Thursday, July 26, 2012

0902.2530 (G. I. Japaridze et al.)

Magnetic phase diagram of the dimerized spin $S=1/2$ ladder    [PDF]

G. I. Japaridze, S. Mahdavifar
The ground-state magnetic phase diagram of a spin $S=1/2$ two-leg ladder with alternating rung exchange $J_{\perp}(n)=J_{\perp}[1 + (-1)^{n} \delta]$ is studied using the analytical and numerical approaches. In the limit where the rung exchange is dominant, we have mapped the model onto the effective quantum sine-Gordon model with topological term and identified two quantum phase transitions at magnetization equal to the half of saturation value from a gapped to the gapless regime. These quantum transitions belong to the universality class of the commensurate-incommensurate phase transition. We have also shown that the magnetization curve of the system exhibits a plateau at magnetization equal to the half of the saturation value. We also present a detailed numerical analysis of the low energy excitation spectrum and the ground state magnetic phase diagram of the ladder with rung-exchange alternation using Lanczos method of numerical diagonalizations for ladders with number of sites up to N=28. We have calculated numerically the magnetic field dependence of the low-energy excitation spectrum, magnetization and the on-rung spin-spin correlation function. We have also calculated the width of the magnetization plateau and show that it scales as $\delta^{\nu}$, where critical exponent varies from $\nu =0.87\pm0.01$ in the case of a ladder with isotropic antiferromagnetic legs to $\nu =1.82\pm0.01 $ in the case of ladder with ferromagnetic legs. Obtained numerical results are in an complete agreement with estimations made within the continuum-limit approach.
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