Wednesday, March 6, 2013

1303.0893 (Qiang Zhang et al.)

Magnetoelastic coupling and charge correlation lengths in a twin domain
of Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ ($x=0.047$): A high-resolution X-ray
diffraction study

Qiang Zhang, Wenjie Wang, Jong-Woo Kim, Benjamin Hansen, Ni Ni, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Paul C. Canfield, Robert J. McQueeney, David Vaknin
The interplay between structure, magnetism and superconductivity in single crystal Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ (x=0.047) has been studied using high-resolution X-ray diffraction by monitoring charge Bragg reflections in each twin domain separately. The emergence of the superconducting state is correlated with the suppression of the orthorhombic distortion around \emph{T}$_\texttt{C}$, exhibiting competition between orthorhombicity and superconductivity. Above \emph{T}$_\texttt{S}$, the in-plane charge correlation length increases with the decrease of temperature, possibly induced by nematic fluctuations in the paramagnetic tetragonal phase. Upon cooling, anomalies in the in-plane charge correlation lengths along $a$ ($\xi_{a}$) and $b$ axes ($\xi_{b}$) are observed at \emph{T}$_\texttt{S}$ and also at \emph{T}$_\texttt{N}$ indicative of strong magnetoelastic coupling. The in-plane charge correlation lengths are found to exhibit anisotropic behavior along and perpendicular to the in-plane component of stripe-type AFM wave vector (101)$_{\rm O}$ below around \emph{T}$_\texttt{N}$. The temperature dependence of the out-of-plane charge correlation length shows a single anomaly at \emph{T}$_\texttt{N}$, reflecting the connection between Fe-As distance and Fe local moment. The origin of the anisotropic in-plane charge correlation lengths $\xi_{a}$ and $\xi_{b}$ is discussed on the basis of the antiphase magnetic domains and their dynamic fluctuations.
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