Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1111.0411 (Lan Meng et al.)

Single-layer behavior and slow carrier density dynamic of twisted
graphene bilayer

Lan Meng, Yanfeng Zhang, Wei Yan, Lei Feng, Lin He, Rui-Fen Dou, Jia-Cai Nie

1201.1400 (A. R. Davenport et al.)

Mobile small bipolarons on a three-dimensional cubic lattice    [PDF]

A. R. Davenport, J. P. Hague, P. E. Kornilovitch

1206.5814 (Robert Schaffer et al.)

Quantum Phase Transition in Heisenberg-Kitaev Model    [PDF]

Robert Schaffer, Subhro Bhattacharjee, Yong Baek Kim

1206.5834 (Y. Alhassid)

Thermal signatures of pairing correlations in nuclei and nano-scale
metallic grains

Y. Alhassid

1206.5836 (M. Ahsan Zeb et al.)

Interplay between spin-orbit coupling and Hubbard interaction in
orthorhombic perovskite oxides

M. Ahsan Zeb, Hae-Young Kee

1206.5844 (Bernd Braunecker et al.)

Magnetic-field switchable metal-insulator transitions in a quasi-helical

Bernd Braunecker, Anders Ström, G. I. Japaridze

1206.5905 (A. D. Hillier et al.)

Non-unitary triplet pairing in the centrosymmetric superconductor

A. D. Hillier, J. Quintanilla, B. Mazidian, J. F. Annett, R. Cywinski

1206.5944 (Sudhansu S. Mandal et al.)

Correlated pair-amplitude fluctuations in disordered BCS superconductors    [PDF]

Sudhansu S. Mandal, Sanjib Ghosh

1206.5962 (C. Di Castro et al.)

Luttinger liquid, singular interaction and quantum criticality in
cuprate materials

C. Di Castro, S. Caprara

1206.5985 (Andreas Hackl et al.)

Reply to Comment on "Zeeman-Driven Lifshitz Transition: A Model for the
Experimentally Observed Fermi-Surface Reconstruction in YbRh2Si2"

Andreas Hackl, Matthias Vojta

1206.6059 (Y. Alhassid et al.)

The coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in nano-scale
metallic grains

Y. Alhassid, K. N. Nesterov, S. Schmidt

1206.6069 (Maciej Misiorny et al.)

Temperature dependence of electronic transport through molecular magnets
in the Kondo regime

Maciej Misiorny, Ireneusz Weymann, Józef Barnaś