Tuesday, April 17, 2012

1110.1799 (A-Hai Chen et al.)

Pure Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in optical lattices    [PDF]

A-Hai Chen, Gao Xianlong

1110.2495 (Tamas A. Toth et al.)

Competition between two- and three-sublattice ordering for S=1 spins on
the square lattice

Tamas A. Toth, Andreas M. Laeuchli, Frederic Mila, Karlo Penc

1111.6347 (Hiroshi Shinaoka et al.)

Noncollinear magnetism and spin-orbit coupling in 5d pyrochlore oxide

Hiroshi Shinaoka, Takashi Miyake, Shoji Ishibashi

1112.3671 (Nabil Iqbal et al.)

Luttinger's theorem, superfluid vortices, and holography    [PDF]

Nabil Iqbal, Hong Liu

1201.3757 (Barbara M. Terhal et al.)

From Majorana Fermions to Topological Order    [PDF]

Barbara M. Terhal, Fabian Hassler, David P. DiVincenzo

1204.3101 (Y. Lysogorskiy et al.)

Ab-initio studying of spin states of sodium cobaltate Na$_{2/3}$CoO$_2$    [PDF]

Y. Lysogorskiy, O. Nedopekin, S. Krivenko, D. Tayurskii, B. Minisini

1204.3149 (Zhong Wang et al.)

Correlated topological superconductors and topological phase transitions
via Green's function

Zhong Wang, Shou-Cheng Zhang

1204.3195 (A. Fabricio Albuquerque et al.)

Coexistence of long-range and algebraic correlations for short-range
valence-bond wave functions in three dimensions

A. Fabricio Albuquerque, Fabien Alet, Roderich Moessner

1204.3207 (Nenad Vukmirovic et al.)

Electron(hole)-phonon coupling in crystalline organic semiconductors: a
microscopic evidence for non-polaronic charge carriers

Nenad Vukmirovic, C. Bruder, Vladimir M. Stojanovic

1204.3219 (G. H. Bach et al.)

Optical conductivity for a dimer in the Dynamic Hubbard model    [PDF]

G. H. Bach, F. Marsiglio

1204.3291 (Enzo Granato)

Zero-temperature transition and correlation-length exponent of the
frustrated XY model on a honeycomb lattice

Enzo Granato

1204.3324 (Hong-Chen Jiang et al.)

Pair Superfluid and Supersolid of Correlated Hard-Core Bosons on a
Triangular Lattice

Hong-Chen Jiang, Liang Fu, Cenke Xu

1204.3406 (Néstor E. Massa et al.)

Collective Phase-like Mode and the Role of Lattice Distortions at TN~TC
in RMn2O5 (R= Pr, Sm, Gd, Tb, Bi)

Néstor E. Massa, Ali F. García-Flores, Domingos De Sousa Meneses, Leire del Campo, Patrick Echegut, Gilberto F. L. Fabbris, María Jesús Martínez-Lope, José Antonio Alonso

1204.3425 (Topi Siro et al.)

Exact diagonalization of the Hubbard model on graphics processing units    [PDF]

Topi Siro, Ari Harju

1204.3440 (S. Y. Zhou et al.)

Evidence for nodeless superconducting gap in NaFe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$As from
low-temperature thermal conductivity measurements

S. Y. Zhou, X. C. Hong, X. Qiu, B. Y. Pan, Z. Zhang, X. L. Li, W. N. Dong, A. F. Wang, X. G. Luo, X. H. Chen, S. Y. Li

1204.3474 (Xin Yan et al.)

Phase Diagrams, Distinct Conformal Anomalies and Thermodynamics of
Spin-1 Bond-Alternating Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chain in Magnetic Fields

Xin Yan, Wei Li, Yang Zhao, Shi-Ju Ran, Gang Su

1204.3480 (O. M. Vyaselev et al.)

Staggered Spin Order of Localized pi-electrons in the Insulating State
of the Organic Conductor kappa-BETS)2Mn[N(CN)2]3

O. M. Vyaselev, M. V. Kartsovnik, N. D. Kushch, E. B. Yagubskii

1204.3517 (Yaacov E. Kraus et al.)

Topological Equivalence Between The Fibonacci Quasicrystal and The
Harper Model

Yaacov E. Kraus, Oded Zilberberg

1204.3522 (A. F. Wang et al.)

Phase Diagram and Calorimetric Properties of NaFe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$As    [PDF]

A. F. Wang, X. G. Luo, Y. J. Yan, J. J. Ying, Z. J. Xiang, G. J. Ye, P. Cheng, Z. Y. Li, W. J. Hu, X. H. Chen

1204.3591 (H. K. Pal et al.)

Resistivity of non-Galilean-invariant Fermi- and non-Fermi liquids    [PDF]

H. K. Pal, V. I. Yudson, D. L. Maslov

1204.3597 (T. Adams et al.)

Long wavelength helimagnetic order and skyrmion lattice phase in

T. Adams, A. Chacon, M. Wagner, A. Bauer, G. Brandl, B. Pedersen, H. Berger, P. Lemmens, C. Pfleiderer