedorov, G. D. Gu, T. Valla

1306.4976 (Daniel Varjas et al.)

Chiral Luttinger liquids and a generalized Luttinger's theorem in
fractional quantum Hall edges via finite-entanglement scaling

Daniel Varjas, Michael P. Zaletel, Joel E. Moore

Thursday, June 20, 2013

1306.4347 (Jan de Boer et al.)

Entanglement Entropy and Higher Spin Holography in AdS$_3$    [PDF]

Jan de Boer, Juan I. Jottar

1306.4377 (Hsueh-Hui Kuo et al.)

Measurement of the elastoresistivity coefficients of the underdoped
iron-arsenide Ba(Fe$_{0.975}$Co$_{0.025}$)$_2$As$_2$

Hsueh-Hui Kuo, Scott C. Riggs, Ian R. Fisher

1306.4444 (Cui Ding et al.)

(La1-xBax)(Zn1-xMnx)AsO: A Two Dimensional "1111" Diluted Magnetic
Semiconductor in Bulk Form

Cui Ding, Huiyuan Man, Chuan Qin, Jicai Lu, Yunlei Sun, Quan Wang, Biqiong Yu, Chunmu Feng, T. Goko, C. J. Arguello, L. Liu, B. J. Frandsen, Y. J. Uemura, Hangdong Wang, H. Luetkens, E. Morenzoni, W. Han, C. Q. Jin, T. Munsie, T. J. Williams, R. M. D'Ortenzio, T. Medina, G. M. Luke, T. Imai, F. L. Ning

1306.4459 (Jan Carl Budich et al.)

Equivalent topological invariants for 1D Majorana wires in symmetry
class D

Jan Carl Budich, Eddy Ardonne

1306.4556 (Klaas J. H. Giesbertz et al.)

Long-range interactions and the sign of natural amplitudes in
two-electron systems

Klaas J. H. Giesbertz, Robert van Leeuwen

1306.4565 (T. Timusk et al.)

Three-dimensional Dirac fermions in quasicrystals as seen via optical

T. Timusk, J. P. Carbotte, C. C. Homes, D. N. Basov, S. G. Sharapov

1306.4610 (A. G. Volosniev et al.)

Strongly-interacting fermions in one dimension and microscopic magnetism    [PDF]

A. G. Volosniev, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, M. Valiente, N. T. Zinner

1306.4634 (M. Neupane et al.)

Surface electronic structure of a topological Kondo insulator candidate
SmB6: insights from high-resolution ARPES

M. Neupane, N. Alidoust, S. -Y. Xu, T. Kondo, D. -J. Kim, Chang Liu, I. Belopolski, T. -R. Chang, H. -T. Jeng, T. Durakiewicz, L. Balicas, H. Lin, A. Bansil, S. Shin, Z. Fisk, M. Z. Hasan

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

1006.5823 (Oliver Buerschaper et al.)

Electric-magnetic duality of lattice systems with topological order    [PDF]

Oliver Buerschaper, Matthias Christandl, Liang Kong, Miguel Aguado

1108.3094 (J. A. Camargo et al.)

The modified Becke-Johnson potential analyzed    [PDF]

J. A. Camargo, R. Baquero

1306.3728 (J. -T. Hsiang et al.)

Entanglement Structure of an Open System of $N$ Quantum Oscillators: II.
Strong Disparate Couplings N=3

J. -T. Hsiang, Rong Zhou, B. L. Hu

1306.3992 (S. M. Kravec et al.)

A gauge theory generalization of the fermion-doubling theorem    [PDF]

S. M. Kravec, John McGreevy

1306.4001 (Hyeonjin Doh et al.)

Bifurcation of the Edge-State Width in the Two-Dimensional Topological

Hyeonjin Doh, Gun Sang Jeon

1306.4003 (J. I. Cirac et al.)

Robustness in Projected Entangled Pair States    [PDF]

J. I. Cirac, S. Michalakis, D. Perez-Garcia, N. Schuch

1306.4008 (Markus Legner et al.)

Relating the entanglement spectrum of noninteracting band insulators to
their quantum geometry and topology

Markus Legner, Titus Neupert

1306.4023 (Vieri Mastropietro)

Universality, exponents and anomaly cancellation in disordered Dirac

Vieri Mastropietro

1306.4105 (M. Monteverde et al.)

Evidence for the coexistence of Dirac and massive carriers in
a-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 under hydrostatic pressure

M. Monteverde, M. O. Goerbig, P. Auban-Senzier, F. Navarin, H. Henck, C. R. Pasquier, C. Mézière, P. Batail

1306.4123 (M. Atiqur R. Patoary et al.)

Momentum Dependent Local-Ansatz with Hybrid Wavefunction from Weak to
Strong Electron Correlations

M. Atiqur R. Patoary, Yoshiro Kakehashi

1306.4142 (K. J. H. Giesbertz et al.)

Natural occupation numbers: When do they vanish?    [PDF]

K. J. H. Giesbertz, R. van Leeuwen

1306.4170 (A. Blachowski et al.)

Magnetic anisotropy and lattice dynamics in FeAs studied by Mössbauer

A. Blachowski, K. Ruebenbauer, J. Zukrowski, Z. Bukowski

1306.4184 (Rong Yu et al.)

Orbital-selective superconductivity, gap anisotropy and spin resonance
excitations in a multiorbital t-J1-J2 model for iron pnictides

Rong Yu, Jian-Xin Zhu, Qimiao Si

1306.4212 (Andrea Zen et al.)

Optimized structure and vibrational properties by error affected
potential energy surfaces

Andrea Zen, Delyan Zhelyazov, Leonardo Guidoni

1306.4216 (D. Schmidiger et al.)

Spectrum of a magnetized strong-leg quantum spin ladder    [PDF]

D. Schmidiger, P. Bouillot, T. Guidi, R. Bewley, C. Kollath, T. Giamarchi, A. Zheludev

1306.4251 (Y. Tokiwa et al.)

Quantum bicriticality in the heavy-fermion metamagnet YbAgGe    [PDF]

Y. Tokiwa, M. Garst, P. Gegenwart, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield

1306.4254 (Anton Kapustin)

Ground-state degeneracy for abelian anyons in the presence of gapped

Anton Kapustin

1306.4267 (Hiroyuki Yamase et al.)

Electronic Raman scattering from orbital nematic fluctuations    [PDF]

Hiroyuki Yamase, Roland Zeyher

1306.4268 (Valentin Stanev et al.)

Complex state induced by impurities in multiband superconductors    [PDF]

Valentin Stanev, Alexei E. Koshelev

1306.4269 (L. Clark et al.)

Gapless spin liquid ground state in the S=1/2 vanadium oxyfluoride
kagome antiferromagnet [NH4]2[C7H14N][V7O6F18]

L. Clark, J. C. Orain, F. Bert, M. A. de Vries, F. H. Aidoudi, R. E. Morris, P. Lightfoot, J. S. Lord, M. T. F. Telling, P. Bonville, J. P. Attfield, 1 P. Mendels, A. Harrison

1306.4306 (Hyungwon Kim et al.)

Ballistic spreading of entanglement in a diffusive nonintegrable system    [PDF]

Hyungwon Kim, David A. Huse

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

1306.3516 (Y. F. Kung et al.)

Time-Dependent Charge and Spin Order Recovery in Striped Systems    [PDF]

Y. F. Kung, W. -S. Lee, C. -C. Chen, A. F. Kemper, A. P. Sorini, B. Moritz, T. P. Devereaux

1306.3537 (D. Kamburov et al.)

Anisotropic Fermi Contour of (001) GaAs Electrons in Parallel Magnetic

D. Kamburov, M. A. Mueed, M. Shayegan, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, K. W. Baldwin, J. J. D. Lee, R. Winkler

1306.3657 (Zhan Cao et al.)

Non-monotonic field dependence of Kondo conductance in a single-electron
transistor driven by microwave field

Zhan Cao, Chen Cheng, Fu-Zhou Chen, Hong-Gang Luo

1306.3662 (Rong-Qiang He et al.)

Quantum Renormalization Groups Based on Natural Orbitals    [PDF]

Rong-Qiang He, Zhong-Yi Lu

1306.3678 (N. Xu et al.)

Surface and Bulk Electronic Structure of the Strongly Correlated System
SmB$_{6}$ and Implications for a Topological Kondo Insulator

N. Xu, X. Shi, P. K. Biswas, C. E. Matt, R. S. Dhaka, Y. Huang, N. C. Plumb, M. Radovic, J. H. Dil, E. Pomjakushina, A. Amato, Z. Salman, D. McK. Paul, J. Mesot, H. Ding, M. Shi

1306.3695 (Peng Ye et al.)

Bosonic symmetry-protected topological phases with charge and spin
symmetries: response theory and dynamical gauge theory in 2D, 3D, and the
surface of 3D

Peng Ye, Juven Wang

1306.3702 (Olaf Krüger et al.)

Exact band structures for 1D superlattices beyond the tight-binding

Olaf Krüger, Alejandro Saenz

1306.3499 (Thiago Prudêncio et al.)

Coherent States, Superpositions of Coherent States and Uncertainty
Relations on a Möbius Strip

Thiago Prudêncio, Diego Julio Cirilo-Lombardo

1306.3720 (Regine Frank)

Population trapping and inversion in ultracold Fermi gases by excitation
of the optical lattice - Non-equilibrium Floquet-Keldysh description

Regine Frank

1306.3740 (Yi-Zhuang You et al.)

Two-Fluid Description for Iron-Based Superconductors    [PDF]

Yi-Zhuang You, Zheng-Yu Weng

1306.3849 (G. -Q. Hai 'and' L. K. Castelano)

Metastable electron-pair states in a two-dimensional crystal    [PDF]

G. -Q. Hai 'and' L. K. Castelano

1306.3854 (R. D. Johnson et al.)

MnSb2O6: A polar magnet with a chiral crystal structure    [PDF]

R. D. Johnson, K. Cao, L. C. Chapon, F. Fabrizi, N. Perks, P. Manuel, J. J. Yang, Y. S. Oh, S-W. Cheong, P. G. Radaelli

1306.3887 (S. A. Zvyagin et al.)

Unconventional spin dynamics in the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice
antiferromagnet Cs$_2$CuBr$_4$

S. A. Zvyagin, M. Ozerov, D. Kamenskyi, J. Wosnitza, M. Ikeda, T. Fujita, M. Hagiwara, J. Krzystek, R. Hu, H. Ryu, C. Petrovic

1306.3889 (Baris Öztop et al.)

Cavity-mediated near-critical dissipative dynamics of a driven

Baris Öztop, Manas Kulkarni, Hakan E. Türeci

1306.3900 (Denis Bernard et al.)

Time-reversal symmetry and fluctuation relations in non-equilibrium
quantum steady states

Denis Bernard, Benjamin Doyon

1306.3908 (K. Held et al.)

Poor Man's Understanding of Kinks Originating from Strong Electronic

K. Held, R. Peters, A. Toschi

1306.3931 (Viswanath Balakrishnan et al.)

Direct in-situ observation of structural transition driven actuation in
VO2 utilizing electron transparent cantilevers

Viswanath Balakrishnan, Shriram Ramanathan

1306.3941 (Ayan Mukhopadhyay et al.)

Phenomenological characterisation of semi-holographic non-Fermi liquids    [PDF]

Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Giuseppe Policastro

1306.3961 (A. Rebello et al.)

Transition from one-dimensional antiferromagnetism to three-dimensional
antiferromagnetic order in single-crystalline CuSb$_{2}$O$_{6}$

A. Rebello, M. G. Smith, J. J. Neumeier, B. D. White, Yi-Kuo Yu

Monday, June 17, 2013

1306.3224 (Sarah Harrison)

Landau Levels, Anisotropy and Holography    [PDF]

Sarah Harrison

1306.3223 (Chong Wang et al.)

Gapped Symmetry Preserving Surface-State for the Electron Topological

Chong Wang, Andrew C. Potter, T. Senthil

1306.3230 (Parsa Bonderson et al.)

A Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Phase at the Surface of a 3D
Topological Insulator

Parsa Bonderson, Chetan Nayak, Xiao-Liang Qi

1306.3238 (Chong Wang et al.)

Classification of interacting electronic topological insulators in three

Chong Wang, Andrew C. Potter, T. Senthil

1306.3250 (Xie Chen et al.)

Symmetry Enforced Non-Abelian Topological Order at the Surface of a
Topological Insulator

Xie Chen, Lukasz Fidkowski, Ashvin Vishwanath

1306.3258 (Thomas C. Lang et al.)

Dimerized Solids and Resonating Plaquette Order in SU(N)-Dirac Fermions    [PDF]

Thomas C. Lang, Zi Yang Meng, Alejandro Muramatsu, Stefan Wessel, Fakher F. Assaad

1306.3263 (Adolfo Avella et al.)

Emery vs. Hubbard model for cuprate superconductors: a Composite
Operator Method study

Adolfo Avella, Ferdinando Mancini, Francesco Paolo Mancini, Evgeny Plekhanov

1306.3268 (Gerardo Ortiz et al.)

Repulsive Interactions in Quantum Hall Systems as a Pairing Problem    [PDF]

Gerardo Ortiz, Zohar Nussinov, Jorge Dukelsky, Alexander Seidel

1306.3286 (Max A. Metlitski et al.)

A symmetry-respecting topologically-ordered surface phase of 3d electron
topological insulators

Max A. Metlitski, C. L. Kane, Matthew P. A. Fisher

1306.3333 (S. V. Streltsov)

Magnetic moment suppression in Ba3CoRu2O9: hybridization effect    [PDF]

S. V. Streltsov

1306.3344 (Yegor Korovin et al.)

Lifshitz from AdS at finite temperature and top down models    [PDF]

Yegor Korovin, Kostas Skenderis, Marika Taylor

1306.3382 (Sam T. Carr et al.)

Spinful fermionic ladders at incommensurate filling: Phase diagram,
local perturbations, and ionic potentials

Sam T. Carr, Boris N. Narozhny, Alexander A. Nersesyan

1306.3399 (F. A. Gómez Albarracín et al.)

Spin-phonon induced magnetic order in Kagome ice    [PDF]

F. A. Gómez Albarracín, D. C. Cabra, H. D. Rosales, G. L. Rossini

1306.3453 (Kalpataru Pradhan et al.)

Interfacial Magnetism in Manganite Superlattices    [PDF]

Kalpataru Pradhan, Arno P. Kampf

1306.3472 (Y. Tokiwa et al.)

Zero-field Quantum Critical Point in CeCoIn$_5$    [PDF]

Y. Tokiwa, P. Gegenwart, E. D. Bauer

Friday, June 14, 2013

1305.2176 (Jutho Haegeman et al.)

Elementary excitations in gapped quantum spin systems    [PDF]

Jutho Haegeman, Spyridon Michalakis, Bruno Nachtergaele, Tobias J. Osborne, Norbert Schuch, Frank Verstraete

1306.2640 (Alexandre Belin et al.)

Holographic Phases of Renyi Entropies    [PDF]

Alexandre Belin, Alexander Maloney, Shunji Matsuura

1306.2968 (S. Johnston et al.)

Determinant quantum Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional single-band
Hubbard-Holstein model

S. Johnston, E. A. Nowadnick, Y. F. Kung, B. Moritz, R. T. Scalettar, T. P. Devereaux

1306.2987 (Bianca Dittrich et al.)

Coarse graining of spin net models: dynamics of intertwiners    [PDF]

Bianca Dittrich, Mercedes Martín-Benito, Erik Schnetter

1306.3013 (Jian-Feng Li et al.)

Calculation of the staggered spin correlation in the framework of the
Dyson-Schwinger approach

Jian-Feng Li, Hong-Tao Feng, Yu Jiang, Wei-Min Sun, Hong-Shi Zong

1306.3086 (Lakhan Pal et al.)

Search of the half metallicity in the $Fe_{2-x}Co_xMnSi$ alloys    [PDF]

Lakhan Pal, K. G. Suresh, A. K. Nigam

1306.3124 (Jiří Minář et al.)

From antiferromagnetic order to magnetic textures in the two dimensional
Fermi Hubbard model with synthetic spin orbit interaction

Jiří Minář, Benoît Grémaud

Thursday, June 13, 2013

1306.2666 (Vincenzo Alba et al.)

Bethe ansatz description of edge-localization in the open-boundary XXZ
spin chain

Vincenzo Alba, Kush Saha, Masudul Haque

1306.2667 (G. Levy et al.)

Deconstruction of Resolution Effects in Angle-Resolved Photoemission    [PDF]

G. Levy, W. Nettke, B. M. Ludbrook, C. N. Veenstra, A. Damascelli

1306.2698 (Hsin-Hua Lai et al.)

Violation of Entanglement-Area Law in Bosonic Systems with Bose
Surfaces: Possible Application to Bose Metals

Hsin-Hua Lai, Kun Yang, N. E. Bonesteel

1306.2769 (Dheeraj Kumar Singh et al.)

Magnon self energy in the correlated ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model:
spin-charge coupling effects on magnon excitations in manganites

Dheeraj Kumar Singh, Avinash Singh

1306.2789 (Maciej Koch-Janusz et al.)

Exactly soluble lattice models for non-abelian states of matter in 2

Maciej Koch-Janusz, Michael Levin, Ady Stern

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

1008.1896 (M. Huijben et al.)

Defect engineering in oxide heterostructures by enhanced oxygen surface

M. Huijben, G. Koster, M. K. Kruize, S. Wenderich, J. Verbeeck, S. Bals, E. Slooten, B. Shi, H. J. A. Molegraaf, J. E. Kleibeuker, S. van Aert, J. B. Goedkoop, A. Brinkman, D. H. A. Blank, M. S. Golden, G. van Tendeloo, H. Hilgenkamp, G. Rijnders

1306.2352 (J. H. Pixley et al.)

Quantum criticality in the pseudo-gap Bose-Fermi Anderson and Kondo
models: Interplay between fermion- and boson-induced Kondo destruction

J. H. Pixley, Stefan Kirchner, Kevin Ingersent, Qimiao Si

1306.2379 (Parsa Bonderson et al.)

Twisted Interferometry    [PDF]

Parsa Bonderson, Lukasz Fidkowski, Michael Freedman, Kevin Walker

1306.2436 (Jiabin You et al.)

Topological quantum phase transitions in the spin-singlet superconductor
with Rashba and Dresselhaus (110) spin-orbit couplings

Jiabin You, A. H. Chan, C. H. Oh, Vlatko Vedral

1306.2444 (Zenji Hiroi et al.)

Spinodal Decomposition in the TiO2-VO2 System    [PDF]

Zenji Hiroi, Hiroaki Hayamizu, Toru Yoshida, Yuji Muraoka, Yoshihiko Okamoto, Jun-ichi Yamaura, Yutaka Ueda

1306.2447 (Atsushi Miyake et al.)

Interplay between Charge and Magnetic Ordering in YbPd    [PDF]

Atsushi Miyake, Kazuki Kasano, Tomoko Kagayama, Katsuya Shimizu, Ryo Takahashi, Yusuke Wakabayashi, Tsuyoshi Wakabayashi, Takao Ebihara

1306.2468 (C. A. Perroni et al.)

Single-parameter adiabatic charge pumping in carbon nanotube resonators    [PDF]

C. A. Perroni, A. Nocera, V. Cataudella

1306.2490 (P. Dey et al.)

Crossover from injection to tunneling conduction mode and associated
magneto-resistance in a single $Fe_{3}O_{4}$(111)/$Alq_{3}$/Co spin-valve

P. Dey, R. Rawat, S. R. Potdar, R. J. Choudhary, A. Banerjee

1306.2544 (V. V. Braguta et al.)

Interaction of static charges in graphene within Monte-Carlo simulation    [PDF]

V. V. Braguta, S. N. Valgushev, A. A. Nikolaev, M. I. Polikarpov, M. V. Ulybyshev

1306.2559 (Lewin Boehnke et al.)

Getting back to Na_xCoO_2: spectral and thermoelectric properties    [PDF]

Lewin Boehnke, Frank Lechermann

1306.2587 (C. S. Yadav et al.)

Effect of pressure cycling on Iron: Signatures of an electronic
instability and unconventional superconductivity

C. S. Yadav, G. Seyfarth, P. Pedrazzini, H. Wilhelm, R. Černý, D. Jaccard

1306.2603 (Ping-Hui Lin et al.)

Nature of the bad metallic behavior of Fe_{1.06}Te inferred from its
evolution in the magnetic state

Ping-Hui Lin, Y. Texier, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran, E. Giannini, M. Grioni, V. Brouet

1306.2611 (J. J. Quinn)

Permutation Group Symmetry and Correlations    [PDF]

J. J. Quinn

1306.2614 (G. Simutis et al.)

Spin pseudogap in Ni-doped SrCuO2    [PDF]

G. Simutis, S. Gvasaliya, M. Mansson, A. L. Chernyshev, A. Mohan, S. Singh, C. Hess, A. T. Savici, A. I. Kolesnikov, A. Piovano, T. Perring, I. Zaliznyak, B. Buchner, A. Zheludev

1306.2626 (B. L. Althuler et al.)

Localization at the Edge of 2D Topological Insulator by Kondo Impurities
with Random Anisotropies

B. L. Althuler, I. L. Aleiner, V. I. Yudson

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

1306.1863 (Ethan W. Brown et al.)

Exchange-correlation energy for the 3D homogeneous electron gas at
arbitrary temperature

Ethan W. Brown, Jonathan L. DuBois, Markus Holzmann, David M. Ceperley

1306.1880 (Hiroyasu Matsuura et al.)

Effect of Spin-Orbit Interaction on (4d)^3- and (5d)^3 -Based
Transition-Metal Oxides

Hiroyasu Matsuura, Kazumasa Miyake

1306.1892 (Dima Bolmatov et al.)

Symmetry breaking gives rise to three states of matter    [PDF]

Dima Bolmatov, Edvard T. Musaev, K. Trachenko

1306.1930 (Axel Cortes Cubero et al.)

Correlation Functions of the SU(infinity) Principal Chiral Model    [PDF]

Axel Cortes Cubero, Peter Orland

1306.1944 (Christoph P. Hofmann)

Systematic Effective Field Theory Analysis of the D=2+1 Quantum XY Model
at Low Temperatures

Christoph P. Hofmann

1306.2022 (Youhei Yamaji et al.)

Metallic Interface Emerging at Magnetic Domain Wall of Antiferromagnetic
Insulator---Fate of Extinct Weyl Electrons

Youhei Yamaji, Masatoshi Imada

1306.2031 (Z. Y. Zhao et al.)

Experimental observation of ferrielectricity in multiferroic DyMn2O5:
revisiting the electric polarization

Z. Y. Zhao, M. F. Liu, X. Li, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, S. Dong, J. -M. Liu

1306.2155 (L. Udby et al.)

Direct proof of unique magnetic and superconducting phases in
superoxygenated high-Tc cuprates

L. Udby, J. Larsen, N. B. Christensen, M. Boehm, Ch. Niedermayer, H. E. Mohottala, T. B. S. Jensen, R. Toft-Petersen, F. C. Chou, N. H. Andersen, K. Lefmann, B. O. Wells

1306.2162 (Philipp Hauke et al.)

Quantum simulation of a lattice Schwinger model in a chain of trapped

Philipp Hauke, David Marcos, Marcello Dalmonte, Peter Zoller

1306.2164 (Roman Orus)

A Practical Introduction to Tensor Networks: Matrix Product States and
Projected Entangled Pair States

Roman Orus

1306.2173 (Yu. N. Khaydukov et al.)

On the feasibility to study inverse proximity effect in a single S/F
bilayer by Polarized Neutron Reflectometry

Yu. N. Khaydukov, B. Nagy, J. -H. Kim, T. Keller, A. Rühm, Yu. V. Nikitenko, K. N. Zhernenkov, J. Stahn, L. Kiss, A. Csik, L. Bottyán, V. L. Aksenov

1306.2238 (J. L. Lado et al.)

Ab initio study of $Z_2$ topological phases in
$(\text{SrTiO}_3)_7/(\text{SrIrO}_3)_2$ and
$(\text{KTaO}_3)_7/(\text{KPtO}_3)_2$ multilayers

J. L. Lado, V. Pardo, D. Baldomir

1306.2269 (Sergey V. Dolgov et al.)

Computation of extreme eigenvalues in higher dimensions using block
tensor train format

Sergey V. Dolgov, Boris N. Khoromskij, Ivan V. Oseledets, Dmitry V. Savostyanov

1306.2272 (Oskar Vafek et al.)

Dirac Fermions in Solids - from High Tc cuprates and Graphene to
Topological Insulators and Weyl Semimetals

Oskar Vafek, Ashvin Vishwanath

Monday, June 10, 2013

1306.1532 (Ning Bao et al.)

Crystalline Scaling Geometries from Vortex Lattices    [PDF]

Ning Bao, Sarah Harrison

1306.1538 (Jeffrey C. Y. Teo et al.)

Unconventional Fusion and Braiding of Topological Defects in a Lattice

Jeffrey C. Y. Teo, Abhishek Roy, Xiao Chen

1306.1666 (Andreas Scholz et al.)

Plasmons and screening in a monolayer of MoS$_2$    [PDF]

Andreas Scholz, Tobias Stauber, John Schliemann

1306.1671 (D. Schmidiger et al.)

Symmetric and asymmetric excitations of a strong-leg quantum spin ladder    [PDF]

D. Schmidiger, P. Bouillot, G. Ehlers, S. Mühlbauer, A. M. Tsvelik, C. Kollath, T. Giamarchi, A. Zheludev

1306.1697 (Rong Yu et al.)

Orbital-dependent effects of electron correlations in microscopic models
for iron-based superconductors

Rong Yu, Jian-Xin Zhu, Qimiao Si

1306.1747 (Joonbum Park et al.)

Spin-Chiral Bulk Fermi Surfaces of BiTeI Proven by Quantum Oscillations    [PDF]

Joonbum Park, E. Kampert, Kyung-Hwan Jin, Man Jin Eom, Jongmok Ok, E. S. Choi, F. Wolff-Fabris, K. D. Lee, N. Hur, J. -S Rhyee, Y. J. Jo, Seung-Hoon Jhi, Jun Sung Kim

1306.1762 (O. Young et al.)

Highly frustrated magnetism in SrHo2O4: Coexistence of two types of
short-range order

O. Young, A. R. Wildes, P. Manuel, B. Ouladdiaf, D. D. Khalyavin, G. Balakrishnan, O. A. Petrenko

Friday, June 7, 2013

1306.1231 (M. Mourigal et al.)

Dynamical structure factor of triangular-lattice antiferromagnet    [PDF]

M. Mourigal, W. T. Fuhrman, A. L. Chernyshev, M. E. Zhitomirsky

1306.1234 (S. A. Parameswaran et al.)

Probing the chiral anomaly with nonlocal transport in Weyl semimetals    [PDF]

S. A. Parameswaran, T. Grover, D. A. Abanin, D. A. Pesin, A. Vishwanath

1306.1249 (Denis D. Sheka et al.)

Equilibrium states of soft magnetic hemispherical shell    [PDF]

Denis D. Sheka, Volodymyr P. Kravchuk, Mykola I. Sloika, Yuri Gaididei

1306.1352 (L. Baldassarre et al.)

Electrodynamics of BaFe2As2 from infrared measurements under pressure    [PDF]

L. Baldassarre, A. Perucchi, P. Postorino, S. Lupi, C. Marini, L. Malavasi, J. Jiang, J. D. Weiss, E. E. Hellstrom, I. Pallecchi, P. Dore

1306.1370 (Young Sun et al.)

Giant exchange bias in a single-phase magnet with two magnetic

Young Sun, Junzhuang Cong, Yisheng Chai, Liqin Yan, Yuelei Zhao, Shouguo Wang, Wei Ning, Yuheng Zhang

1306.1413 (L. Bovo et al.)

Determination of the Entropy via Measurement of the Magnetization:
Application to the Spin ice Dy2Ti2O7

L. Bovo, S. T. Bramwell

1306.1434 (Takahiro Misawa et al.)

Origin of High-Tc Superconductivity in the Doped Hubbard Model and Its

Takahiro Misawa, Masatoshi Imada

1306.1441 (Gabriel Mazzucchi et al.)

Semimetal-superfluid quantum phase transitions in 2D and 3D lattices
with Dirac points

Gabriel Mazzucchi, Luca Lepori, Andrea Trombettoni

1306.1494 (A. Rastogi et al.)

Coulomb correlations and enhanced thermopower in δ-doped
LaAlO3-SrTiO3 interface

A. Rastogi, J. J. Pulikkotil, Z. Hossain, D. Kumar, R. C. Budhani

1306.1512 (T. Lanting et al.)

Flux noise in SQUIDs: Evidence for temperature dependent spin-diffusion    [PDF]

T. Lanting, M. H. Amin, A. J. Berkley, C. Rich, S. -F. Chen, S. LaForest, Rogerio de Sousa

1306.1517 (Jia-Rui Sun et al.)

Mimic the optical conductivity in disordered solids via gauge/gravity

Jia-Rui Sun, Shang-Yu Wu, Hai-Qing Zhang

1306.1528 (Evelyn Tang et al.)

Superconductivity with intrinsic topological order induced by pure
Coulomb interaction and time-reversal symmetry breaking

Evelyn Tang, Xiao-Gang Wen

Thursday, June 6, 2013

1306.0716 (Martin Kliesch et al.)

Lieb-Robinson bounds and the simulation of time evolution of local
observables in lattice systems

Martin Kliesch, Christian Gogolin, Jens Eisert

1306.0916 (You Zhou et al.)

GaN / VO2 heteroepitaxial p-n junctions: Band offset and minority
carrier dynamics

You Zhou, Shriram Ramanathan

1306.0998 (Gyungchoon Go et al.)

Defects in Topological Three-bands    [PDF]

Gyungchoon Go, Kyeong Tae Kang, Jung Hoon Han

1306.1002 (Andreas Rüegg et al.)

Strain effects on topological phases in (LaNiO_3)_2/(LaAlO_3)_N
heterostructures grown along the [111] direction

Andreas Rüegg, Chandrima Mitra, Gregory A. Fiete

1306.1030 (F. Capitani et al.)

A combined experimental and computational study of the pressure
dependence of the vibrational spectrum of solid picene C_22H_14

F. Capitani, M. Hoeppner, B. Joseph, L. Malavasi, G. A. Artioli, L. Baldassarre, A. Perucchi, M. Piccinini, S. Lupi, P. Dore, L. Boeri, P. Postorino

1306.1044 (Giuseppe Della Valle et al.)

Field-induced ferromagnetism in one-dimensional tight-binding lattices    [PDF]

Giuseppe Della Valle, Stefano Longhi

1306.1074 (Martin Nuss et al.)

Ab-initio effective model for electronic properties of the quasi
one-dimensional purple bronze Li0.9Mo6O17

Martin Nuss, Markus Aichhorn

1306.1108 (E. G. Galkina et al.)

Inertial longitudinal magnetization reversal for non-Heisenberg

E. G. Galkina, V. I. Butrim, Yu. A. Fridman, B. A. Ivanov, F. Nori

1306.1125 (Rafael M. Fernandes et al.)

Nematicity as a probe of superconducting pairing in iron-based

Rafael M. Fernandes, Andrew J. Millis

1306.1145 (Giacomo Dolcetto et al.)

Coulomb blockade microscopy of spin density oscillations and fractional
charge in quantum spin Hall dots

Giacomo Dolcetto, Niccolò Traverso Ziani, Matteo Biggio, Fabio Cavaliere, Maura Sassetti

1306.1165 (Ali Ashrafi et al.)

Theory of a chiral Fermi liquid: general formalism    [PDF]

Ali Ashrafi, Emmanuel I. Rashba, Dmitrii L. Maslov

1306.1186 (Junya Otsuki et al.)

Dynamical mean-field theory for quantum spin systems: Test of solutions
for magnetically ordered states

Junya Otsuki, Yoshio Kuramoto

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1306.0021 (Ana C. Ribeiro Teixeira et al.)

Glassy behavior of two-dimensional stripe-forming systems    [PDF]

Ana C. Ribeiro Teixeira, Daniel A. Stariolo, Daniel G. Barci

1306.0032 (R. Sakuma)

Symmetry-adapted Wannier functions in the maximal localization procedure    [PDF]

R. Sakuma

1306.0223 (D. T. Adroja et al.)

Competing 4f-electron dynamics in Ce(Ru1-xFex)2Al10 (x=0 to 1): magnetic
ordering emerging from the Kondo semiconducting state

D. T. Adroja, A. D. Hillier, Y. Muro, J. Kajino, T. Takabatake, P. Peratheepan, A. M. Strydom, P. P. Deen, F. Demmel, J. R. Stewart, J. W. Taylor, R. I. Smith, S. Ramos, M. A. Adams

1306.0307 (Naoto Tsuji et al.)

Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory based on weak-coupling
perturbation expansions: Application to dynamical symmetry breaking in the
Hubbard model

Naoto Tsuji, Philipp Werner

1306.0354 (Kazuma Nakamura et al.)

Ab initio GW calculation for organic compounds (TMTSF)2PF6    [PDF]

Kazuma Nakamura, Shiro Sakai, Ryotaro Arita, Kazuhiko Kuroki

1306.0422 (Marco Beria et al.)

Quantum statistics-induced flow patterns in driven ideal Fermi gases    [PDF]

Marco Beria, Yasir Iqbal, Massimiliano Di Ventra, Markus Müller

1306.0430 (Hamed Saberi)

Genuine fidelity gaps associated with a sequential decomposition of
genuinely entangling isometry and unitary operations

Hamed Saberi

1306.0487 (Taras Verkholyak et al.)

Exact solution for quantum spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg orthogonal-dimer
chain with the Heisenberg intra-dimer and Ising inter-dimer interactions

Taras Verkholyak, Jozef Strecka

1306.0492 (Sayantan Choudhury et al.)

Thermodynamics of Charged Kalb Ramond AdS black hole in presence of
Gauss-Bonnet coupling

Sayantan Choudhury, Soumitra SenGupta

1306.0513 (J. -Q. Yan et al.)

Dy-V magnetic interaction and local structure bias on the complex spin
and orbital ordering in Dy$_{1-x}$Tb$_{x}$VO$_3$ (x\,=\,0 and 0.2)

J. -Q. Yan, H. B. Cao, M. A. McGuire, Y. Ren. B. C. Sales, D. G. Mandrus

1306.0521 (R. M. Fernandes et al.)

Scaling between magnetic and lattice fluctuations in iron-pnictide

R. M. Fernandes, A. E. Böhmer, C. Meingast, J. Schmalian

1306.0600 (Christoph P. Hofmann)

Thermodynamics of Ferromagnetic Spin Chains in a Magnetic Field: Impact
of the Spin-Wave Interaction

Christoph P. Hofmann

1306.0638 (Dam Thanh Son)

Newton-Cartan Geometry and the Quantum Hall Effect    [PDF]

Dam Thanh Son

1306.0653 (M. I. Ryzhkin et al.)

Dynamic susceptibility and dynamic correlations in spin ice    [PDF]

M. I. Ryzhkin, I. A. Ryzhkin, S. T. Bramwell

1306.0658 (S. Longhi et al.)

Tamm-Hubbard surface states in the continuum    [PDF]

S. Longhi, G. Della Valle

1306.0669 (Anindya Biswas et al.)

Shared Purity of Multipartite Quantum States    [PDF]

Anindya Biswas, Aditi Sen De, Ujjwal Sen

1306.0678 (S. Longhi et al.)

Low-energy doublons in the ac-driven two-species Hubbard model    [PDF]

S. Longhi, G. Della Valle

1306.0713 (Heung-Sik Kim et al.)

Effect of charge doping on the electronic structure, orbital
polarization, and structural distortion in nickelate superlattice

Heung-Sik Kim, Myung Joon Han

1306.0726 (B. Fisher et al.)

Inter-grain tunneling in the half-metallic double-perovskites
Sr$_2$BB'O$_6$ (BB'-- FeMo, FeRe, CrMo, CrW, CrRe

B. Fisher, J. Genossar, K. B. Chashka, L. Patlagan, G. M. Reisner

1306.0759 (A. J. Princep et al.)

Crystal field states in a Quantum Spin Ice]{Crystal field states of
Pr$^{3+}$ in the candidate quantum spin ice Pr$_{2}$Sn$_{2}$O$_{7}$

A. J. Princep, D. Prabhakaran, A. T. Boothroyd, D. T. Adroja

1306.0791 (Wojciech Brzezicki et al.)

Symmetry properties and spectra of the two-dimensional quantum compass

Wojciech Brzezicki, Andrzej M. Oleś

1306.0840 (Prasenjit Dutt et al.)

Strongly-Correlated Thermoelectric Transport beyond Linear Response    [PDF]

Prasenjit Dutt, Karyn Le Hur

1306.0841 (J. Fujii et al.)

Identifying the electronic character and role of the Mn states in the
valence band of (Ga,Mn)As

J. Fujii, B. R. Salles, M. Sperl, S. Ueda, M. Kobata, K. Kobayashi, Y. Yamashita, P. Torelli, M. Utz, C. S. Fadley, A. X. Gray, J. Minar, J. Braun, H. Ebert, I. Di Marco, O. Eriksson, P. Thunström, G. H. Fecher, S. Ouardi, H. Stryhanyuk, E. Ikenaga, C. H. Back, G. van der Laan, G. Panaccione

Monday, June 3, 2013

1305.7244 (Hong Liu et al.)

Entanglement Tsunami: Universal Scaling in Holographic Thermalization    [PDF]

Hong Liu, S. Josephine Suh

1305.7258 (Xiao Lin et al.)

Suppression of ferromagnetism in the LaVxCr1-xGe3 system    [PDF]

Xiao Lin, Valentin Taufour, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Paul C. Canfield

1305.7275 (Cedric Weber et al.)

Phase Diagram of a Three Orbital Model for the high-T$_c$ cuprates    [PDF]

Cedric Weber, Thierry Giamarchi, Chandra M. Varma

1305.7295 (Yan He et al.)

Non-topological Anomalous Hall Effect in States with zero Magnetic
Moment per unit-cell

Yan He, P. A. Lee, C. M. Varma

1305.7298 (T. Kaneko et al.)

Exact-diagonalization study of exciton condensation in electron bilayers    [PDF]

T. Kaneko, S. Ejima, H. Fehske, Y. Ohta

1305.7320 (Balázs Dóra et al.)

Coupling, merging, and splitting Dirac points by electron-electron

Balázs Dóra, Igor F. Herbut, Roderich Moessner

1305.7368 (Harald O. Jeschke et al.)

Why MgFeGe is not a superconductor    [PDF]

Harald O. Jeschke, I. I. Mazin, Roser Valenti

1305.7392 (Gabriel Autès et al.)

Engineering Quantum Spin Hall Effect in Graphene Nanoribbons via Edge

Gabriel Autès, Oleg V. Yazyev

1305.7433 (François Crépin et al.)

Parity measurement in topological Josephson junctions    [PDF]

François Crépin, Björn Trauzettel

1305.7469 (Masatoshi Sato et al.)

Mirror Majorana zero modes in spinful superconductors/superfluids
-Non-Abelian braiding of integer quantum vortices-

Masatoshi Sato, Ai Yamakage, Takeshi Mizushima

1305.7481 (Jordan Bieder et al.)

Thermodynamics of the α-γ transition in Cerium from first

Jordan Bieder, Bernard Amadon

1305.7503 (A. M. Milinda Abeykoon et al.)

Evidence for Fluctuating Charge Stripes far above the Charge-Ordering
Transition in La$_{1.67}$ Sr$_{0.33}$ NiO$_{4}$

A. M. Milinda Abeykoon, Emil S. Božin, Wei-Guo Yin, Genda Gu, John P. Hill, John M. Tranquada, Simon J. L. Billinge