Friday, December 21, 2012

1212.4839 (Norman Y. Yao et al.)

Realizing Fractional Chern Insulators with Dipolar Spins    [PDF]

Norman Y. Yao, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Chris R. Laumann, Andreas M. Läuchli, Jun Ye, Mikhail D. Lukin

1212.4845 (Z. -H. Zhu et al.)

Layer-by-layer entangled spin-orbital texture of the topological surface
state in Bi2Se3

Z. -H. Zhu, C. N. Veenstra, G. Levy, A. Ubaldini, P. Syers, N. P. Butch, J. Paglione, M. W. Haverkort, I. S. Elfimov, A. Damascelli

1212.4863 (Juven Wang et al.)

Boundary Degeneracy of Topological Order    [PDF]

Juven Wang, Xiao-Gang Wen

1212.4878 (Axel Euverte et al.)

Magnetic transition in a correlated band insulator    [PDF]

Axel Euverte, Simone Chiesa, Richard . T. Scalettar, George G. Batrouni

1212.4883 (Hiroyuki Yamase)

Mean-field theory on a coupled system of ferromagnetism and electronic
nematic order

Hiroyuki Yamase

1212.4937 (Shinji Kawasaki et al.)

The Mott State and Superconductivity in Face-Centred Cubic Structured
Cs3C60: A 133Cs-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study under Pressure

Shinji Kawasaki, Junji Fukui, Takeshi Motoyama, Yuta Suzuki, Seiji Shibasaki, Guo-qing Zheng

1212.4946 (Zhongkai Liu et al.)

Measurement of Coherent Polarons in the Strongly Coupled
Antiferromagnetically Ordered Iron-Chalcogenide Fe1.02Te using Angle-Resolved
Photoemission Spectroscopy

Zhongkai Liu, Ruihua He, Donghui Lu, Ming Yi, Yulin Chen, Makoto Hashimoto, Robert G. Moore, Sung-Kwan Mo, Elizabeth A. Nowadnick, Jin Hu, Tijiang Liu, Zhiqiang Mao, Thomas P. Devereaux, Zahid Hussain, Zhi-Xun Shen

1212.4952 (Kenichi Kasamatsu et al.)

Local Gauge Symmetry and its Breaking as Higgs Couplings in Atomic
Quantum Simulation of Dynamical Gauge Fields

Kenichi Kasamatsu, Ikuo Ichinose, Tetsuo Matsui

1212.4954 (Shingo Yonezawa et al.)

First-Order Superconducting Transition of Sr2RuO4    [PDF]

Shingo Yonezawa, Tomohiro Kajikawa, Yoshiteru Maeno

1212.4974 (E. A. Mazur et al.)

Phonon origin of high Tc in Superconducting cuprates    [PDF]

E. A. Mazur, Yu. Kagan

1212.4980 (M. Greger et al.)

Isosbestic Points: Theory and Applications    [PDF]

M. Greger, M. Kollar, D. Vollhardt

1212.4983 (S. N. Artemenko et al.)

Photogalvanic effects in topological insulators    [PDF]

S. N. Artemenko, V. O. Kaladzhyan

1212.4997 (M. T. Borowiec et al.)

Magnetic properties of the RbNd(WO4)2 single crystal    [PDF]

M. T. Borowiec, E. Zubov, T. Zayarnyuk, M. Barański

1212.5007 (M. Höck et al.)

Numerical Renormalization Group calculations of the magnetization of
isotropic and anisotropic Kondo impurities

M. Höck, J. Schnack

1212.5087 (G. Prando et al.)

Common effect of chemical and external pressures on the magnetic
properties of RECoPO (RE = La, Pr)

G. Prando, P. Bonfà, G. Profeta, R. Khasanov, F. Bernardini, M. Mazzani, E. M. Brüning, A. Pal, V. P. S. Awana, H. -J. Grafe, B. Büchner, R. De Renzi, P. Carretta, S. Sanna

1212.5121 (Xiao-Gang Wen)

Modular transformation and bosonic/fermionic topological orders in
Abelian fractional quantum Hall states

Xiao-Gang Wen

1212.5164 (Can-Li Song et al.)

Pairing insights in iron-based superconductors from scanning tunneling

Can-Li Song, Jennifer E. Hoffman

1212.5179 (Maksym Serbyn et al.)

Overscreened Kondo fixed point in S=1 spin liquid    [PDF]

Maksym Serbyn, T. Senthil, Patrick A. Lee

1212.5191 (Vipin Kerala Varma et al.)

Spin wave theory for interacting hardcore bosons on cubic lattices: a
comparative study

Vipin Kerala Varma, Hartmut Monien

1212.5200 (Sam Genway et al.)

Dynamical Phases in the Full Counting Statistics of the Resonant-Level

Sam Genway, James M. Hickey, Juan P. Garrahan, Andrew D. Armour

1212.5218 (Satoshi Okamoto)

Global phase diagram of a doped Kitaev-Heisenberg model    [PDF]

Satoshi Okamoto